Newsletter Archive, Introduction and Explanations
- Every year the Reigate and Redhill Society publishes three newsletters, both as paper copies, by email and by posting on this site. The newsletters are distributed to most members as paper copies. The exceptions are where a member has specifically requested not to receive a paper copy, and chooses instead to rely on the copy posted on this site. Usually about ten of the most recent newsletters are stored on the site.
- Newsletters on this site are in Adobe PDF, also referred to as Adobe or Acrobat format. This format is often used on websites to store documents for display. To display the newsletters, you need to have an up to date version of Adobe Reader (or equivalent) installed on your computer. Most modern computers will have this software already installed.
- If when you try and display a newsletter you receive an error message such as "Cannot open file", then you probably haven't got Adobe Reader installed on your computer. Clicking the "Cancel" button will get you out of trouble. If you are comfortable installing software, you can download and install the latest version by following this link. If you are not comfortable doing this, please ask your support specialist to do this for you.
Archive of paper documents held by the Reigate and Redhill Society
- RS Small Files MD.xls
- Old RS files list MD.xls
Over the years, The Reigate and Redhill Society has amassed a considerable number of documents. Most of these pre-date the computer age and are held in hard copy. The following spreadsheets are an index of these documents.
© Reigate and Redhill Society 1952 - 2025