Public Houses of Reigate, Past and Present

(This page is a joint effort by Alan Moore and Richard Symonds )

Below are listed all the known public houses, past and present, in Reigate with pictures and information


Explanatory notes:

Included in the details of some of the pubs below are the results of research by Richard Symonds relating to documents from previous centuries. These contain words unfamiliar to many of us not used to studying such documents. It is hoped that the explanations here will be of help.

Polled - this word means that the idividual mentioned had the vote and evidence that he did so has been noted for the year given. When looking at very old documents, bearing in mind that they are before the days of street directories etc, the only way to identify the occupier/tenant/owner of a property is to visit either the voter's lists or Poll Books, or in the case of licensed premises, the Victuallers' Recognisances. In many cases the source documents were the Poll Books and "polled" simply means "voted" - the word polled still lives on today in the words polling-booth and polling-station. Poll Books were introduced in 1696 when Sherriffs were first required to compile records of the poll in county elections. Usually divided by Parish, they list the name of each voter and the candidate(s) for whom he voted. As the franchise did not become universal for men and women until 1928, the Poll Books include only a relatively small portion of the population. Poll Books were effectively abolished by the 1872 Ballot Act. It is a good reference to use if you need to find who the tenant or publican was, as voting was restricted to householders or males owning or tenanting property. Thus lodgers, and family members in a household could not vote, but the individual who actually signed/made the tenancy/purchase agreement, provided that individual was a man, could vote.

Terrier - maps were often produced with fields, buildings and land, etc. numbered. Accompanying the map would be a document known as a terrier that would provide information about the numbered area. Information supplied often gave details of the owner and the occupier as well as a description of the land .
referred to. Bryant's 1875 survey was one of these, as was William Eve's survey of 1860-61.
Messuage - a dwelling and office with lands appropriated to the household
Appurtenance - an appendage, accessory or right belonging to a household


Corner of Albert Road North and Nutley Lane

The Admiral in 1975

(Picture Richard Symonds)

Information from Richard Symonds

During WW1 horses stabled alongside the Admiral were comandeered by the Army. The stables were altered in the 30s/40s to be a garage for two St John ambulances but this is only one of the changes to this pub that George Clark, licencee for 57 years up to 1945, would have seen. There was once a tap room, probably with its own door to the street, where customers could come for jugs of beer to take home. There was a bar parlour that was also the licencee's family dining room where favoured customers could go. There would have been few female customers would have before servicewomen went there during ww2 when beer was 5d a pint and cigarettes were 11d for 20.
It is understood that the license was formerly taken from the White Horse Inn, Albert Road South, sometime prior to 1868; The Admiral stands in Nutley Lane at the junction with Albert Road North, on the north side. The earliest deed that I have seen is dated 5th August 1868 of ground & messuage situated in Albert Road South, Reigate, and refers to a lease dating from 29th Sept 1867 for 90 years (expiring 29th Sept 1957) from Mr William Holdsworth to Mr William Tyrrell Holdsworth, rent of a peppercorn for the first two years, then £10 per annum. On 24th June 1872, James Woodmen took on a tenancy agreement at £35 per annum, with Wm Tyrrell Holdsworth. Woodman was formerly a farmer in Newdigate, and the Inn then described as "The Admiral Rodney Inn, with stable, coach-house, offices and garden."  On the 26th November the same year, Holdsworth leased the property to Messrs W T Lashmar and John Lashmar. brewers, Oxted, for £700, in two payments, immediately of £400, and after of £300. The Lashmars re-leased the property to Bristow Colliard Bushell, brewer, Westerham, on 1st March 1882 for £730. William Holdsworth died 15th March 1893 and he bequeathed the property to his daughter Mary Ann, wife of Edmond Daniell. When Mary Ann died on 21st June 1907, she left it to her daughter Ethel Annie Daniell. Ethel never married and went into the Convent of the Incarnation, Fair Acres, Oxford, and on 5th December 1923 sold the Admiral to Bushell, Watkins & Smith for £375. The pub remained in their hands until 1961 when the (by then) parent company Taylor Walker, was taken over by Ind Coope.

The Petty Sessional report 1892, lists the Admiral as a fully-licensed house, owned and tied by trade to Bushell & Co., Westerham, brewers. Run by G R Clarke who resides on the premises. The Inn is frequented by cottagers and labourers.


I have a short list of proprietors as follows:


1878 Jason Woodman.

1882 George Baker

1891- 1940 George Richard Clarke.

1948 - 1954 Thomas Frederick Sparshott

1956 - 1968 F W Rodwell.


Apparently the address was 95 Nutley Lane, but was changed to 190 in 1909, and then to 190a in 1915.

Additional information kindly sent in by Brian Cornelius: -

The landlord of the Admiral Pub, G R Clarke, lost his son in WW1. L/Cpl Thomas Percy Clarke 9217 1st Btn Leinster regiment K in A, 12th May 1915, aged 24. His name appears on the Ypres (Menin Gate) Memorial. G R Clarke also appears to have been a widower at the time as his wife is described as the late Lavinia Emma Clarke (nee Pankhurst).

The Admiral in November 2012


Albion Inn

13, London Road

In the lefthand picture of London Road below (looking south) three Reigate pubs can be seen. The Bats and Balls public house is on the far left with the Albion being located in the building on the right foreground. In the left distance, on the corner of the High Street and London Road, is the Red Cross. The righthand picture shows the Albion where it stood at the northern corner of London Rd and Upper West Street.

References: Neale papers; NCB 19.

Picture Alan Moore

Picture Richard Symonds

Picture HNHC

The site of the Albion Pub, on the corner of Upper West Street where it joins London Road, can be seen centre of this 1968 view looking north up London Road. Some of the pub site has been used to widen the round and round off the corner, the road sign probably standing where the bar was.

Information from Richard Symonds

Formerly situated at No. 13, London Road, Reigate. Of late 19th Century origin and pulled down in 1967 to make way for a car park. The 1892 Petty Sessional Report gives it as a beerhouse licensed prior to 1869, owned and tied for trade to Messrs Crowley of Croydon, brewers. The licensee is given as M. Bone who resided on the premises. The tavern, it was noted, was frequented by mechanics and labourers. The tavern stood on the north side of the Upper West Street and London Road junction. (It is not to be confused with “Albion house”, a projected Mellersh & Neale inn in Albion Road, Reigate, which was erected between the wars without planning permission. A license was not granted so it was demolished again in August 1935). Licensees: 1891. Win Bone; 1892. M Bone; 1900 Win Killick;

1902-4 W H Venn; 1904-30 Sidney Welley; 1936 Jas.A.Bish; 1940-44 Mrs Maud E.Bish.

The man pictured here with a pig at his feet is local character Alan Ide, who at the beginning of the 20thc used to take the pig to the pub with him. Here he is seen standing outside the Albion. The people in the background ars Mr and Mrs Edgson. Presumably the dog's owner is still inside.

(Picture courtesy Ron Marsh.)


An atmospheric picture of the Albion taken from north of it looking down towards the Red Cross.(AJM)


High Street

Information from Richard Symonds

Formerly stood on the site of 60~62, High Street, Reigate. First noted in 1597 and it closed down circa 1750.

Bryant’s Survey of 1785 lists it as no 72 in its terrier and describes it as 'a messuage with backside, with appurtenances, formerly ANCHOR public house abutting north on site of tenement in Black Fryers Alley, formerly in occupation of Thomas Lifford, widow Rose Boniface, Thomas Dutton, and now George Cheasley, worth £3 if repaired.

Edward Whiteacres co-heirs sold it to James Cocks. Thomas Saunders Junior of Charlwood polled 1698.'

1592 - Owned by Wm Limden, who lived there.

1597 - Wm Limden left it to William, his son.

1653 - Thomas Fisher tenant; owned by William Limden.

1671 - Thomas Buckland tenant, owned by Thomas Linden (presumably Wm Linden's son).

The Limden family were butchers, presumably with a trade interest in the victualling side of the inn.


References; SC 445/1 f72; 371/8/58; Greater London Record Office DW.PA.7.8. f352.



Cockshot Hill Reigate

Left: The Angel pub c1880

(Picture Alan Moore)

Right: The Angel pub is behind the trees on the right in this c1870s picture of the tollgates and tollhouse on the Doversgreen Road (picture Richard Symonds)

The rear of the Angel pub viewed from Cockshot Hill (picture Richard Symonds)

Information from Richard Symonds
Situated on the north side of the Pendleton Road at the junction with Cockshott Hill on ground that was originally part of the waste of the manor, and described in the survey of 1623 as the “Bowling Alley lying before the gate of the tenement called Woodhatch”; and held by Mr John Oade as Copyhold of the manor. The present building may date back as far or further but did not apparently come into use as an inn until the following century when it bore the sign of the White Horse. It has certainally been used as an inn since 1700, and was renamed the Angel in 1814. The building is believed to have been built circa 1650. The sign is a medieval one in honour of St Gabriel the archangel, and is shown armed with sword and shield.

The Angel pub in 1977

(picture Richard Symonds)

Looking at my schedule of deeds & documents with respect admissions to the copyhold, I have the following dates and names: August 1741, admission of John Parsons; July 1742, admission of William Belcher and Thomas Ingram; Jan 1762, admission of Thomas Powers; June 1767, admission of Jacob Houblon and John Wogan;  March 1783, admission of Jarvis Holmes; July 1784, presentment of the death of Jacob Houblon; 28 Nov 1789, Conveyance from William Bryant to Thomas Cooper for £450, and the following month, admission of William Bryant; May 1801, Admission of Henry William Caffyn; March 1814, admission Edward Clarke, and of his surrender to Thomas Neale, and also admission of Mrs Sophia Annie Barfoot.
On the 8th Dec 1814, the Angel was Leased for 1 year from Lord Somers to Thomas Neale, and the following day a document of Enfranchisement and release was issued, which effectively converted the copyhold to freehold.
I also have a document headed 47 Georgii III Regis. Seff 2 Cap 122, from an Act for confirming the sales, made under the direction of the court of Chancery, of several estates, devised by the will of Thomas Cooper of Leatherhead, brewer, deceased, dated 13 August 1807. In it is described the Angel as “A dwelling house, stable, cow house, outbuildings and garden, formerly bowling alley, in the occupation of William Holliday, under a lease which will expire at Michaelmas 1819, at the yearly rent of £10. 10s; the tenant doing all repairs; held of the Manor of Reygate; Quit rent one shilling; Heriot on death.”

The Angel Pub in the early 1920s

(pictures Richard Symonds)

Eves Census of 1861 lists the property as Number 1342, and describes it as “Public house and garden owned by Neale & Mellersh, run bt Jane Pooley.”
An abstract of title dated 1875 reads: “Reciting (in 1843) at that messuage or tenement, orchard, and appurtinances thereto belonging, lying near Wood Hatch and theretofore part of the waste of the said Manor of Reigate but for which many years afterwards passed as Copyhold hereditaments and were then lately called or distinguished by the name of Bowling Alley and containing 20 poles, on part whereof then lately stood a smith’s shop and forge with the appurtenances all which said hereditaments were then better known as the sign of the Angel Public House together with the stables, coach-houses, & offices containing 20 perches, formerly in the occupation of William Holliday and then late of Jane Pooley.”


The angel pub viewed from the south in 2005 (Picture Alan Moore)

The Petty Sessional report for 1892 described the Angel as being owned and tied by trade to Mellersh & Neale, and Run by William Gould who resides on the premises. Frequented by cyclists, travellers, and gentlemen’s servants. (it is interesting to note that an entry for the Borough bench records that the licence of the Angel passed to Mr William Gould in November 1877).
I have also an incomplete list of proprietors as follows; 1785-1813, William Holliday; 1814-1826 Catherine Holliday; 1839-1861 Jane Pooley; 1878-1905 William Goold; 1909-1910 Miss M A Duffin; 1915-1923 Isaac Robert Thompson; 1926-1968 Jn, Herbert Jones; 1969-1975 Robert White.


Email received from Chum Richardson Decenber 2008: My gggrandfather George Allen Aylwin is buried in the Leatherhead Churchyard. Hannah (Smart) ( Aylwin ) his first wife is beside him. Some of the Cooper family is there also. Thomas Cooper (see reference to Thomas Cooper above) married Mary and the only child to live is my gggrandmother Mary Ann Cooper ( Aylwin ) a 1/2 sister to Hanna. Thomas Cooper owned the Black Horse and Reigate Brewery. I have possible for Mary  f. Henry Balchin? m. Mary Parriott or Parrot?, = Mary Balchin?  married John Charmon? = Hannah Charmon?  married  William? Smart. Mary  married  1.?, 2.?, 3. brewer  Thomas Cooper, 4. Rev. clerk Thomas Wigzell, 5.  Rev. Charles de Cotlogon.    Some other names that came up Bridger, Standen.    Henry Balchin may have had more than 1 wife. Mary had sisters Elizabeth, Caroline, Charllotte, ? .

1950s painting of the Angel by Sidney Moore

(Plan below courtesy Richard Symonds)

As well as the toll gates shown at the top of this section on the Angel pub there were gates directly outside the pub across the road from Redhill as shown at the bottom of the plan on the left. In the above picture the white fence on the right also appears on the plan and the Angel pub is just beyond. Traffic would turn left for Horley, Right for Reigate and go straight on to South Park.

The toll gates on the road from Redhill were about where the red car is in this picture from 2005

(Picture Alan Moore)




High Street

Information from Richard Symonds

An 18th century alehouse which formerly stood on or about the site of No. 89, Bell Street, Reigate.

1702 - lease for 21 years by Mary Life to Jo Byers.

1710. Sold by Life family to Sir William Scawen. In Bryants Survey of 1785 it is shown as no. 161 in the terrier (the document accompanying the map which gives information about numbered areas) and is described as; 'Messuage, garden, barn, orchard, field with appurtenances, formerly the sign of the ARTICHOKE, abutting west on high road in Bell Street, south on Lisbon Lane, east on lands in occupation of ThomasTurner. worth £10 per annum. Formerly in occupation of John Byers , after of Richard Norris, now of William Moore and Thomas Dewdney. Richard Barnes purchased these premises from Mr Scawen’s Trustees and has sold same to John Sornmers Cocks with five others for £5,500. He gave £300 for it and has reserved the field and got a lease of the tenement for 1000 years.'
References: SC445/1 f161; Papers in private hands.


Barley Mow

Allingham Road, South Park

The two pictures show the Barley Mow in the early 1900s (below) and ) in 1973 (right).

(Both pictures courtesy Richard Symonds)

Information from Richard Symonds
There was a small brewery, named Durrant’s which stood at the south end of  Priory Road in South Park, Woodhatch, and was called The South Park Brewery. The earliest reference is found in Kelly’s 1859 directory of Surrey, wherein the concern is listed as David Durrant, Freehold, Reigate. Later in 1862, the address is given as Holmesdale; and between the years 1867 and 1882, as just South Park. These differences of address leave no reason to suspect any removal of business, but only that they were different ways of describing the same address in local terms. The census of 1861 lists David Durrant as residing in Heraditament 1629 and describes the property as  "House, brewery, and garden, in an area of land about 27 poles, with field adjoining, area about 2 roods."
By 1890 the business had become Durrant & Sons, 66, Priory Road, and by 1902, the Post Office had renumbered the property 56, Priory Road. In about 1905, the business had passed to David Durrant’s son, Alfred, and between 1908 and 1915, the concern was listed as Alfred Durrant & Son. In the Surrey Directory for the latter year, an advertisement appears describing the firm as brewers and cider merchants. By 1917 the site was listed as vacant, and the author suspects that the business was forced to close due to the employees leaving for military service at the outbreak of the First World War.
The Barley Mow in Eastnor Road was Durrant’s only beershop, serving as the Brewery Tap. It was formerly a Cider House only, sharing its unique character in Surrey with only one other property, the Cyder House at Shackleford.  The Earliest Reference I have of the property shown as a pub is on Eves Map of 1861, and is shown as property 1535 and described as “ House, beershop and garden, owned and tied by trade to David Durrant, and run by James Stone.”
The Petty Sessional Report dated 1892 describes it as a  “Beerhouse, licensed prior to 1869…” [which fits in nicely with Eve’s Census] “…owned and tied by trade to David Durrant of Reigate, brewer, and run by J.W.Bowles who resides on the premises. Frequented by cottagers and labourers. Conduct satisfactory” .
Proprietors: 1900 – 01 Walter Coates; 1904 – 5 Walter Ellis; 1909 – 36 George A Ragless;  1940 – 59 Walter Matthews; 1960 – 1976 C Matthews.
The trade, including the Barley Mow, was sold off to Page & Overton’s of Croydon sometime after the end of the First World War, and thus entered the Charrington Empire.


Bats and Balls

London Road

Situated on the east side of London Road almost opposite the Albion pub

(Picture AJM)

Information from Richard Symonds

Bats & Balls,  formerly situated at

(16) London Road, Reigate. Also known as the Cricketers (c1805), this inn was first noted in 1732 and ceased trading on 12 June 1910, and later demolished. There was a large cave under the property where men used to work there early in the 19th century digging silver sand. The landlord sold the sand to the goods waggonners who put up there for the night at 6d a bag and they took it to London and sold it for a shilling. The drivers looked on this as their perks. Up to 1910 this was where beanfeasters used to come (for example Bryant & May’s girls) etc., the landlord used to light up part of the caves with candles, and they paid “tuppence” to go down. To gain access, one went through a door at the back of the bar, and then down a passage towards the Castle grounds.

A deed exists dated 17 December 1759 when the property was still copyhold of the Manor of Reigate, admitting a “John Bristow to a messuage of late Richard Isemongers, all that customary messuage or tenement, barn, stable, buildings, garden, or orchard and court abutting on the King’s Highway leading from the borough of Reygate towards Croydon on the north part, and upon land formerly of John Baker on the south part and now of late in the occupation of Mr Worley to the use and behoof of John Bristowe of Reigate, apothecary.”

In another deed dated 1st Jan 1765, John Muggeridge was admitted, “from Alan Edwards the elder, late tallow chandler, to a parcel of land formerly in the occupation of George Mason, then Elizabeth Mason, and now John Muggeridge, and herebefore surrendered to Allan Edwards by Abraham Smith, distiller.” John Muggeridge died in June 1768 and Ann, his widow was admitted for the remainder of her life.

In Feb 1777 Sir Charles Cocks, baronet, leased the property to George Seale and Ann his wife, and the contract described it as “a customary messuage and croft being part of the Castle Butts.”

Records jump to June 1791 when Wm Muggeridge was admitted upon the surrender of Richard Barnes. His will, dated 19 Sept 1804, describes Wm Muggeridge as a victualler, and the property first referred to as the Bats & Balls, which he left to his son, John, who was duly admitted in April 1806, although, confusingly, the will refers to the Inn as Freehold. (Presumably the land was copyhold and the Inn upon it or adjacent to it was freehold?) John mortagaged the Inn to James Cheeseman of Dorking, brewer, in 1812. Francis Cheeseman took over this mortgage and leased the Inn from John Muggeridge in 1826, and the following year John Muggeridge forfeits the property for non-payment and James Cheeseman is admitted in his stead. By November 1861, Richard Attlee & John Young, brewers had acquired Cheeseman’s brewing interests at Dorking and therefore were in a position to enter into an agreement with the then occupier, Thomas Ratcliffe Hoad, in consideration of 15 shillings, to give up rights to use a loft over the premises formerly used as a malt loft adjoining to the south of the inn formerly used as a brewhouse.”

Eves census 1861describes the Inn as property No. 859 “Bats & Balls PH, 2 cottages & garden, owned by John Young and run by John Sayers & others.”

In August 1879 the licence was transferred to Mr Richard Snelling.

Petty Sessional Report 1892 gives the “Bats & Balls, London Lane. Fully licensed house, owned and tied by trade to John Young of Dorking, brewer, run by W Chalwin who resides on the premises. Frequented by Travellers with vans, carts, etc.”

It is interesting to note that the inn was always a place where suspicious goings on occurred and the police were always raiding it. Several examples may be read in back-issues of the Local papers. For example an entry for March 1878 declared that “Samuel Winn, William Talman, George Carter and Alfred Hazell have been committed for trial on the charge of stealing a sack of coal, the property of their employers, Messrs Neale & Mellersh, the well-known brewers; and Mr Bailey (on bail), landlord of the Bats & balls Inn is charged with receiving the same, well knowing it to have been stolen. They will be tried at the Surrey Sessions at Newington next week.” The following month a follow-up was reported “ The three men charged with stealing coal were convicted and sentenced to a month’s hard labour each. The publican who was charged with feloniously receiving the coal, and whose defence was in the able hands of Mr Hubert Wood, was acquitted.”
The police were in and out of the inn trying to catch late-hours drinkers and gambling but apparently a look-out was always posted and the miscreants were always one step ahead of the law, escaping down the trap door into the caves that linked up with the Three Pigeons and the Red Cross. One policeman, it was said, so determined was he to catch someone at something no-good, and in frustration at being continually thwarted, arrested for gaming a couple of drinkers for raffling a rabbit belonging to a little boy who lived next door to the inn. The local papers had a field day, stating “ We trust that the energetic police-constable who detected this flagrant crime will be duly promoted”.

By Email - I own an eighteenth century longcase clock, which has an inscription written by my grandfather (Nelson Bathurst of Reigate, son of John Bathurst, cordwainer) some 100 years ago about its origins. He stated that his grandmother, Mrs Hannah Symmonds, was given it by her aunt, Mrs Muggeridge, of the Bats and Balls Inn, Reigate, who I assume owned it from new c.1760-1790. Do you have any evidence that this Inn existed or where its exact location was? Regards N.B., Bucks.

N.B. referred to this page and the Bats and Balls above when John and Ann Muggeridge are mentioned.


Doversgreen Road

Picture courtesy HNHC

This is how the Beehive public house in Dovers Green Road was until 1929. Stephen Burberry owned it at one time and later Westerham Ales took it over. It would seem that the Burberry family lived in the house, the evidence for this coming from a fire report of 1895 which read, ' March 19th - Bee Hive Beer House, Dovers Green - two part boarded and brick built houses, one used as branch Post Office, the other as a beer house, well alight with roof falling in when Fire Brigade arrived. Fire was caused by Mrs Burberry ascending stairs with paraffin lamp after taking letters to Post Office. She caught her foot in stair carpet and fell. Paraffin spilt and ignited house.'. It was run by the Blundell family from 1909 - 1949. They lived in the pub itself, the white-boarded side. By then the Burberrys lived in the brick side and ran a wheelwrights and smithy. In 1949 it was taken over by Allied Breweries. Comprehensive information about this pub from Richard Symonds is below

The Beehive pub, presumably viewed from Sandcross Lane.

(Picture Richard Symonds)

The Beehive in 2007

(Picture Alan Moore)

Information about the Beehive from Richard Symonds
.....The original owner of the premises shown in the top picture above was a George Adams of Camberwell who sold two dwellings at Dovers Green on 31 Aug 1847 to Stephen Burberry as a freehold and copyhold for £400. Burberry was described as a beer retailer in the document. We can presume (and it is only a presumption) that Mr Burberry turned the freehold dwelling into an inn, which was referred to as such when he assigned both properties to the brewers Messrs T Lashmar & John Lashmar of Oxted on 22 April 1876 as leaseholds. For a full history of the Lashmars, refer to my blog on Oxted breweries which can be found at URL  

The first reference to the actual name Beehive was in a leasehold document 31 Dec 1881, and the inn and cottages nearby were passed to Messrs B C Bushell & co of the Westerham Brewery on 7th March 1882. (when Lashmars Oxted Brewery was taken over by Bushells) for the residue of the term of lease of 60 years from 29 Sept 1847.


.....In the Petty Sessional Report for 1892, the premises was described as The Bee-hive, Dovers green, beerhouse, licensed prior to 1869. Owned and tied by trade to B C Bushell & Co of westerham, brewers. Run by G T Bassett who resides on the premises. Frequented by labourers.


The records of the copyhold element of these leases are interesting. Copyhold means that it was part of the Manor of Reigate (Lord of the Manor at this time was Lady Isobel Caroline Somers Cocks Somerset, widow). The record of admissions to the property give the following names:


Sept 1886 Admission of Mrs Mary Anne Davies & Mrs E Astle. A licence to demise was granted to both ladies on 16 April 1895 for a term of 18 years. Mary Anne davies died sometime before18 Sept 1898 when a further admission was granted to her "devisees" un-named; A further admission was granted to William Astle on 25 Feb 1902, who had died within 2 years as another admission was granted to his son George Devon Astle on 5 July 1904, and who the following year on 29 June 1905 was also granted an undivided moity of the Freehold premises (the Inn) at Dovers Green. At the same time he had to surrender the copyhold premises to W G D Astle. Astle leased the copyhold to Bushells in Nov 1907 for 21 years at a rent of £55 per annum.


In 1908 Bushells leased the copyhold dwelling to Mrs Rebecca Burberry of the Lancaster (?) wheelwrights, described as shop, land & prems at Dovers green at a rent of £23 per annum. (The writing is unclear and I may have misread the word Lancaster).


In Nov 1919 G D Astle died and the premises passed into the hands of Miss E H Donaldson, and when all copyholds were dis-enfranchised in 1921 it converted into Freehold estate. On 18 may 1928 she conveyed the freehold of the property to Messrs Bushell Watkins & Smith of the Westerham Brewery, then described as freehold beerhouse, Beehive, cottages, workshops & premises.



....I have a note of some of the proprietors:


1892 - 1905 G T Bassett

1909 - 1944 Benry Thomas Blundell 1951 - 1968 C P Potter.


The Beehive received its full licence and became a Publuc House in 1955, before which it was only a beerhouse.

Email from Iain Pocknell regarding

The Beehive

Over the past few years I've been tracing my family tree. You may be interested in knowing that my grandmother was born at The Beehive in 1903, her father, Sidney Burberry being the wheelwright in the adjacent building. Last night I found your website with the photos and description of the pub as it was then.... I was also staggered to read the fire report which involved my ancestors - it's really brought the past to life! This was the first time I had seen any photos of my Nan's birthplace!

It looks like there were two branches of the Burberry family living in two houses. Stephen, I think, is Sidney's cousin which means that the Mrs Burberry in the fire report would be Ruth Burberry (although this is not confirmed). Sidney died in 1907 leaving his wife and children (4 girls and 1 boy). His son was killed in WWI. I'm wondering whether my great grandmother, Rebecca Burberry took over the lease if it was in her husband's name before? However, I do know that they all moved to live in Eastbourne. From what my grandmother had told me, this was shortly after Sidney's death(?)

I do not know much about about the wheelwright business other than what I can piece together from the censuses i.e. two of Sidney's daughters were born in Catford, Kent in the early 1890s. As far as I can tell, there's no Lancashire connection...Rebecca's father being a red potter in Ewell.

As Sidney Burberry is the main focus of my interest at the moment, I will piece together some information for your website. I can't give any timescales at the moment as with young children I do this research as and when time allows. I have ordered a copy of his death certificate as he died when he was 42. His grave stone says he dies peacefully which sounds like it might have been an illnes rather than an accident at work etc. I will run the information past my cousins in Canada before I send it to you - partly for accuracy, partly out of courtesy.

I'm unsure if you have seen the website on the Burberry family history? There is a very distant link to raincoats! The Burberry Family website is being compiled by Douglas Burbury who lives in Tasmania


Many thanks for collating the information on the Beehive.

Thank you, Iain, for the information - Richard and Alan


Bell Inn ,

Bell Street

Information and picture from Richard Symonds

This inn has a considerable history, as can be seen from the information below.

No less than four premises have had this name at some time or another in Reigate alone. The Bull’s Head was called the Bell for a short time around 1700 and it is often impossible to disentangle the various locations. Also 51 High Street was so called up until 1714 when it was divided into tenements. The two houses opposite each other in Bell Street (14 & 21 ) appear to have been inns of this name alternately until the beginning of the 19th century when the present public house took over sole use of the name of the Bell. To make a general history from the information given would, given the several centuries and the number of various premises involved, be difficult, so the documented evidence provided further below is left to stand alone.
Petty sessional records of 1892 stated that the Bell was a fully licensed inn owned and tied by trade to Messrs Mellersh & Neale,of Reigate, brewers. The licensee, J. L. Knell, resided on the premises and the inn was frequented by tradesmen and mechanics.

(cont below)

The above picture

(courtesy Richard Symonds)

shows the Bell in 1933. when it had two doors. The lefthand door led to the saloon bar, the righthand one to the public bar. This situation lasted well into the 1960s at least. As can be see from the picture on the right (taken by me, Alan Moore, in October 2007) there is now just the one door and presumably (I haven't been in the Bell for years) just one bar (AJM)

Continuing information from Richard Symond
Proprietors: c1786 Thomas Beale - 1787-1800 George Sanders - c1805-1809 Stephen Elsey - 1810-1843 Abraham Elsey - 1855-1861Thomas Holdsworth - 1862-1878 William Coppen - 1878-1882 John Howard - 1891-1895 John Lawrence Knell - 1900-1923 John Unstead - 1926-1933 James Arthur Bish - 1936-1940 Richard K Comber - 1940-1954 R W Johnson - 1956-1960 H M T Owens - 1965-1968 D A W Blake

Schedule of deeds and documents referring to the Bell
1731. List of tenants to Mr Saunders at the Bell.

1670 - Ann Cooper. 1676 - Jno Woodman. 1684 - John Dagnall. 24 Mar 1761 Lease for 1 year, John Lucas to Edmund Pepys. 25 Mar 1761 ReleaseJohn Lucas to Edmund Pepys.  22 Feb 1765  Lease for 1 year,  Capt Faulkner to Jno Lucas. 27 May 1848 Conveyance, John Pepys to Edmund Pepys, freehold messuage.

21 Oct 1851 Lease.Edmund Pepys to Thomas Holdsworth, lic.victualr for 50 years.

16 Jun 1860. Earl Somers to Neale & Mellersh for building leases of a Burgage tenement in Bell Street. 2 Jul 1860 Assignment Thomas Holdsworth to Messrs Neale & Mellersh. 23 Apr 1878 Counterpart Lease  Edmund Pepys to Mellersh & Neale for 21 years from 25 March 1878.

23 Apr 1878   Lease

Edmund Pepys to Mellersh & Neale for 21 years from 25 March 1878

, rent £25 p.a.

28 Nov 1890 Conveyance Edmund Pepys to Mellersh & Neale.

13 Aug 1940 Agreement British Land Co.,and Mellersh & Neale Ltd., relating to the right of light affecting Nos. 23 to 25 Bell Street,and the Bell PH.


Showing the position of the Bell not far from the town centre on the east side of Bell Street.

(Picture Alan Moore October 2007)


Additional Information from old records

Bryants Survey 1785, Nos 193-195 in terrier, describes the Bell as follows:
193. Messuage, brewhouse, and stable, yard and backside with apturtenances abutting south on yard behind same, north on highway, west on premises in occupation of Mrs Stanning, east on premises in occupation of Messrs Broughton. Worth £3 per annum. Leased from Lord Somers with 175. Formerly in occupation of Jane Allen, John Glazebrook, late William Hoare, and now James Johnson. Purchased of John Allen’s daughter by John Cocks; refused polling as being part of 194 which with other premises was the Bell Inn.
194. Messuage with appurtenances abutting north on the High Street,, south on a yard behind, east to 176, and west on premises occupied therewith.. Worth £4 pa. Formerly in occupation of widow Staples, Anthony Volvin, ,John Southern, since widow Humphrey and James Goddard, but now of Sussanna Stanninq, widow. Was anciently, with 193,and 195, an inn called THE BELL, and John Allen polled for whole in 1698 and 1702; James Dentith in 1710, and William Thompson in 1713. This and others were divided in 1714. Purchased with 195 by James Cocks of John Ward who bought them of John Allen with 195.
195. Messuage,with several outhouses and appurtenances, abutting north on High Street, south on yard behind same, east on 194, ,and west on premises in occupation of William Browne, taylor. Worth £1.10s. per annum. Formerly in the occupation of widow Hatcher, since of William Staples, and late of John Lyfe, but now of Sussannah Standing and used with 194. Formerly part of BELL INN and William Moreton offered to poll in 1710 and was refused. Purchased with 194.
Bryant’s Survey I785, no.154 in terrier. (Bryant refers also to the Bell Inn on the East side of Bell Street, and also its immediate forerunner trading under the same sign):
154. Abutting north to ‘Thomas Jeale, east to garden of Thomas Bodle. Formerly William Lifford, since his widow and now Joseph Longley. Heretofore the sign of the BELL INN. Anthony Dickens sold it 1785 subject to a lease to Richard Bryant who sold it again for the same price to Philip Yorke. Matthew Lant polled in 1698. This and 135 and 156 were originally one messuage known as Jordans. In 1670 described as all that messuage then divided into three tenements, and the barn and rood of ground thereunto belonging with appurtenances and. in the annual occupation of Thomas Woodyer, Anne Cooper and Edward Carter. It possessed a brewhouse.
135. Formerly in the occupation of Henry Carter, John Lester, Richard Jeffs, Simon Glazetrook and late Thomas Bodle and John Cole, since of ~Thomas Beale and now George Sanders. (P.N.Elsey, - The Bell). Messuage and garden, sign of THE BELL, abutting south on a tenement used therewith. Worth £2.lOs. per annum. Purchased by the Hon. .John Yorke in trust for Francis Lane. Mr Scroop polled in 1698. Joshua Fedrey in 1710. Conveyed to John Yorke in 1777 by Elizabeth Hayward and Thomas Ryder, executors of the will of Carlton Hayward.
136. Abutting south to Thomas Bodle. Formerly in the occupation of Henry Carter, John Lester, Richard Jaffs, widow Carter, Frances Frenoh, George Ookley, Edward Pickstone, late of John Cole and Thomas Beal, now of George Sanders. (P.N. Mr. Pepys). Messuage and backside,with arpurtenances, is laid to the BELL. Worth £2 pa, This was property of John Lucas and given by his will to his nephew Mr Pepys.
Mr Carter polled 1698; Captain Faulkner 1713; John Lucas 1722. References: SC 445/1 f.193—5; f.134—6.; f.174.371/8/175-186; p49/1/I;  Neale papers. Ind Coope B/17.
Bryant’s Survey 1785, No 174 on terrier.
Messuage, yard, & garden, & appurtenances abutting west on premises occupied with the Swan Inn. formerly in the occupation of Widow Carter, George Cherrington, now of Joseph Floyd. Sold by William Charrington, yeoman,and wife Rachael, daughter of Stephen Carter, collarmaker, inl 1750 to John Cocks , Lord Sommers’ father for £400; Worth £6 per annum. Formerly known as BELL Inn, or HOSTELRY, in the 17th and early 18th centuries. (Carter made leather collars for horses and in an award of 1705 between him and William Huggett, he is said to possess pits (presumably for tanning) and leather.)
The hostelry or Hostry, formerly stood on the site of Messrs Watkins & Watkins Estate Agents, on the West side of Bell Street.  In the 17th century it was called the HOSTELRY. In 1627 Edward bysshe of Smallfields sold the premises but it is not known to whom. His uncle, Erasmus Bysshe,was a mercer and prominent in local affairs. It is conjectured that the licence was transferred from this house to the one across the road when it closed down.


Email from Sally, June 2013

Enjoying your web site very much and it has beome even more interesting since I started researching my family.I just wondered if the following information would be helpful to you.  Looking at the list of proprietors for The Bell in Bell Street I see that in 1810 - 1843 there was a Abraham Elsey. Prior to that was a Stephen Elsey-- obviously a relation but I have not been able to work that one out.  Abraham was my 4x great grandfather. He was born in Leigh Surrey in the winter of 1781 and baptised in St Bartholomews Church Leigh on 16th December 1781.  

In January 1807 he married Ann Stammer at Greenwich St Alphege. Abraham and Ann had 7 children including Frances b 1811. At the time of the 1841 census Abraham - then age 60 years - is living at 41 Bell Street Reigate. Abraham is described as a Chaise Driver. No mention of him being the proprietor of The Bell but I wonder if that is where he was living??

By the 1851 census Abraham and Ann are still living at the same address but in the household is their daughter Frances and her husband Thomas Holdsworth. Thomas is described as Licensed Victualler and Abraham as Post Carriage Driver.  The census form states that the Ale House next door is uninhabited. I wonder if that means they did not live on the premises???

Thomas Holdsworth is on the list of proprietors 1855-1861. Abraham died 2 years later in 1853. Frances died in May 1860 age 49 years and the 1861 census Thomas was still in Bell Street as a Victualler.

In June 1862 Thomas remarried-- just 13 months after his first wife died-- and by 1871 Thomas and his new wife were living in Park Lane Reigate and he was described as a retired Inn Keeper. Thomas died in March 1874 aged 60 years.

I realise that this info throws up more questions than answers but perhaps interesting to flesh out the bones of some of the people that lived at the Bell!!


Many thanks to Sally for this information - AJM

Black Horse

Flanchford Road

In the days when life was slower

(Picture HNHC)

Information from Richard Symonds

Built circa 1760 by John Fist, the Black Horse was a Copyhold property held of Colley Manor. It is situated in West Street at the junction with Flanchford Road. It was a well-known house in times gone by. Here it was that the public spent many a jovial evening after watching the free entertainments provided for them on Reigate Heath in the form of horse racing and public hangings on the gallows near to the Skimmington Castle Inn. This public house was perhaps one of the original pubs in the borough. It appears in the original trust deed of Mellersh & Neal’s debenture Stock dated 1897.

The first documentary reference I have is dated 19th January 1774 when a Mr J Norris was admitted to “All that customary messuage or tenement, barn, buildings. Garden, orchard, yard, and one close of land by the same adjoining. Formerly in the occupation of Madame Holroyd, and late of Madame Avenell.” There is a succession of surrender and admission documents revealing the names of the occupants as follows: Feb 1782, J Norris to Mrs M Edwards; May 1791, M. Edwards to R Ladbroke;  Jan 1793 Ladbroke to J Mitchell; June 1796 Mitchell to Thos Cooper, of Leatherhead, brewer (Thomas Cooper also had the Reigate Brewery until his death in 1801 when Thomas Neal senior acquired it from his Executors); July 1805, admission of George Cooper.

A rural idyll

(Picture Richard Symonds)

I have a copy of an Act, dated 47 GEO III,(1806/07) Seff 2, cap 122, for
confirming the sale made under the directions of the court of Chancery
of several estates devised by the Will of Thomas Cooper of Leatherhead, brewer, deceased. One of the properties was the Black Horse, wherein it is described as “Copyhold, a customary messuage, barn, buildings, orchard and garden and close containing 2 acres, more or less, called the Black Horse, in Reygate, in the occupation of William Edwards at a rent of £11. 3s. 0d. per annum”
It would appear that the property was purchased circa 1817/1818 by George Cooper and surrendered the following year to Thomas Neale. The document relating to this sale is interesting in that it stated “formerly in the occupation of Thomas Pidworth, afterwards of Richard Hussey, and then late in occupation of Jeremiah Norris and which said messuage was then in the occupation of William Edwards.”  It remained in the possession of Mellersh & Neale thenceforth.
The inn appears on the 1843 Tithe map as property 1023 , and is described as “Public House, premises & garden, 33 poles, owned by thomas Neale & run by Richard Brown.”
Eves census 1861 gives it as property 1851 and describes it as “Public house & garden owned by Messrs Neale, Mellersh & Neale, and run by John Newman.”

Beer arrives on a steam driven wagon

(Picture Richard Symonds)

The Petty Sessional report 1892 describes it as a “Fully Licensed house owned by Mellersh & Neale and tied to them for trade. Run by W Stevens who resides there. Frequented by Hawkers and labourers.
I have an incomplete list of proprietors starting  c1788 as follows; 1785 – 1826 William Edwards; c1839 Richard Martin; C1843 Richard Brown; c1855 James Pellett; 1859 – 1861 John Newman; 1878 – 1882 William Proctor; 1891 – 1895 William Stevens; 1900 – 1901 Frederick Johns, 1 Reigate Heath; 1904 – 1910 Francis William Billings; 1915 – 1922 William Spencer Bell; 1923 – 1930 Frederick J Seymour; 1931 – 1968 Leonard Pickett (address changed in 1940 to 1 Flanchford Road); 1971 - ? Frederick & Edna Rothwell.

References; 371/2/8/3; Guildford Muniment Room 65/5/51; Ind Coope Archives.

Information from Richard Proctor

On the 1871 census Susannah Hall was shown as the head at the Black Horse and her occupation was Licensed Victualler. She was a widow.
On the 1881 census William Proctor is shown as an Inn Keeper at the Black Horse and his wife is Susannah Proctor.
Susannah Proctor was buried on the 9th. June 1881 in Reigate Cemetery.
On the 1891 census William Proctor is shown as a brewer at the Black Horse, Wilstone, Hertfordshire (which is very close to his birth place). His wife is shown as Hannah Proctor who was Hannah Constant a servant at the Black Horse, Reigate Heath.
William Proctor was my great great uncle. Also in 1881 my great great grand father was a beer house keeper at the Harvesters Arms in Buckland.

Email received from Chum Richardson Decenber 2008: My gggrandfather George Allen Aylwin is buried in the Leatherhead Churchyard. Hannah (Smart) ( Aylwin ) his first wife is beside him. Some of the Cooper family is there also. Thomas Cooper (see reference to Thomas Cooper above) is shown as deceased in 1800 and married Mary and the only child to live is my gggrandmother Mary Ann Cooper ( Aylwin ) a 1/2 sister to Hanna. Thomas Cooper owned the Black Horse and Reigate Brewery. I have possible for Mary  f. Henry Balchin? m. Mary Parriott or Parrot?, = Mary Balchin?  married John Charmon? = Hannah Charmon?  married  William? Smart. Mary  married  1.?, 2.?, 3. brewer  Thomas Cooper, 4. Rev. clerk Thomas Wigzell, 5.  Rev. Charles de Cotlogon.    Some other names that came up Bridger, Standen.    Henry Balchin may have had more than 1 wife. Mary had sisters Elizabeth, Caroline, Charllotte, ? .

Four pictures of the Black Horse taken in 2004 during a period when it was closed for about a year before extensive alteration


Blue Anchor

27, West Street, Reigate.

A 17th Century building, the Blue Anchor is seen here as it was some decades ago.

(Picture Richard Symonds)

Information from Richard Symonds
Petty Sessional Report,1892 gives the property as a beerhouse licensed prior to 1869, owned and tied by trade to messrs Bradley & Son of Epsom, brewers. The licensee, Mr C Walder resided on the premises. The beerhouse was frequented by Artisans and labourers.

Proprietors: c1892-1901 Charles Walder - 1904-1915 George Hawkins - 25 Dec 1923-1936 Mrs Adeline Mary Whitmore (Rent £30 p.a.) - 11 June 1936-1956 Henry Ernest Branfield - 1965-1968 A G Goldsmith - 1968-1973 Bill & Monica Mantle.

The Blue Anchor in October 2007

(Picture Alan Moore)

The Blue Anchor in 1975

(Picture Richard Symonds)



Formerly situated in Flanchford Road at Santon on the otherside of the Parish.

Information from Richard Symonds
An alehouse of Copyhold tenure in use during the 17th century and one of the many possessions of the Arnold family (before 1703 it was owned by John Arnold). In 1705 it came into the ownership of the vicar, John Gird, on his marriage into that family. It ceased tradtng later in the 18th century.

References SC 371/2/3/36 passim; - W.Hooper “Reigate, Its Story through the Ages.’


Bricklayers Arms

Formerly situated at No.10, Bell Street, Reigate

Information from Richard Symonds
Thomas Moorer, formerly of the swan, leased it in 1750. It was incorporated into the building of the Bunch of Grapes in c.1785.

References: SC 445/1/ f 177; - British Library  ADD MSS 36232 f5.


Britannia Man O’War

Formerly situated on a site adjacent to 51 Bell Street

Information from Richard Symonds
In existence c1726 and plied its trade during much of the 18th century but was later demolished.

References: British Library. ADD MSS 34237.


Bulls Head

55 High Street

Right - The Bulls Head (far right) seen from the west in the early 1900s

(Picture AJM)

Below - The Bulls head on the south side of the High Street seen from the east in the late 1800s/early 1900s

(picture Richard Symonds)

Information from Richard Symonds
Once called the Kings Head in earlier times the Inn dates from 1600 although the present building dates from the later 17th century. Situated on the south side of the High Street it was only called the Bull in existing records of 1628 and 1639. In 1661 it was purchased by John Richardson, maltman, who owned a brewhouse in Bell Street on the site since occupied by the Reigate Garage, but latterly the entrance to Morrison’s Supermarket. The inn was called, the Bell for a short time around 1700.
Petty Sessional Records of 1892 describes the premises as a fully licensed inn owned by Lady Somerset leased by, and tied by trade to Messrs Mellersh & Neale of Reigate, brewers. The licensee Albert Crisford resided on the premises. The inn was frequented by tradesmen and mechanics.

List of Proprietors:
1798 William Robinson - 1799-1807 James Robinson - 1809-1826 Henry Heath - 1839 Elizabeth Heath (of the BulI) -
1855 Wlilliam Heath (of the Bull’s Head) - 1859-1861 John Newman - 1861-1878 David Boston - 1879-1880 Henry Ballard 1880-1882 Alfred Ballard - 1882-1910 Albert Crisford - c1915 Dan Harvey - 1923-1936 - Charles Henry LeFeuvre - c1940 C W Petty - c1965 Bernard Coussens.
Schedule of Deeds & Documents
15 Feb 1875. Licence. Reigate local Board to Mellersh & Neale to build over sewers.
28 Jly 1879. Lease Lord Somers to Mellersh & Neale
5 Oct 1899. Notice of assignment of Leasehold. S.W.Neale to Mellersh & Neale.
13 Apr 1900. Demise of leasehold premises known as Reigate Brewery Mellersh & Neale Ltd to A.J.Hawes.
5 Oct 1912. Lease. Lady Somerset to Mellersh & Neale Ltd.
Additional details from old documents: -
1627/8. Edward Bysshe of Burstow sold it to George Richardson for £40, described as late in occupation of Timothy Fant, sometime in possession of Walter Bysshe. Formerly William Jordan (his heir sold it), John Walker, and his widow, now William Robinson.
1659. Release between George Richardson and John, his son, of the first part, to Michael Aynscombe, for £280, all that messuarye , commonly called the BULL, lands of Richard Lucas on the west, and Benjamin Bonwicke on the east.
I661 Enfeoffment by Michael Aynscombe to Walsingham Heathfield for £300, of premises then in the occupation of Thomas Spencer, gentleman,abutting east on a messuage of Erasmus Bysshe in occupation of John Pledge, cheeseman.
1785 Bryants Survey of this year shows the premises as no 214 on terrier and

describes it as a messuage with

orchard, garden and appurtenances abutting north on the High street, south onto the Priory wall, east on premises in the occupation of Joseph Allingham, west on premises in occupation of George Apps. Worth £5 pa. George Webb polled 1698; John Moreton 1716.

The historian, Ridgeway, notes the sign of the Bull’s Head, kept by Mt Heath.

1843 Census lists hereditament No 919, Bulls Head Public House comprising outbuildings and garden - 23 perches - owned by Earl Somers; run by Elizabeth Heath.
1861 The census lists gives hereditament 323 owned by earl Somers, kept by John Newman.
A Trust Deed dated 1899 gives the property as being leasehold held by Messrs Mellersh & Neale Ltd, at a rent of £35 pa. Held on a lease dated 28th July 1879, running for 29 years from 25th March the same year. The lease expired in 1900 and was renewed. The Freehold was purchased 1st June 1921 for £1,500; in 1938 the quarterly tenancy rent was set at £40 per annum.
References: Ind Coope Archives.

Lower pictures: - The Bulls Head in 1973 and 1975

(both pictures Richard Symonds)


Castle Inn

85 Bell Street

Left- The Castle Inn from an old postcard
Right: The Castle July 2004 after being renamed 'The Priory'.

(Both pictures Alan Moore)

Information from Richard Symonds
The Castle did not become an inn until 1857, prior to which it was a butchers shop or fishmongers. Abstract of title can be traced back to the Will of Henry Crunden, deceased, dated 4th June 1839, he having been seized of the property for 28 years at the time of making his Will. In recent years the pub has suffered a name-change and is now called the Priory.

List of Proprietors: 1861 to 1874 Mr. John Green - 1874 Mary Anne Green - 1878 to 1882 Charles Quait - 1891 to 1904 John Kelie Robinson 69 Bell St. - 1904 to 1915 H. Robinson - 1925 to 1930 George D.Ayliffe - 1936 to 1948 - Tom Sherman - 1951 to 1954 Jeffrey B. Ramsell, 85 Bell St. - 1956 to 1964 Maurice W Hampshire - 1965 to 1968    H. E. Mitchell.
Schedule of Deeds and Documents relating to the Premises
1Oth July 1841. Conveyance. Mrs. Sarah Thatcher to Richard Wood in trust for Henry Thatcher, parcel of land.
29th Jan 1853.  Mortgage. Henry Thatcher to Peter Martin, of tenement in Bell Street and of 2 cottages and premlses at Earlswood Common.
25th Dec 1856. Sale Particulars.  Property acquired by John Young, of Dorking, brewer, by Public Auction for £400.The Property then being a fishmongers or butchers shop.
25th Jan 1857. Conveyance. From Peter Martin Esq. and trustees of the late Henry Thatcher to John Young, brewer.
21st Dec 1895. Conveyance. From John Young Esq, to Herbert Young and Henry B. Young, of Dorking, brewers, the Castle Inn.
1st July 1897.  Conveyance.  From J. Young Esq. of Dorking, brewer, to Messrs Friary, Holroyd & Healy’s breweries Ltd.
Petty Sessions records 1892
These describe the Castle as being a fully licensed house frequented by the Artisan classes, owned and tied for trade by John Young of Dorking, brewer, with the licensee, J. K. Robinson, residing on the premises.
Additional Information:
Eves 1860/1 Census shows item listed as 'Public House and garden owned by John Young and kept by John Green'.
Borough Bench, Mon Aug 18,1873: The license of the Castle Inn was transferred, to Mary Anne Green, widow of the late occupier.
June 1878: At the Borough Bench on May 2Oth, Mr. John Young, brewer of Dorking, was formerly ordered to abate a nuisance on premises belonging to him in Bell Street.
Particulars of sale
25 Dec 1856. A very desirable freehold property, a fishmonger’s or butcher’s shop, consisting of a house with shop and extensive premises well suited for business and let to Mr. Henry Paine at £20 per annum, to be sold at auction by Messrs Page & Lees, at the White Hart Hotel, Reigate, on Tuesday the 23rd December 1856 at three o’clock in one lot, by direction of the Devisees in Trust under the Will of the late Henry Thatcher, deceased. (signed: Thomas Hart, solicitor, Reigate).
The property described in these particulars is of Freehold Tenure and believed to be exonerated from Land Tax. It is situate in Bell Street, Reigate and on the direct line of road from London to Brighton. The premises have been occupied until lately by a Butcher for whose trade they are well adapted but they are equally suitable for the trade of a fishmonger, as at present carried on. The great and increasing importance of Reigate as a Residential District must add to commercial prosperity of the town, and when it is considered that no shops are being built near to the town, it is but reasonable to assume that all shops at present existing, under good management will be found highly remunerative in whatever trade they may be occupied.

The property for sale includes a brick and stone built & slated house possessing side entrance and passage leading to the rear. It comprises, on the ground floor, shop, parlour, and kitchen; on the first floor there are four bed-chambers; and there is cellarage in the basement. In the rear may be found, a timber-built and tiled Wash-house, and a Timber-built and tiled building, hitherto occupied as a Slaughter-house, with a Pound or Layer at end. There is also a small yard and a good piece of garden ground. The fixtures in and about the premises belonging to the vendors will be included in the purchase, but the Tenant claims the Trade Fixtures, Copper and other items, the premises will therefore be sold subject to the Tenant’s Interest (if any) in the said fixtures. The property is let to Mr. Henry Paine, a fishmonger on a yearly Tenancy expiring at Midsummer next, at a very inadequate rent of £20 per Annum.

The Priory pub closed for refurbishment in the second half of 2011 and never reopened. It is pictured here with the ground floor unit to let in March 2012



Information from Richard Symonds
In use from the late 17th century until it was pulled down in 1825. Owner & tenant in 1730 was Thomas Munger. Owned in 1759 by Richard Skinner.

References: - Guildford Muniment Room 65/5/28(1); 65/5/10(91).


Cross Keys

Information from Richard Symonds
Mentioned in 1603 when its occupant and his wife died of the Plague. Location unknown.

References: - Guildford Muniment Room  49/1/1.


Formerly situated on the site of 13-17 High Street, Reigate.

Information from Richard Symonds
This was a large inn and one of the best known in the town during its heyday. First mentioned in 1593 it was rebuilt c1655 when the sign was transferred to an inn on the north side of the market place that had previously been called the Three Horseshoes.(Q.V.). It had ceased trading by 1900.

Proprietors: ? to1787 Elizabeth Dibble - c1807 William Turner - 1807 to1819 William Jupp 1820 to1826 John Clement - c1835 William Yerworth - c1839 William Jupp (again) 1843 to1855 William Randall - 1859 to1861 William Bonny - c1878 John Thomas Newman - c1880 John Back - c1882 Hannibal


Bryants Survey of 1785 shows the premises as no.190 & 191 on its accompanying terrier.

190 was described as a shop and tenement formerly the CROWN INN, abutting south on the Priory wall, east on a passage leading to new erected brewhouse built on part of the field called Crown Field. Worth £15 per annum. Formerly in the occupation of Henry Newman and others, Charles Browne, Joseph Lyfe, William Hatcher, Robert Evans, Thomas Dodge, James Apted and now (1785) of Jeffrey Strudewicke. Sold by heirs of Edward Whiteacre to James Cocks for £400 in 1738. In 1663 it had belonged to Richard Arnold, a butcher, of East Betchworth.
191 was described as a messuage and bakehouse, brewhouse, etc., abutting South and East on premises used heretofore with the Crown Inn, and on which a brewhouse has lately been erected, and west on premises lately in the occupation of Alexander Boughton. Worth £5 per annum. Formerly in the occupation of Nicholas Allingham, Thomas Dewdney, and now James Apted. Part of an ancient estate of Lord Somers. John Dewdney polled 1698; Allen Dewdney 1710; John Crowther 1716. Now Mears (late Mellersh &. Neale brewery, Ed.) — Premises occupied by Thomas Neale who afterwards built the brewery (Ridgeway, l.46). In 1710 it was known as Little Knights. Purchased by Sir J. Jekyll of John Ward on behalf of himself and Charles Cocks and in 1727 by deed of partition, conveyed with 193, 195, and six other premises purchased of Ward, Jarnes Martin, and William Day, to James Cocks, eldest son of Charles. Messuage called Little Knights,with little stable, garden backside, charnber over Crown Gate, with the gate of the sign of the Crown fixed to post of said messuage.
As to the new premises over the road, Bryant's ref is no 107 and shown as East to Richard Yerworth. Formerly in the

occupation of Mrs Mary Martin, John Wix, John Cole, Thornas Dibble, now widow Dibble, as under-tenant to William Bryant, Jnr. THE CRCWN INN, pn. Late Dibble. Messuage, garden, greenhouse, stable, and other outbuildings (and brewhouse in 1749), abutting west onto a passage leading behind sarne. Worth, when repaired, £16 per annum. Called the CROWN INN (see 190 for former same). Benjamin Nodes in 1749 sold it to Philip, 2nd Earl Hardwicke. Benjamin Nodes was a nephew of Richard Kay, draper.James Martin polled 1698.
In 17th century, described as all that west part of a great messuage situate in the Borough called the THREE HORSESHOES; (q.v.)
In 1647, Thomas Beadle of London conveyed it to Thomas Blatt of Fengates, tanner.
There is also a reference that in the time of Elizabeth I, one Henry Matthew sold it to a George Wattle, who later passed it to his son, Jo, and subsequently in 1651, Jo Wattle sold it to Richard Arnold.
Tythe map 1843.
No 767. CROWN INN, outbuildings, and garden. 13 poles Gives Earl Somers as owner, and kept by William Randall.

Sale Particulars
47 Georgii III. Seff.2.cap.122 (From an Act confirming the sales, made under the directions of the Court of Chancery of several estates devised by the Will of Thomas Cooper of Leatherhead, deceased 13th August 1807). The CROWN at Ryegate – consisting of a large convenient dwelling house in the market Place, two stables, a yard, malting house, and out-buildings, and a garden, held for a term, of which 46 years were unexpired at lady Day 1805, at a yearly rent of £10, in the occupation of William Turner, tenant, at will, at the rent of £26. 5s.
Eves Census 1860/61.

Property no 205. gives Mellersh & Neale as owners and kept by William Bonny
References: SC 445/1 f107, 186-191 and Calendar of Proceedings in Chancery 11 193.

Steps leading from near the site of the old
Crown Inn to the Castle Grounds are
still known as the Crown Steps today (Picture AJM)

Email received from Chum Richardson Decenber 2008: My gggrandfather George Allen Aylwin is buried in the Leatherhead Churchyard. Hannah (Smart) ( Aylwin ) his first wife is beside him. Some of the Cooper family is there also. Thomas Cooper (see reference to Thomas Cooper above) married Mary and the only child to live is my gggrandmother Mary Ann Cooper ( Aylwin ) a 1/2 sister to Hanna. Thomas Cooper owned the Black Horse and Reigate Brewery. I have possible for Mary  f. Henry Balchin? m. Mary Parriott or Parrot?, = Mary Balchin?  married John Charmon? = Hannah Charmon?  married  William? Smart. Mary  married  1.?, 2.?, 3. brewer  Thomas Cooper, 4. Rev. clerk Thomas Wigzell, 5.  Rev. Charles de Cotlogon.    Some other names that came up Bridger, Standen.    Henry Balchin may have had more than 1 wife. Mary had sisters Elizabeth, Caroline, Charllotte, ? . 

The Crown 1820

The Crown from an engraving

(both pictures Richard Symonds)


The above left photo is labelled: - 'The old Crown Inn, 15-17 High Street, closed 1859. Pictured as shops in 1890. Now the site of Boots and Sainsburys.' The picture above right is of the same shop and building in 1899, with the shop front extended vertically to cover the first floor left and centre windows. This was a building on the south side of the High Street but notes above refer to the old Crown Inn being rebuilt c1655 when its sign was tranferred to the north side of the High Street. If this is that building as rebuilt then it was not the old Crown Inn but its replacement.The closure date of 1859 would refer to the Crown Inn shown in the engravings above on the north side. Reference to an 1898 street directory shows that Henry Biddle Reader (the name over the doors in the lefthand picture and above the new central door in the righthand picture), a family grocer, had the shop. Perhaps that's him in the right hand doorway above.


Desert Rat

(formerly Lesbourne Hall, now the Venture Inn)

11, Lesbourne Road, Reigate

Information from Richard Symonds

The age of this pub is not known but a Petty Sessions report of 1852 described it as a fully licensed inn, owned and tied by trade to Messrs Mellersh & Neale of Reigate, brewers. The then licensee, C Briggs, lived on the premises. It said that the Inn wass frequented by local tradesmen and artisans. At this time this pub was called the Lesbourne Hall but on the 6th April 1952 there was the unveiling of new sign “Desert Rat”, renaming it in honour of the son of the then landlord Leonard Henry Roper, who perished in the desert during WW2.

10 July 1891 Contract for sale & Purchase. Charrington & others to Messrs Mellersh & Neale.
1893. Requisitions on Title. Mellersh & Neale & Martins Trustees.
29 Dec 1893. Conveyance:- J Charrington & Others to Messrs F Mellersh & SW Neale (With Plan).
1st Jan 1934. Correspondence between Paxton Watson & Son, Harrie Stacie & Son, Mellersh & Neale (with plan)
5th April 1934; Correspondence between Paxton Watson & Son, Harrie Stacie & Son, Mellersh & Neale (with plan)

c1878 William Romain - c1882 Maria Romain - 1891-1901 Charles Briggs - 1915-1923 Ernest Henry Neill - 1926-1930 Mrs F Neill - 1936-1968 Leonard Henry Roper. In 1938 the quarterly tenancy rent was £100 pa

Additional information from Peter Taylor
Reigate was, for many years, an important part of the London public transport empire. Up to 250 white collar staff were employed in Bell Street and Lesbourne Road until the mid-80s.  The Desert Rat was the unofficial canteen for many staff (the bus garage being almost opposite) and had an upper space for which the term "Smoke Filled Room" was entirely appropriate. Often, union meetings were held here and much plotting, revolting and drinking, took place.   Also, a tradition for many years was the provision of a lunchtime bus from Reigate to the Beehive at Woodhatch. Long after any commercial justification for this service had vanished, the bus continued to run, as legend had it, to provide a quick lunchtime getaway for the bus staff!  

(1) Glover's Cottages used to
stand opposite the pub when it was the Lesbourne Hall

(Richard Symonds)

(2) The Lesbourne Hall is on the right and Glover's Cottages on the left in this picture from the early 1900s

(3) The Lesbourne Hall behind
the trees at Christmas 1925

(Richard Symonds)

(4) As the Lebourne Hall pre-1938

(Richard Symonds)

(5) As the Desert Rat before 1972

(Richard Symonds)

(6) As the Venture Inn 2004

(Alan Moore)

(7) Mr & Mrs Neill and a recruiting party (probably from a local regiment) outside the Lesbourne Hall during WW1)

(Richard Symonds)

(8) As the Desert Rat in 1971

(Richard Symonds)

(9) Another view down Lesbourne Road towards its junction with Bell Street in the 1920s/30s. The Lesbourne Hall

is on the left.

(Alan Moore)

(10) Road menders at work in Lesbourne Road in 1925. Perhaps they used the Lesbourne Hall seen here behind the trees

(Richard Symonds)


Another picture of Lesbourne Road and the Lesbourne Hall pub in 1925

(Richard Symonds)


A similar view to the previous two pictures but taken in 1973

(Richard Symonds)

Email from Jerry Kelley, USA, January 2010
My wife and I were married in Redhill in 1967. I was stationed at RAF Lakenheath (1966-1969). My wife's best friends step-father was from Redhill. In any case I saw your web site and very much enjoyed it as it brought back many pleasant memories. We had our reception at the Queens Arms. As you pointed out the Queens Arms was run from 1966 – 1971 by Jim & Vicky Dansie. I would like to add to your information. Jim and Vicky Dansie went on to the Desert Rat in Reigate. Their son Jimmy Dansie was the youngest publican in Britain at the George and Dragon in Redhill in 1966 or 1967.


Eagle Hotel

46 Croydon Road

The board to the left of the pub in the lefthand picture is advertising Finch's cycles.

The righthand picture shows a beer delivery being made.

(Both Pictures coutesy Richard Symonds)

Information from Richard Symonds

The Eagle, 46 Croydon Road, Reigate.


Built circa 1860, the Eagle stood on the eastern side of Croydon Road, Reigate, between the railway bridge and junction with Doods Road. The 1862 edition of Kelly's Directory for Surrey lists Arthur John Charles White as a "Common Brewer" at the Eagle Brewery, Hotel and Tap. Arthur J C White came to Reigate from Weybridge in 1859 where for some time previously he carried out the same trade. Curiously enough he does not appear in the 1861 Census for Reigate. AJC White died on 28th Sept 1893, although he had left the running of the inn (at least by 1884) in the capable hands of his eldest son Arthur Henry White, who continued on for another eight years. His 2nd son Horatio had moved to the Roses Brewery in Redhill  by 1887 to carry on the family craft there.


The Petty Sessional Report for 1892 describes the Eagle as a "fully-licensed house owned and tied by trade to The Friary Brewery Co Ltd of Guildford." Curiously enough, it goes on to say that it was "Run by A J White who resides on the premises; the Inn is frequented by gentlemen's servants and labourers." Arthur Henry White eventually sold the freehold of the Inn to Friary Holroyd & Healy's Breweries Ltd of Guildford on 17th June 1896. The brewhouse of the Eagle had fallen into disuse but the Hotel continued on, the bar of which being supplied by Friary. The Eagle closed in 1956, and the licence crossed the road to the Panther PH. The old Eagle premises finished life as a local office for Friary Meux Ltd.


In the 1898 Kelly's Directory the proprietor is shown as John George May. Between 1900 and 1910, the proprietor's name was Jonathan George May, but in 1910 there is no record of a landlord. However, next door, there was a beer-retailer named William Argent, who became the proprietor of the Eagle in 1915. his address was 24 Croydon Road, on the other side of Doods road. Argent remained until 1923. Between 1926 and 1956, William Coomber was the landlord and the address was 48 Croydon Road. Between 1965 and 1968 the building became the area office of Friary Meux Ltd, and by then had ceased to be a pub, the licence as stated above, having been transferred over the road to the Panther.


References: Neale Papers; Ind Coope Archives.

The Eagle Hotel was boarded up awaiting demolition in November 2007 (the Panther pub in the background)

The rear of the old Eagle Hotel in November 2007

One of the plaques still faintly bears the words 'Eagle Hotel'.

(All three pictures Alan Moore)

The site of the Eagle pictured in December 2011 still awaits redevelopment in November 2012

Email from John Reffell

Hi there, My family have a history of brewing and publicans and I believe that we may have had some contact in the distant past regarding The Somers Arms at Reffells Bridge in Redhill. My website details much history of the brewing side of the family in Surrey and Kent, I have now found some information concerning the Eagle Hotel at Reigate that I hope may be of some interest to you. One of John REFFELL's children was called Harriett, born 1829 in Shere. On 1/10/1850 she married Arthur John Charles WHITE who is noted on your excellent web site as being landlord of the Eagle in a Kelly's of 1862. You mention that this is not confirmed in the 1861 census. I have found that on this date, the family were in fact at Portswood Road in Southampton (reference: RG9; Piece: 682; Folio: 37; Page: 17), and thus probably did not move to Reigate until 1861/2. When this research is complete, I hope to add another page for this part of the WHITE family and wonder if you would have any objection if I used some of the information and a low-resolution copy of the photograph of the Eagle that you have on your website. I would provide a link back to your website of course. Thanks once again for the terrific website - John.

Thanks very much for the information, John. Being as reference is aslo made to the Somers Arms at Redhill your email has been posted on the Pubs of Redhill webpage too. Best of luck with future research.

Alan and Richard


Ex-Servicemen's Club,
Chart Lane, Reigate


The above article is from the Surrey Mirror of 16th June 2011


At the end of WW1 land was donated to the ex-servicemen of Reigate. In 1920 the first clubhouse was built. A wooden structure it was later rebuilt in brick. There are now (2011) 350 members who pay £15 a year if they have not served in the forces. The committee is headed by president Ken Norris, secretary Derek Chinnery and treasurer Andy Hudson. Once opening hours were longer but now the club opens at 5pm daily.


Ex-servicemen line up c1920 facing the plot at a ceremony connected with the proposed clubhouse


Five Bells

Chart Lane,Reigate

Information from Richard Symonds

This was an inn situated opposite the parish church and and was a place where the parish vestry met. The parish church, after a common English fashion, had its attendant inn which stood on the opposite side of Chart Lane and bore the appropriate name of the Five Bells. It was possibly closed before 1770 and demolished c1775 when Cherchefelle was built for Robert Scawen. (Cherchefelle is that large house in Chart Lane that not so many years ago was used as a police station but is now flats). Its yard was possibly the Inn yard. Dr.Hooper, author of Reigate Through the Ages was of the opinion that the old Five Bells, which had existed since about 1700 or possibly earlier was evidently pulled down about 1750—60. He said that part of the lower cellar walls of the dwelling house erected on the site were undoubtedly much older than the superstructure and that one in the cellar at the end of the tunnel was of old Reigate stone. Part of the existing house, consisting of the south and east (or roadway) elevations and rooms, was constructed about 1800, as an addition to the former building (1750—80). Some time after that, say, about l880, the name of the house was changed from the Retreat to Cherchefelle, during the occupancy of Mr Francis Frisk (1876—1881). The old inn was evidently adjoining the road, where the kitchen and dining room later were. It is of interest that in those days and until it was closed in 1825 there was a road, known as Pudding Lane, running eastwards from Chart Lane about opposite the yard entrance and forming a short cut to Reigate Road.
The earliest reference to Cherchefelle or the Five Bells is in the Court Rolls of the Manor of Reigate for the year 1688.
At the Court Baron, held on the 22nd November that year, the death of Edward Thurland, Esq., (d. 15 Sept 1687), late steward of the Manor, was presented and a list of his freehold and copyhold properties held of the manor is given. Amongst the freehold is: “One messuage called the Five Bells with stable buildings, garden, orchard, in the occupation of Thomas Fells.”
The old building is also mentioned, though not by name or as an Inn, in the survey of the Manor in 1625, when it was in the tenure of Nicholas Delves, and contained 20 poles. In the survey of 1706, it is described as “One tenement called Ffive Bells, adjoining the street on the east, to Little Doods on the West, and containing 20 poles.” (Little Doods was afterwards called the Wilderness, and just prior to it’s demolition, was called Monks Court Hotel). The Five Bells belonged to the Thurlands of Great Doods from before 1625 until the 18th century. From 1771 to 1775, it was the usual meeting place of the Vestry of Reigate Foreign. Ridgeway observes in his book that Robert Scawen Esq. of Great Doods built a house as a residence for himself on the site of the Five Bells.

References: SC 371/2/3-6 passim. - Acc933; - SC 175/14/1. - Minutes of the Vestry 1771-1824.


Flower de Luce

West Street, Reigate


Exact location unknown)

Information from Richard Symonds

An alehouse during the 15th and 17th centuries its name was a corruption of Fleur-de-lys. — Martin Tubman was its tenant in 1614 and in 1623 and 1641 Jo Life was the owner.

References: P49/1/1 SC 371/2/5/1.



(85) Bell Street, Reigate

Information from Richard Symonds

An alehouse which ceased trading in the 18th century. The site is now occupied by the Castle public house (q.v.)
In Bryants Survey it is shown as no.159 on the accompanying terrier, where it is described as: “Messuage, garden, with appurtenances, formerly the sign of the Gamekeeper abutting south on tenement and shop used therewith. Worth, with shop, £5 per annum. Formerly in the occupation of Robert Marsden, Henry Childerstone, and Thomas Keasley, since of Jeremiah Holmes, late of Edward Filewood, Senior, and now of Thomas Filewood, Junior.”
References: SC 445/1 f159.



High St, Reigate

Information from Richard Symonds

Purported to have stood on the site of the old Inmans shop (about Nos 31 to 39) on the south side of the High Street, the George was another of Reigate's most well-known inns. It is mentioned in 1532 as one of the possessions of the Priory, but pre-dates this well back into the early 15th century. It closed down in the middle of the 18th century (circa 1747) as a result of the declining fortunes of the town. It was demolished a few years later.


Earliest references I have are:


1409.( 25 June 10 Henry IV) Roger Chaunce in occupation. (Location given as abutting to east of Bryant 203 described below). Note: I believe that this Roger Chaunce was the last of a family of Burgesses in Reigate going back for the previous 100 years.


1532. Owned by Jo Skinner, tenant Wm Brakepole.


1575. Owned by Jo Skinner, sold (12 Jan 17 Elizabeth) to Jo & Rd Thompson. brewers in occupation. Formerly John Hall, once of Roger Chaunce, called the George (location abutting east of Bryant's 203)


1623. Pe Woodstock owner/occupier.


1695. Ben Heaver sold it to Isaac Hartwell, in occupation of Rd Lucas.


1704. In occupation of Rd Kay.


Bryants Survey of 1785 lists it as part of a range of 3 properties numbered 200 to 203 on his map.


Property No 200 (approx 31 High Street) given as "North to John Curtis. Formerly Thomas Bannister, John Herring, Matthew Dicey, Edward Mantle, Grace Moore, now James Apted and William Apted." with a footnote: "PN. Mrs Beale, late Apted, now Langridge." and described as a "Messuage abutting south on garden, late in occupation of Thomas Sutton, worth 10 shillings per annum. Purchased, it is said, by Sir Joseph Yorke of (from) Adamson; Nicholas Couch polled 1698; Charles Adamson 1716. Formerly part of the George Inn, and conveyed in 1747 by Lawrence Cotton of London, to the Hon Joseph Yorke after it had been purchased of (from) Joanna and Anne Adamson."


Property 201 ( part of 35 and all of 33, High Street) was described as a "Messuage formerly part of the George Inn, worth £3 per annum, formerly in the occupation of Edward Wells, glover, Richard Neeves, and now of John Dove. Purchased by John Cocks of (from) Nicholson Grouch for £165, and there is a doubt whether (property)198 was not anciently part thereof. Robert Watson polled 1698; John Wing 1716; John French 1722."


Property 202. ( Part of 35, and No 37) Messuage worth 20 shillings per annum. 1695 Benjamin Heaver sold it to John Debnam who later sold it to John Wood who sold it to Sir Robert Furness whose heir Marquis of Rockingham sold it to Sir Joseph Yorke. John Debnam polled 1698; Sir John Furness polled in 1716. Conveyed by Lewis, Earl of Rockingham to Hon Joseph Yorke in 1744. East to John Dove, west late of Thomas Sutton, formerly Mathew Ulcey, John Curtis, now Sutton.


Property 203 (39 High Street) Described as a "Messuage, maltinghouse, stable, yard, garden, and field, the messuage being made out of a brewhouse abutting south on the Priory wall, worth £8 per annum. Formerly in the occupation of John Wheeler, John Constable, James Sutton, and late of Thomas Sutton. John Cocks purchased it in 1749 of James Sutton for £420. This is supposed to be the brewhouse of the Old George Inn (see property 200). Jeremiah Jones polled 1710; John Constable 1722.


References; PRO SC6. Henry VIII 3462; SC 445/1 f200-203.; SRO 371/8/225; SRO 371/8/229.


Notes from W. M. Bushby in 1968 place the George at 33-39 High Street and the last part remaining, at 39, was rebuilt in 1960. Under the floor of the back premises was discovered a very old stone-lined well.



Bell Street

Information from Richard Symonds

The Grapes was situated at 8-10 Bell Street and is now houses the well respected local business of Messrs Knight's the Drapers. It was originally called the Bunch of Grapes and was built about 1780 by Richard Cheeseman to rival the also newly built White Hart opposite, of which he had also been the tenant. It never attained the same reputation as the latter however. It incorporates an alehouse formerly known as the Bricklayers Arms, and lost its licence in 1910.


According to Bryant's Survey of 1785, it was listed as tenement 177 and described as "Messuage, yard, gardens, and appurtenances, called by the sign of the Bunch of Grapes, sold with above and is on lease to Richard Cheeseman from 1781 for 31 years at £4 per annum. William Matthew polled 1698; Thomas Saunder 1710. North to the Swan Inn yard. Formerly Thomas Saunders who sold it in 1759; John saunders, Thomas Moorer, since of Richard Cheeseman, now Henry Crunden." There is a footnote stating that "In 1814, Henry Crunden was given a lease for £14 years."


In the 1827 survey, the rates of the Inn were computed to have been £17 per annum.
  On the 1843 Tithe map, it is given as Property No 974 on map, and described as "Grapes Inn, Stabling & yard, owned by Earl Somers and run by Sarah Crunden, area: 10 poles.
  In Eves census 1860/1, given as Property No 276 on map, and described as The Grapes Inn, Owned by Earl Somers and run by Sarah Andrews.
  There is a report in a local paper dated Sat Aug 2nd 1873 that "On Friday evening, several tradesmen and others supped together at the Grapes Hotel, Reigate on the occasion of bidding farewell to the late landlord, Mr E Downing, who has conducted the house for 4 or 5 years, and welcoming his successor, Mr E Kemp, from London. A pleasant evening was spent, the health of the late and the present landlords being drunk with great cordiality."
  On a more official note, a report from the

Borough Bench dated Monday August 18th 1873, stated "The licence of the Grapes Hotel was transferred from Mr E Downing to E Kemp, 106, Sloane Street, Chelsea.   An Advertisment also appeared in january 1878 for the Hotel, stating "The Grapes Commercial Hotel, Bell Street, Reigate. Every Accomodation for bicyclists and other travellers. proprietor, Mr W Pitcher."


The Petty Sessional records 1892 describes the Inn as "The Bunch of Grapes, Bell Street. Fully Licensed inn, owned By lady Henry Somerset. Lesee, the Friary Holroyd's & Healy's Brewery Co to whom the inn is tied for trade. Licensee Emily Fitcher who resides on the premises. The house is a Commercial and family Hotel."

Above - A sketch of the Grapes in 1886 from the 'Bicyling News'.

(Picture courtesy Michael Knight)



c 1698 William Matthews;
c 1710 - 1759 Thomas Saunders; 1781 - 1785 Richard Cheeseman; 1786 - 1832 Henry Crunden; c1843.Sarah Crunden, widow; c 1859 Joseph Hall; 1859 - 1860 William Andrews; c 1861/2 Sarah Andrews; 1870 - 1873 E Downing; c1873 E Kemp; c 1878 Mr W Pitcher; 1878 - 1892 Emily Pitcher; c 1900 Miss Annie Barradell; 1904 - 1905 Frank Patrick Picking; 1909 - 1910 Frederick H Waitt.


References: SC 445/1 f 177; 371/10/30/1-35; Monthly Magazine, Surrey Record & Illustrated Journal for Reigate etc 13th July 1877.

The building, seen here in 2007, is now part of Knight's shop (Picture AJM)

Notes from W.M.Bushby state that Lady Somerset tried to get the Bell public house, which stood opposite the Grapes, closed down in 1895 when its lease ran out, but failed. As she was the head of the temperance movement in England one might think that her motives were connected with that cause she owned the Grapes leasehold and let it to a brewer, not something in the spirit of temperance. Mr Bushby's notes also state that Knights took it over as a shop in 1912.


Green Man
65 High Street, Reigate

Information from Richard Symonds

Stood approximately on the site of No 65 High Street where The Pantry, the bakers, formerly traded. Built circa 1721, but closed down circa 1774.


According to Bryant's Survey 1785 f227, it was listed as " A messuage, garden, orchard and appurtenances abutting north on the High Street, south on the Priory wall, east on premises in the occupation of John Jackson, worth £10 per annum. Formerly in the occupation of John Jordan, Nicholas Smith, John Saker, Widow Hills, John Bulcocke, and since of James Brooker and now of William Robinson. In 1678 it was described as 3 tenements; In 1695, property 228 was sold by Richardson ro Richard Willis and this messuage to John Skynner who in 1687 sold it to John Tomkyns, now living. Purchased by John Yorke of (from) George Arnold in 1774 for £300 (then described as an Inn called the Green man). John Tompkins polled 1698, 1710, 1713; Bartholomew Hart polled 1716; Sir Evelyn Alston polled 1722."There is a manuscript postscript stating that "with 228 was anciently 3 tenements and would together be now 3 votes if belonging to one proprietor being so long before the 1698 Splitting Act, being with 228 described as 3 feudal tenements."


References: Hooper papers Reigate Library; British Library Add Mss 34237; SC 445/1 f227.



32 High St, Reigate

Information from Richard Symonds

Situated approx 32 High Street, Reigate (on the east side of Castle steps). First Mentioned in 1596 but probably dates from as earlier time. It was converted into three shops at the end of the 17th century. last used 1750. The earliest reference to a landlord is 1593 when Edw. Carpenter was given.
Bryant's Survey 1785 lists it under property 92, and describes it as " Messuage adjoining the Old Tollhouse, formerly THE GREYHOUND Inn, with backside and garden and outhouse abutting east onto passage to back of same. Formerly in occupation of John Scriven, Michael Rofee, William Reldaker, widow Coulstock, now Thomas Dewdney Senr., and Elizabeth Arnold. Worth about £8 per annum. These premises were sold in 1749 by George Hoare to John Cocks for £600 and conveyed as one house and Hoare became the tenant at £12 per annum. John Scriven polled 1698; Michael Roffee 1722; In 1693 was one house, but divided into 3 tenements between then and 1742. Had ceased top be such by 1750."


Apparently, George IV in his journeys to Brighton (The Pavillion being his residence there) always came through in his heavy travelling carriage with four spanking horses, blinds drawn, and an escort of lancers following him. The fact that he always stopped to change horses at the Greyhound caused a jealousy at the other inns, especially the Crown. On the last occasion of his passing (veing at that time unpopular through his treatment of his wife, Queen Caroline, and her trial going on at the House of Lords), a small mob assembled at the Crown Corner and hissed and hooted. This gave him great offence; he exclaimed in the words of Shakespeare "A Pox on both your houses", and he never came again this way but used the Sutton Road.


References: P49/1/1 SC 445/1 f92.

Notes from W.M.Bushby place the Greyhound at 28-32 High Street. He said that in 1968 it was Roberts and a milk shop and elizabethan brickwork could be seen at the back.


Hautboy & Fiddle
High St, Reigate

Information from Richard Symonds

Situated at about 24 High Street, Reigate. Ceased Trading circa 1750 and demolished in 1786.


Bryant's Survey of 1785, gives this inn as property No 96, and describes it as "Messuage, garden, with appurtenances, was a public house the sign of the Hautboy & Fiddle. Formerly in the occupation of Moses Chandler, victualler, but has been many years empty and is now in a very ruinous state; Worth, if repaired, £5 per annum. In 1681 conveyed by Mary Kipping, widow of Staines, Middlesex, to Francis Hatcher, oatmealman, and Elizabeth his wife for £60.10s, and sold by George Hatcher, baker, in 1704; John Castleman polled 1710 and 1713; John Hicooks 1716 and 1722 (Hicooks purchased it of Castleman in 1718. James Apted succeeded as occupier by Thomas Reynolds, then James Meek, Cheesemonger, then Daniel Garraway, grocer, and Abel Garraway, grocer, was tenant in 1812, and subsequently James Brewer.
A further note added below the entry stated "John Jeffreys sold this to Joseph Cocks with (property no) 63 for £800 and a recovery was suffered of same. James Apted has lately taken it and pulled down the whole."


It is interesting to note that Music-shops always adhered to the primitive custom of using as their signs representations of the instruments they sold. The Hautboy was one of the most constant music-shop signs. It occurs also as an Inn-sign elsewhere in the County, at Oakham. It was a reed instrument - a kind of prototype of the flute.


References: SC 445/1 f96; Land Tax, Reigate Borough 1780-86.


Holmesdale Inn
Corner Priory Road and Park lane, South Park (address 1 Priory Road).

Information from Richard Symonds

When the early 1840’s South Park estate around Priory Road was being built, a plot of land was earmarked for a public house to serve the new community and the original name intended was The Tavern. It was eventually erected and the conveyance, dated 15th December 1853 from the builders Vine & Pemberton to Frederick Mellersh, indeed referred to it as “piece or parcel of land called the Tavern plot.” However, Messrs Meale & Mellersh had other ideas and promptly called it the Holmesdale Inn. Eves 1861 map shows it as property No 1506 and describes it as “Public House & garden, owned by Neale & Mellersh, run by George Walter.”
The petty Sessional Report 1892 gives it as a “Fully Licensed house owned and tied for trade to Mellersh & Neale, and run by W Winchester who resides on the premises. Frequented by artisans and labourers.”
I have an incomplete list of proprietors as follows; 1859-1861 George Walter; 1878-1882 Charles Boon; 1891 Martin Elson; 1892-94 Wm Winchester; 1895 Edward Elsey; 1900-1936 Charles O Eeles; 1940-1951 William G Lockett; 1966-1968 T W Meadows.

The pub is seen above beyond the hedge in its Mellersh and Neale days


(Picture Alan Moore)

The Holmesdale was demolished in the 1900s. It is pictured (left) in 1993 and the site is shown (right) in 1998

(Both pictures Alan Moore)

The Holmesdale c1980 (photo courtesy Mrs E. Wickstead)


Labour in Vain

Park Lane, Reigate

Information from Richard Symonds
Situated approx No 14 Park Lane, Reigate. Demolished in 1756.


Listed in Bryant's Survey 1785 as property No 243, and described as "Messuage and appurtenances called the Labour in Vain, formerly licensed victuallers premises, worth £2.10s per annum. Formerly in the occupation of Christopher Stacey, William Keeble, and Ralph Holdsworth, late of Richard Cooke, and James Vine, now of Mrs Howick. This and the next (adjacent property) were left on lease about 1775 for 61 years to James Vine. As one site, this lease is now the property of Mrs Anne Jones. Have together never been considered more than one vote. Was part of the ancient estate granted to the First Lord Somers. Persons that have polled for both as one: Abraham Stanning 1698; Patrick Cuthbertson 1710. Pulled down 1756. In 1817, was in the occupation of Samuet Webb, thatcher."


References: SC 445/1 f243; British Library Add Mss 36232; Cambridge Record Office 588/A7.


Lesbourne Hall

(see Desert Rat)


Market Hotel

2, High Street, Reigate

These pictures show the Market in the 1920s/30s (Both pictures Richard Symonds)

Information from Richard Symonds
Formerly the sign of the Jolly Bacchus, rebuilt in 1882 and renamed Market Stores. For many years during the 18th and 19th centuries kept by the Yerworth family. Although I have no evidence, other than an engraving of the Jolly Bacchus clearly showing the Yerworth headboard, suggesting it originally stood nearer to the Old Crown Hotel, I believe it was relocated a few doors to the east when it was rebuilt on the new site, being the present position of the Market Hotel.
Bryants survey 1785 gives it as property 108 and describes it as a “Messuage, garden, outhouse and appurtenances worth £10 per annum. Formerly in the occupation of Richard and Widow Cummings, John Southern, late Abraham Smith, and now Richard Yerworth. John Cocks purchased it in 1749 of Abraham Smith for £800. George Lyfe of Betchworth polled 1698, 1710, and 1713; Edward Lyfe polled 1716 and 1722.”

The forerunner of the Market Inn, the Jolly Bacchus, referred to above

(picture Richard Symonds)

The Tythe Map 1843 gives it as property 766 “owned by Earl Somers, House & garden occupied by John Lucas.” However, I suggest the property to be confused with No 764 “owned by Earl Somers, House, outbuildings & garden of 14 poles, occupied by Richard Yerworth .”
Eves census 1861 has it as property 204 and described it as House & garden of 14 poles, owned by Sarah Yerworth, and run by Henry Yerworth.”
The petty sessional Report 1892 gives it as the “Market Stores, Market Place. Fully licensed Inn owned by Lady Henry Somerset. Licensee G Fowler who resides on the premises. It is conducted as a Freehouse for trade and frequented by tradesmen and shop assistants.”
I have an incomplete list of proprietors as follows; 1909 – 1910 George Adams; 1915 Mrs Annie Cogswell; 1923 David R Munro; 1926 – 1944 Charles E Scott; 1948 – 1956 C E H Polden; 1958 – 1968 Walter G Hunt.

It is interesting to note that George Adams also owned the bonded stores & warehouse immediately opposite the Inn just across Tunnel road. George Adams ran both businesses for a short while during the 1st decade of the 20th century, although the main family interest had been for several decades previously in the Tunnel Vaults and Stores.

Adams' Stores (or Adams's as it was always written) stood on the opposite corner of Tunnel Road from the Market Inn. Here it is shown with the tunnel vaults behind in the days when it was only two storeys - compare the building here with the picture above.

The Market Hotel 1973 when Tunnel Road was still open to northbound traffic

(Both pictures Richard Symonds)

The Market Hotel 1975 when the one-way system was being created


A side view of the Market Hotel taken from the top of the tunnel in 1972


Nutley Hall

8 Nutley Lane

The Nutley Hall

(Picture Richard Symonds)

Information from Richard Symonds
This pub must have been built sometime between 1843 and 1861 as the Tythe map 1st edn of 1843 gives only a meadow (property 838) of 3 roods 19 poles, the property of William Pooler Esq, and the 1861 Eves Census gives the same property (then numbered 492 on the map) as the Nutley Hall public house and premises owned and run by John Bailey.
I have also caught sight of a retailer’s licence issued 11th October 1865 granting permission for

Alfred George Ryder, “residing in a house known by the sign of the Nutley Hall in Reigate” to carry on the trade of “retailer of beer, cider or perry, sprits, foreign wine, and tobacco in the said premises being all adjoining or contiguous to each other and situate in one place, and held together for the same trade, such house and premises being rented at £20 per annum”. The cost of the licence, for one year, being 12 pounds, 7 shillings and nine pence farthing.
The Petty Sessional Report for 1892 gives it as a “Fully licensed house owned and tied for trade to Messrs E Barnes of Horsham, brewers”, and gives the licensee as “R Stedman who resides on the premises. The inn is frequented by artisans.”
An incomplete list of publicans as follows: c1861. John Bailey;  c1865 Alfred George Ryder; c1871 David Pitt: 1878-1882 William Goodman;
1891-1904 R Stedman; c1905 Hazel Stedman;
1909-1910 Arthur Hazelwood; 1915-1944 Charles Halsey; 1944-1968 Peter George Booker; 1968-1975 Anthony Nash;
c1975 Harold Saint.

The Nashes

1975 (Picture Richard Symonds)

The pub pictured in July 2007

The bar in 2007, with the landlord, John McGowan, standing on the left


The Nutley Hall sign high on the side wall

The rear of the building in 2007

From the Surrey Mirror of 24th September 1899


Hazel Steadman, of the Nutley Hall public house, Reigate, was summoned for permitting drunkenness on November 13th . - Mr. Dennis of Croydon, appeared to defend. - Evidence was given by Inspector Jeffrey, who, in company with P.C.Howlett, visited the Nutley Hall at 9.30 p.m. on November 13th. They found eight men in the bar drinking from pots of beer. The Landlady and her son were behind the bar. Three of the men were slightly under the influence of drink, but not sufficiently so to justify a complaint. At 10.15 p.m., in consequence of a disturbance at the house, Inspectory Jeffrey paid another visit in company with P.C. Hannett. The three men were then quite drunk. The Landlady and her son and daughter were then behind the bar. The condition of the three men was pointed out , and they were turned off the premises. The police could not arrest them for simple drunkenness, or they would have been arrested; they were strangers or they would have been summoned. The Inspector called the attention of the landlord to the matter, but he abruptly turned away and made no reply. - P.S.Hannett gave evidence as to the second visit. - Mr.Dennis, in addressing the Bench, said that at 9.30 on the evening in question and old man tutored the house, and was served with small quantities of rum. Immediately afterwards and man and a women entered and assaulted the old man, while the woman used bad language. The police were acquainted, and, after and interval, arrived. Before that three men came into the house. They had no money between them, but made an attempt at collecting, with the result that they were given 1d. A navvy who was in the house offered them a drink from a pot and they drank. They left and returned again, and had not been in the house 10 minutes when the Inspector came. One went to sleep, and no doubt the constable was mistaken. - The landlord gave evidence, and swore that the men in question were sober, and had been refused drink by his daughter. - Wm. Peters, Glover's Fields, said that the three men in question were sober, but were not served with drink, and were ordered out after their first visit. They were sober when they came in the second time. The men walked steadily enough. - Bertha Steadman said that the three men were sober. They had not been served with drink. - Re-called, Inspector Jeffrey said he saw the three men in question drinking, and one the asked him to have a drink. - Owing to the conflicting nature of evidence the case was dismissed.

(Article kindly supplied by the nutley laneproject)

Email from Pete York July 2008


I have been doing some research on my family History. My grandma, Lily Pitt, was born in Reigate in 1893. Her grandfather  was David Pitt- born c1827. According to the 1871 survey aged 44 he is recorded as the Licenced vitualler of Nutley Hall. I  searched Nutley Hall on the Internet and your resource came up. I read with interest the list of publicans of Nutley Hall and notice my ancestors name does not appear. Hope this info is of use to you.

Thank you very much for the information; the name of David Pitt has been added to the list above. AJM and RS

Another lost pub? We'll have to wait and see what the outcome is.

(Article from the Surrey Morror of May 20th 2010)


The Panther

Croydon Road

Information from Richard Symonds

I have seen a conveyance dated 1st July 1869 transferring the Panther from Mr C H Masters to Friary & Holroyd’s Brewery Co Ltd. Therefore, it must have received its licence sometime before 1869. It was a beers<

hop only, tied for trade to Friary, Holroyd & Healy’s Brewery of Guildford (later to become Friary Meux Ltd). The Petty Sessional Report for 1892

gave the publican as Mr E Duncan who resided on the premises and the clientele tended to be tradesmen and artisans. It remained a beerhouse until 1959 when it received its full licence from the closure of the Eagle opposite. The tenant at that time was Philip Arthur Scutt.


The Panther in 1973

Photo courtesy Richard Symonds


The Panther replaced the Eagle c1965.
Photo courtesy Richard Symonds

The owner of the Panther had bought the Eagle c1915.

Ian Robertson. bar manager of the Pather, kindly supplied the following information: - Iris, the Landlady of the Railway, Daphne, the Landlady of the Yew Tree and Bonny Jones, the Landlady of the Panther went on holiday together several times and were known in their pubs as the 'merry widows'. At

the time of writing, Iris still lives in Reigate in Norbury Road. The 1973 photo was taken the year Bonny and her retired policeman husband took over the Panther. You can see in the 1973 photo that the house immediately to the left of the pub has been demolished to make way for an extension to the pub and the new pub garden. You can just make out the porch to the entrance in the new extension and a second porch, which has been cut into the wall in between the second window and the two doors, and was in fact a small entrance to enable the landlord to sell off sales from behind the bar. The two doors and second window have been filled in since 1965, as the bar now occupies the space along that wall.


Information received 27.9.07, thanks very much Ian

The Panther in the 1920s when still a beerhouse

(See also The Railway for more about Iris)

The Panther under new management in December 2011


The Panther closed and fenced off in March 2012 before re-opening in April 2012 as The Roe Deer.


Pear Tree

Nutley Lane, Reigate

Information from Richard Symonds -

The Pear Tree was a beerhouse in Nutley Lane that was closed down in 1910, the last landlord being Thomas Edward Milton. I have very little on record about this establishment other than a reference in the 1892 Petty Sessional Report wherein it is described as a “Beerhouse with on and off licences granted prior to 1869, owned and tied by trade to George Moore & Co, Leatherhead, brewers. The licensee, G. Parsons resides on the premises. This is a common lodging house for tramps.” 

From the Surrey Mirror dated 7th February 1899.

A Man Suffocated - A Woman Seriously Burnt

A shocking occurrence took place on Saturday at Reigate, resulting in the death of a man named William Howell, a bricklayer, fifty-four years of age, and serious burns to a woman named Margaret Howell. It appears that the man and woman had been staying at the Pear Tree lodging house, Nutley-lane, and retired to bed about ten o’clock. A labourer named Underhill, going to bed about eleven, noticed a strong smell of burning and saw smoke coming from Howell's room. Assistance was at once fetched and the door, which was latched outside, was burst open. The man was brought out alive, but died soon after and the woman .. was removed to the Infirmary.
The Inquest was held at the Cemetery Chapel ... Mr George Clarke acted as foreman of the jury.
The first witness was Jane Ann Hastings, 25 Bedford-road, Enfield High-road, who identified the body as that of her father. She thought that he was about 54 years of age. Her mother and he were parted. She last saw him about a month before Christmas. He was then in good health. He was a bricklayer, and she understood he had work in the neighbourhood.
Walter Underhill, labourer, a lodger at the Pear Tree, Nutley-lane, said he was on the premises on Saturday night. He came from Redhill about eight o'clock in the evening. Deceased was sitting on a seat near the fire. He ws in good spirits, but he had a bad cold. He was not the worse for drink.
The Deputy Coroner: He was sober? - Well a man who has had a pint or two of ale isn't sober, is he?
The Deputy Coroner: You swear he was sober? - Sober. Capable of doing any duty.
The Deputy Coroner: You were with him two hours? - Yes.
The Deputy Coroner: What did you have to drink with him? - Nothing.
Continuing, witness said deceased went up to bed about ten o'clock with his wife. Witness could not say whether she was sober. She was a very excitable woman. Witness went upstairs about 10:50. He had to pass the room where the deceased slept, and on the way up his wife remarked "What a smell of something burning." There were three landings. They were then on that below which deceased slept. When they got up a few more steps they saw smoke emerging from deceased's room. He sent his wife down for the landlady and tried to get the door open. He could not unlatch it, it was barred inside. He got it open about six inches but could see nothing for the smoke. He was trying to force the door open when Mr. McCarthy came up with others, and they burst it open. Witness was overcome with smoke , and could not make out the situation inside. He afterwards went downstairs and assisted in getting buckets of water. It was not a large room - about 12ft. by 9ft.; there was no fireplace; no ventilation besides the window. Deceased was not dead when he was brought out of the room. The doctor was sent for immediately. It must have been about a quarter of an hour between the giving of the alarm and when the doctor was sent for. Witness was there when the doctor arrived. He had just come down after watching the deceased expire.

In reply to further questions from the Deputy Coroner, witness said that they all had to be in bed at 11 o'clock on Saturday night, and no smoking was allowed in the house. Deceased was not smoking when he went to bed.
By Ex-Inspector King: The room was on the top landing.
By the Foreman: He supposed it was the bed that prevented the door from being opened. He was not able to see inside the room
Matthew McCarthy, proprietor of the lodging house in Nutley-lane, known as the Pear Tree, said that on Saturday night he was called upstairs by the wife of the last witness. He went up. Smoke was coming from under deceased's door in volumes. It knocked him back and he had to go back on the landing to get his breath. He tried to get the door open. The bed and bedstead were up against the door as well as the man himself. When the smoke was out he felt for the man, and they managed to get him out on the landing. He could not say in what position the man was lying. They got some water and washed his face. He was breathing; but he suffered from asthma. With assistance they carried him downstairs and left him on a bed in a room below. They did not then send for a doctor, but went up for his wife. Witness send for the police but not for a doctor.
The Deputy Coroner: Didn't you know this man was in a very serious condition? - Well, sir, I thought he might recover.
Continuing, witness said he helped the woman out and she was brought downstairs by the females and put in a bed in the same room. The man was still breathing about a quarter of an hour after he had been taken from the room. The doctor had been sent for when Sergeant Smith came, on his advice. Witness could not speak exactly as to the time because the place was in an uproar. Deceased did not regain conciousness. He saw deceased frequently during the evening. He did not see all he had to drink; he could not say what he had but he should say a pint or two of ale. Deceased was none the worse for drink. Witness did not see him go to bed, and could not say whether he went sober. He last saw him previously about nine o'clock sitting in the tap-room. He saw decesaed's wife during the evening. Deceased gave her some money and she went out shopping. He did not see her go to bed; she was not drunk. He did not know she had been convicted for drunkenness.
The Deputy Coroner: What regulations do you make with regard to light? - We give them a bit of a candle and I generally go around about half-past eleven and put lights out.
Continuing, witness said deceased and his wife slept regularly at the house for four or five months . He should say the room was 12ft. by 14ft. The length of the bedstead was about 6ft.
The Deputy Coroner: I've seen the bedstead and it nearly touches both end. - Oh, no sir.
The Deputy Coroner: Supposing the bed were placed in the middle would there be 4in. at each end? - Yes, I should say so.
The Deputy Coroner: But that would not make 12ft. - only about seven. What ventilation is there? - The window and under the door.
The Deputy Coroner: Then the bed being put up against the door would stop up the ventilation? - Yes, sir.
The Deputy Coroner: And then this room being a very small one it would be quickly filled with smoke? - Yes, sir.
Did you see the woman yesterday? - Yes, sir.
Did you have any conversation with her? - I did not, sir.
She was sensible on Saturday night? - I can't say sir.
By the Foreman: He could not form any idea as to how the accident happened. They did not see a candle. The Sergeant had looked.
By Mr. King: This room was passed by Dr. Jacob, the Medical Officer of Health, for two persons to sleep in.
By another Juror: They did not give all the lodgers candles. Deceased and his wife had been in the habit of going to the room for some time and they did not take much notice of them. He could not say whether they rolled off the bed. Only the palliasse was left on the bedstead. He saw no matches. Things were in disorder in the room.
Sergt. Smith said on Saturday night he was called to the Pear Tree, and arrived about 11:40. The Fire Brigate had been called about ten minutes but had not arrived; they arrived just after. He went back to the lodging house, which was at the back and went to the attic floor. He saw a bed which had been burning, but the fire had been extinguished. There was a flock bed on the floor, partly burnt, and flock all about the floor. There was also a man's jacket smouldering. There was no evidence of there having been any blaze. There was a pair of trousers and a lot of female clothing about. There was a wooden chair with candle grease on it - not recent. It was impossible to search the room; it was four or five inches deep with flock and water. The bed had been rolled off the bedstead onto the floor. The room was only about eight feet square with a sloping roof. There was no fireplace, but there was a fair space under the door for ventilation, though that, of course, had been blocked up. He found a broken spirit flask that had had rum in it. He asked the proprietor where the people who had been taken out were , and being told in the room underneath he went down and saw them. The woman was insensible. Deceased was lying on another bed perfectly naked with a rug over him. His right hand had been burned ... as though he had been lying in a fire ...
By the Jury: He could form no conclusion with regard to the origin of the fire. Probably the bed caught fire and was pulled off to put it out.
P.C. Gadd. coroner's office said he had searched the room and found a candlestick beneath the bed and bedding on the floor. He found two shillings and two-and-a-half pence in a cap under the bedstead ...
In summing up the Deputy Coroner said there was not much evidence of negligence on the part of the proprietor. As to crowding in the house that was not a question for them; that was a matter for higher authorities. The question for them was whether the proprietor could have sent for the doctor sooner. In all probability things were in confusion and he was looking after his house, and did not notice the necessity.
The jury returned a verdict of "Accidental death."

(Article kindly supplied by the nutley laneproject)



(or King’s Corner)(2) Church Street, Reigate
Information from Richard Symonds:

This pub was first mentioned in 1602 and was another inn that closed down circa 1750.
Listed in Bryants Survey 1785, f127-8. Property 127 was formerly the Plow, but in the writings, The Kings Corner. Formerly in the occupation of Richard Dewdney, widow Crust, John Richardson, Elizabeth Rowed, Charles Smith, now Richard Wood, and now very ruinous. PN Nash. Chain house. “Messuage with appurtenances abutting east on the passage leading through the White Hart, worth 10/- per annum.” Purchased of Sir Jeckyll’s devisees by Charles Yorke in trust for Philip, 2nd Earl Hardwicke. Edward Wells Polled 1698.
A release exists from William Pledge to Richard Wells, and a will of 1695 exists by Wells, devising all his property in the Borough to his son, Edward. A further will, dated 1722, also exists, by Edward Wells Jnr, devising the premises to his wife Sarah for life, then to his son Edward. Another release, dated 1733, is known to have been made by Edward and wife Wells, to Sir Jeckyll for £120, and a further release, dated 1736, by Jeckyll to Roger Coningsby for life for £28.
Property No 128 was let with 127 on lease to Archibald Butcher for 21 years at £14pa. It was purchased by Charles Yorke for Philip, 2nd Earl Hardwicke of Thomas Budgen of Dorking, with others. It does not appear to have polled. Supporting documentation existed as follows: 1719, release by Sir Jeckyll to John Budgen of Dorking, doctor in Physic, for £234, then called The Plough Inn, "abutting the Chapell in the market place to west." Also i n 1727, Dr John Budgen leased it to Abraham Smith, distiller, for 40 years at £12 per annum. Listed as a “Messuage, wool-loft, etc, formerly part of the old Plough Inn, now in the occupation of Arthur Butcher, formerly George Dewdney, William Matthews, and Abraham Smith. PN Nash, stables.
Other references gives 1602, Jo Baker; 1630, Richard Ware of Ewell, conveyed it, likely called King’s Corner, to P E Ware; possessed of Richard Cook of Great Bookham in 1623;. In 1661 P C Ware sold it to J Heathfield; In 1663 Jo Heathfield sold it to Jo Pledge (brother of Wm Pledge).

References: P49/1/1; SC 445/1 f127-8; Hertfordshire Records Office D/Ecd E142,


Prince of Wales
Holmesdale Road

Information from Richard Symonds -

Owned by Westerham Brewery and then the Ind Coope chain

The Prince of Wales in early 1900s

The Prince of Wales in 2006

The rear of the building 2008


Inside the bar looking west

The bar looking east

As the garden backs onto Reigate station the name is apt


Prince of Wales
Nutley Lane


Frontal view of the pub
(Picture Richard Symonds)

  View down Nutley Lane, pub on right

(Picture AJM)

Information from Richard Symonds

The 1892 petty sessional report listed the Prince of Wales as a beerhouse, licensed prior to 1869, owned by William Carruthers of Reigate and run as a freehouse by J Muddle who resided on the premises. The pub was frequented by artisans and labourers. Carruthers sold the property to Mellersh & Neale 24th march 1894 (converance), who promptly mortgaged it to their usual bankers F A Nash et al. However, the mortgage was redeemed within 18 months. Known tenants were Wm Muddle 1900-1930 (who presumably got the tenancy from J Muddle, probably father to son) and 1930-46 Wm Cox.  The quarterly tenancy rent as beerhouse in 1938 was £35 per annum.

Wickens, the man who ran buses between Reigate and Redhill, had the property next door; his board is just visible in the left hand picture.



From the Surrey Mirror of Friday, September the 22nd 1899:

Before the Mayor (Councillor F.E. Barnes), Alderman F. Budgen, Messrs. W. H. Nash, and S. Barrow.
Mr James Nightingale presented plans of and applied for sanction to certain alterations proposed to be made to the Prince of Wales beerhouse, Nutley-lane, Reigate, recently purchased by Messers. Melersh and Neale. - Mr. Penfold, of Messers. Baker and Penfold, explained the plans. - Subject to a slight alteration suggested by the magistrates the plans were passed.

(Article kindly supplied by the nutley lane


Priory - see Castle Inn


Public Hall Inn

High Street

Information from Richard Symonds

The next building to Morrison's Solicitors offices (now ASH) in Reigate High Street. In 1888 F,Coker is listed as the landlord. He was also a confectioner.


Public Hall Shades

No information availabel


Queen’s Arms

4a High Street, Reigate

Information from Richard Symonds

First mentioned in 1598 when occupied by Richard Best, and also formerly known as the White Horse. Last used as an inn c.1647, and finally converted into a house by 1780. It stood on the site that used to be Eames Outfitters, then La Trobes and latterly by the Carphone Warehouse.
Bryant’s Survey of 1785 lists the property as folio 106 and describes it as “ A messuage and backside now divided into two tenements abutting south on Market Place, north on stables belonging to the Crown Inn, east onto a passage leading to the same, and west onto a messuage in William Glover’s occupation. Worth £5 per annum. Formerly the sign of the White Horse, and in several occupations of James Sutton, Widow Duffield, John Wix, George Batchelor, George Roads, John Woodman, widow Bristow, and now of William Woodman and James Shere. Purchased by Philip Lord Hardwicke of Widow Hayden of Guildford. James Humphrey polled in 1698.”
An old conveyance document exists, dated November 1656 wherein Thomas Blatt jnr., tallow chandler, in consideration of £200, grants to Benjamin Bonwicke and wife Sarah, ...”All that messuage or inn, with appurtenances, commonly called Queen’s Arms, adjoining the Market Place and consisting of one cellar under the messuage, two other cellars commonly called inner cellar and outer cellar, kitchen, buttery, parlour, study, and entry, cold-harbour, kitchen chamber with the chamber and garrett over same, closett in kitchen chamber, closett in chamber over kitchen chamber, sign chamber with the chamber and garrett over same, spare chamber to door going out to stairs, and cole-hole in the spare chamber, all to Bonwicke except cellar in Tenure of Thomas Blatt abutting on messuage of Thomas Blatt the elder on east, Old Castle ditch on north, and Market Place on south.”
Note: Thomas Blatt apparently also had the liberty of the passage; and the use of the well and three upper cellars were also exempted from the sale (which included the old prison).
References: P49/1/1; SC 445/1 f105-6; Hertfordshire RO D/Ecd E142


Railway Hotel

The Railway Hotel prior to demolition 1986


The Railway Hotel in the 1930s

(Picture Richard Symonds)

The Railway Hotel beyond the railway crossing prior to 1924

(Picture Alan Moore)


Email received from sender indentifying himself simply as 'MCK'

I read with interest (and some affection), your mention of Iris, the  landlady of the Railway Hotel, Reigate

(related in the section on The Panther)


As an underage drinker, I and  many friends were regular customers of Iris's between 1978-1981.  Though Iris always seemed to be doing her best to stay within the  licensing laws, her pub was plagued by underage drinkers during this  period, and it was no easy task for her to keep track, I recall. Many  of those adolescents whom I drank with at that time still recall Iris  affectionately, if also with a little trepidation. She was a  formidable adversary if you got on the wrong side of her.


An 1899 advertisement for the Railway Hotel

She was also very shrewd however, and was (I believe) the only  Reigate publican of the late-1970s to allow her younger clientele to  donate their own 45rpm records for her jukebox. This showed good  business acumen. News spread very quickly, and soon Iris's Railway Hotel became known to youngsters from as far away as Dorking,  Buckland, Merstham and Horley. People even used to drive from  Caterham, Tadworth and Crawley for a Friday night at the Railway  Hotel. In fact, it is possible to say that this was the last busy  period that the Railway Hotel enjoyed, prior to slipping into  terminal decline.
Best wishes for releasing these fond memories in me.

Thanks for the reminiscences - they add much flavour to the bare bones of otherwise meagre information.



Red Cross Hotel

Corner of High Street
and London Road

The Red Cross c1904

(Picture Richard Symonds)

The Red Cross three quarter view

(picture Alan Moore 7th October 2007)

Front view. Note the Heritage plaque (pictured right) on the left corner

. Its wording is given below. (picture Alan Moore )

The inviting open door onto the High Street (picture Alan Moore 7th October 2007)

Formerly the Red Cross Inn, this historic hostelry can be traced back to the 17th century. In 1652 the Inn was owned by William Castleman, who was substantial enough to issue his own farthing tokens in that year. This is believed to be the earliest record of the Inn but it clearly indicates a going concern not a new venture. (more about this below) Situated beside one of Reigate's medieval market places, the Inn stands opposite the site of the medieval Chapel of the Holy Cross. (This Chapel stood on an island in the middle of the road and after the Reformation, was used as a barn. It was demolished shortly before 1786).

The heritage plaque outside of the Red Cross

(picture Alan Moore 7.10.2007)

'For centuries this hostelry was used by traders and farmers on market days, travellers and by many generations of townspeople. Today the Inn remains a well-known Reigate landmark for both locals and passing visitors.'

More about the Farthing Tokens mentioned above

On Sunday March 21st 2010 one of the Red Cross tokens was unearthed in a field near Dorking by a metel detector enthusiast. During and just after the Civil War it was quite common for businesses to issue their own farthing tokens because of an acute shortage of the farthing in normal currency. Issue of the state farthing had been banned by Parliament in 1944 because of a perceved surfeit. The farthing had been issued under contract by King Charles 1st. He was executed in 1649 after the second Civil War and some traders took matters into their own hands to create an alternative coin to alleviate the shortage of small change. The tokens were never official, however, and after the restoration of the monarchy with Charles ll the supply of farthings recommenced across the country in 1872.

The coin issued by William Castleman in the 1650s and found at Dorking. At least four Reigate traders issued tokens and they were made to match one another to make them seem authentic. Each would have had a symbol of some kind, probably to represent the trade in question, and the issuer's intials on the reverse.

Information and picture comes from from the Surrey Mirror article of April 1st 2010 which contained additional information from Mr Tim Everson, an expert on farthings and 17c traders' tokens.


Red Rose

An inn mentioned in 1446


Red Lion

West Street

Information from Richard Symonds

An inn by this name dated from medieval times but there was another inn that also used this name as well as just the Lion. The former inn was converted to tenements in 1671 while the latter traded into the 18th cemtury.


Red Lyon

When West Street was widened in the early part of the 20th century most of the old Red Lyon was demolished but for the south wall adjoining the present butcher’s shop. Then in 1923 further alterations exposed some old oak posts with Tudor arches (see picture left), these having been part of the south wall of the old Inn. This photo was taken at the time. Later in 1956 the beams were uncovered again (picture below) and subsequently preserved in situ and left exposed. This Old Inn was where Walsingham Heathfield, brewer and innkeeper, lay under suspicion during the Commonwealth when inns were closed or controlled by Cromwell's Major-Generals as Royalist centres of disaffection, A field which lay at the rear called Red Lyon Close included part of the present cricket ground. Heathfield purchased the property in l671 just before his death, by which date the house had been divided into three tenements. By 1729 it had ceased to be an inn. This property was numbered 243-250 on Bryant's Survey.

(Pictures and caption Richard Symonds)


The beams of the Red Lyon can be seen in the shop on the corner of Park Lane and West Street. The picture on the left was taken from the shop's Park Lane window, with West Street visible through the opposite window. The picture on the right was taken at the same time through the West Street window. The shop was undergoing renovation at the time.

(Both pictures Alan Moore 2007)


Reigate Hill Hotel


The Reigate Hill Hotel in October 1970. In the left picture the pub sign is that of the Yew Tree.

(Three pictures Richard Symonds, one picture Alan Moore)

The sign for the Reigate Hill Hotel is on the side of Reigate Hill before the entrance to the Hotel. As one drives up the hill, however, it is the Tew Tree pub that is in view on the bend.


Closer views of the hotel


Rifle Volunteer

88 Reigate Hill

Closed c1907

Three views of the Rifle Volunteer in the early 1900s

(pictures Richard Symonds)


The Rifle Volunteer building still standing in 2008 (Alan Moore)


Robin Hood

46 Holmesdale Road

Information from Richard Symonds

Built 1859 and later bought by T.Neale. Licence refused 1936

(Picture Richard Symonds)


Roe Deer -

See The Panther


Rose & Crown


42-44 High Street

Information from Richard Symonds

In Bryant's Survey of 1785 the Rose and Crown was described as having a garden and a brewhouse. It was conveyed to Robert Tooth, a butcher, in 1697 and sold in 1750 by Robert Tooth to Philip, the 2nd Earl of Hardwicke for £140. Other proprietors inclded 1816-1826 Richard Bartholemew; 1839 James Wells; 1855-1861 Edward Wells; 1878 Henry Joyes; 1882 John Barratt, In 1892 it was owned by Lady Henry Somerset and was leased and tied by trade to Mellersh and Neale. The licencee from 1891-1895 was H.Pulling.

The picture on the left dates from the late 1800s. The two building on the right stand on the north side of the High Street either side of the path into the Castle Grounds; the larger building and the one next to it now being the site of Boots Chemists. On the far left, with the street lamp outside and a board on its roof, is believed to be the Rose and Crown.

(picture AJM)


Seven Dials

Bell Street

Information from Richard Symonds


Closed by 1727

Notes from W.M.Bushby state that the Seven Dials was a large inn at 39-41 Bell Street. William Keasley had it in 1704 and his son sold it in January 1719 for £140. By 1729 it had been divided into three tenements.



Bell Street

Information from Richard Symonds

- First noted in 1652 it had been converted to a house by 1785

Notes from W.M.Bushby state that the Ship stood where Bancroft Road now joins Bell Street. Keasley's the bakers had the building from about 1790.


Skimmington Castle

Reigate Heath

(Early picture of the pub courtesy Richard Symonds)

Information from Richard Symonds

The origin of the name of the Skimmington Castle pub is perplexing. Apparently the area where it stands was, in the 1800s, known as Skimmington Down, a name said to derive from a custom of ‘Riding the Skimmington’, another term of which the meaning and origin has been lost. Early reference to the premises was in 1861/2 when the general store on the site sold beer and became an inn, or beershop, run by William Perkins. Sometime before 1892 it was acquired by William Dagnall. William Bonny acquired it after 1892 and ran it until 1905 when it became the property of Cutforth Bros., who were local brewers, and who had supplied beer to the premises.
A look at the Crown pub on this page shows that from 1859 to1861 William Bonny was its proprietor. If it is the same William Bonny is unknown.
The mineral water business that was near the Skimminton Castle was started by William Bonny after the sale of the pub.

An 1999 advert for Bonny's mineral water. It would be nice to know where the spring was.

Mr Andy Fisher and his wife Anne retired in as landlords of the Skim in 1994. They took over forty years earlier in 1954. They were succeeded by Mr Guy Davies and his wife Rena who said that there would be little change with perhaps a bit of tidying up and the introduction of food in the evenings.

Andy and Anne Fisher just before their retirement

The sudden and unexpected closure of the Skimmington Castle was announced in the Surrey Mirror of 25th September 2008

'Thirsty ramblers were stunned to discover one of their favourite pubs had shut down without warning at the weekend,' the article read. It reported owners Punch Taverns as saying that the inn had been repossessed but were tight lipped aboutwhat led to that circumstance. A spokesman for the company said that its priority was to get the Smimmington Castle open for trade again as soon as possible. The Mirror was unable to get any information directly from the pub. In the meantime we'll just have to wait and see what happens.

Since this was published the pub has re-opened and business continues. The manager told me that he now runs the Skim for a lady who owns it plus another pub elsewhere. AJM summer 2009


Swan Hotel

High Street

Information from Richard Symonds

The most important inn in reigate before the rebuilding of the White Hart. It is said that the election of the Prior of Reigate Priory took place here in 1452. During the 17c it was owned by the Castleman family, one of whom was stabbed to death by a coronet in the dragoons in 1695.

The Swan Hotel from a painting by Samuel Howitt 1756-1822.

(Picture Richard Symonds)

The Swan Hotel is shown here closed and for sale in the 1930s

(Picture Richard Symonds)

A painting of the centre of Reigate, this time with a horseless carriage parked outside the Swan

(Picture Richard Symonds)

A view of Reigate Market Place c1915 when the Swan Hotel was still open

(Picture Richard Symonds)

The rear yard of the Swan Hotel. The High Street can be seen through the arch.(

Picture AJM)

This photo, presumably of a painting, is not of Reigate as it shows the Swan Hotel on the north side of the Market Place. It looks as if it could be Reigate, with the old chapel and what could be Church Street stretching into the distance behind, but is probably of a Herefordshire Market town.

Another painting of the Swan at quite an early period

(picture AJM)

A close-up of the Swan 1930s

(Courtesy Ken Turrell)


Tap and Spile

(See Red Cross)


Three Horseshoes



It is shown here in 1899

(Picture courtesy Richard Symonds)


Three Horseshoes


High Street

See also The Crown

Information from Richard Symonds

The Three Horseshoes stood on the site of the old Lloyds bank which would place it at about No 4 High Street.   First recorded 1595 , and last used circa 1647 when the premises bearing that sign were conveyed to Thomas Blatt of Fengates, tanner.   Whenever a pub takes the name of the Three Horseshoes, it is an indicator that a blacksmith or farrier was not far away. Why three shoes and not four? Because the horse would stand on three when he was being shod.   Sydney Smith said "the Smiths never had any arms and have invariably sealed their letters with their thumbs". This sign, however, represents the arms of the Smiths, that is, of the London Company of Farriers. It also resembled the coat of arms of the Ferrers family, Earls of Derby in the 14th century. The Inn was later called the Crown (see my notes on the Crown).   References:  SC 445/1 f107.  371/6/127/1-12.



Three Pigeons

London Road

Information from Richard Symonds -

The Three Pigeons stood in London Road and was a beershop of uncertain history. My copy of the Petty Sessional Report 1892 gives it as a beershop, licensed prior to 1869, owned & tied by trade to Mr Reffell of Gomshall, brewer, and run by a Mr Alfred Owers who resided on the premises. The inn was frequented by Gentlemen's servants and artisans. According to William Bushby, a well known local historian in past times, there were extensive caves under the beerhouse, which linked up wirth the
Bats & Balls and the Red Cross Inns (see my notes re Bats & Balls), The Three Pigeons was a well-known betting house and was eventually closed down by the police. When it was raided, they could not catch anybody as they disappeared down the caves and it was like looking for a needle in a haystack down there. When it was safe, the customers would come up and have a glass of beer in the Red Cross or the Bats & Balls, and the landlords did not give the game away as it was good for trade. The police had the holes bricked up several times.


Warren Arms

16 Warren Road

Information from Richard Symonds -

Closed c1910 and later became a slaughter house then a shop.


White Hart

Church Street

The White Hart is seen here in the 1960s tucked between two larger buildings on the south (left) side of Church Street. (picture Alan Moore)

Information from Richard Symonds -

Between 1582 and 1611 it was kept by John Wood, and later by William Pistor

In 2007 the White Hart closed and became the Strada Italian restaurant

(Picture Alan Moore)


White Hart Commercial Hotel

Bell Street

Information from Richard Symonds

The White Hart Hotel was built in 1774 on site of two shops and a corn store and demolished in 1933, its contents having been sold by at auction by Watkin and Watkin on May 19th of that year. The Reigate Amateur Film Society, then in its first stage of formation, and also in 1933, made a film called ‘Come to Reigate’, in which the White Hart Hotel featured as one of the older parts of the town. George III, it is said, was known to keep a bedroom reserved there, and Queen Victoria stopped there briefly on her way to Brighton soon after her accession. On another occasion she stopped there for lunch with the Prince Consort and the baby Prince of Wales, later King Edward V11. The historical novelist William Harrison Ainsworth lived there before he moved to Glovers Field, where he died in 1882. He wrote ' Old Court' at the Hotel. The White Hart's history includes an incident in which an army officer ran through one of the hotel's landlords with a sword after an argument about a bad coin. The officer was tried, condemned and hanged. On Sept 18th 1838 a meeting of the inhabitants was held at the Hotel to discuss the provision of gas for the town, following which a gas company was later formed.

It was the centre of the coach trade in Reigate from 1756 until the advent of the railway in the mid-1800s. The Prince of Wales, who was later George IV often styed there on his way to Brighton. Around 1823 it was owned by James Relf.

The White Hart in 1775

(picture Richard Symonds)

The White Hart from an 1890s business guide

(picture AJM)

Contrast the previous picture with this one of cars outside the White Hart in 1896 following the inaugural London-Brighton run.

(picture AJM)

A rear view of the White Hart showing the garden, now the site of a multi-storey car park

(picture AJM from same business guide as above)

A Vanderbilt coach ready to leave the White Hart at Reigate. For more about these coaches see panel right

(picture Richard Symonds)


In 1907 Mr A.G.Vanderbilt came to England with 27 horses and won the International Horse Show at his very first attempt. In 1908 he brought more horses to this country from the USA and started running coaches to recreate ‘the glory and the glamour’ of this mode of transport through the Surrey and Sussex countryside.On the first trial run of a stagecoach from London to Brighton a stop was made at the White Hart at Reigate for lunch and a great many people turned out to see this revival of the old coaching days. Fresh horses were attached to ‘Meteor’, the name of the coach used and Mr Vanderbilt himself was the driver. ‘Meteor’ was being used only on this initial run, the coach to be used on subsequent regular runs being ‘Venture’.He gave up coaching in 1914 when war was declared and returned to the USA but decided to come back to England to take up Red Cross work. He booked a ticket on the Lusitania , a British liner known to be a target for German submarines, and in spite of warnings refused to cancel. The ship was torpedoed and sunk and Vanderbilt, along with many others, including a significant number of fellow Americans, lost his life. AJM

The White Hart Hotel 1925

(picture Richard Symonds)

The demolition of the White Hart Hotel in December 1933

(picture AJM)


White Horse
See the Angel


White Horse

Albert Road South
Eves census 1861 gives the inn as property no. 422, with an area of 21 poles.The proprietor given was Benjamin Farrington.
Information sent in by Ken Turrell.

These days I live in the Netherlands but grew up in Reigate.  I drank in many of the pubs you have documented. My own local was mainly the Blue Anchor.


However I grew up in a house that used to be The White Horse in South Albert Road. A strange anomalie being the two roads running parallel to each other were South Albert Road and Albert Road North, where the Admiral sits on the corner of Nutley name. No one could ever explain the difference in the way the roads were named.

The pub was originally a coaching house believed to have been built in the 18th century. At some stage in the 20th century it ceased being an inn and was split into two houses. These became numbers 35 and 37 South Albert Road. It was built of what my father called Reigate stone. It was knocked down about 10-12 years ago and two modern houses built on the site.

My own family were living at no 37 during the 1902 census. That side of the family being called Booker. Some time in the 1950s my father swapped with a family called the Lewers who lived at no 35, which is where I grew up from 1957, and became houses.


The old stable and harness block was still intact unttil the houses were demolished. The attic was one long one shared by both houses. In number 37 the bells for calling staff were still in place and my brother an I used to get in trouble for going in the attic and ringing them. I remember just inside the front door of no 37 there was a small hatch to what used to be the bar, where you could buy bottles when it still was an inn. Unfortunately I do not have any pictures of the place, but my mother may have some taken in the 1950-60s if you are interested.

Naturally we expressed a keen interest in seeing a picture and Ken came up with this. When the picture was taken the pub had already closed and the building been converted into two houses. Probably the markings on the house front were left over from its pub days.
Our grateful thanks to Ken Turrell.

Email from Derek Bull
You mention on your site (see information from Ken Turrell above) that you didn't know why the two 'Alberts' were named apparently so oddly.

This is purely so as not to confuse the postman and the street indexers.

Both roads were initially called Albert Road and all the 12 matching cottages (identical to ours in both roads built in 1862) were all called Albert Cottages.

Naming the roads put the streets in different parts of the indexes to avoid confusion. With a rather forward looking approach, the Borough Council at the turn of the century, approved a numbering scheme leaving sufficient gaps for new properties to be inserted without the need for renumbering. This has worked out almost exactly. I think there was only a need to suffix an 'A' on No21 (if my memory serves me right).


What is more confusing is that South Albert Road ends where your Pub was and becomes Evesham Road North!  Then a bit further Evesham Close! This still confuses my postman. Still he is Lithuanian!





Yew Tree

Reigate Hill

The old Yew Tree pub on Reigate Hill had another pub, the Rifle Volunteer, directly opposite.

(Picture Richard Symonds)

Built (or possibly rebuilt) in 1840, the original pub stood very close to the toll gate and toll house on Reigate Hill. This picture dates from c1880

(picture Richard Symonds)

The old yew Tree Inn c1900

(picture Nicholas McFarlane-Watts)

Another picture of the Yew Tree with the Rifle Volunteer visible on the right

(Picture Ken Turrell)

Yew Tree
Reigate Hill

The present Yew Tree being built behind the
old building in the 1930s

(picture AJM)

The Yew Tree when completed with the old buildings cleared away (

picture Richard Symonds)

Another picture of the Yew Tree as newly rebuilt (

picture Richard Symonds)

The Yew Tree in October 2007. Note that the timberwork on the front was not present when new.

(Picture Alan Moore)

Email from Ruth Al-Sadie

Hi   I have some family connections with the Yew Tree Inn and the Angel Inn.   My great, great aunt, Sarah Louisa Elliott, was a barmaid/general domestic servant at the Yew Tree Inn between 1891 and 1911. The proprietors of the Inn between those dates were a James and Ellen Green.    Sarah's father Thomas Elliott (my great, great, great grandfather) was a collector of tolls at the gates by the Yew Tree (called London Lane gates) in the second half of the 1840s. Thomas was also a collector of tolls at the gates beside the Angel Inn (called Woodhatch tollgates) in the first half of 1840s.   Hope this info is of use to your site.  

Ruth supplied a copy of the 1891 census confirming the details (enlargement of the entry for the Yew Tree below).
Many thanks, Ruth. AJM

Before we leave the subject entirely, the above pub and its location is unidentified. The only clue is what would appear to be 'Neale & Co' either side of the door.