A Journey Through Reigate's Past - The St Anne's Story

A drawing of the proposed St Anne's from 'The Builder' magazine of September 30th 1882
An engraving of the Royal Asylum of St Anne's Society's Schools, Redhill, from the yearbook of 1893
(Courtesy Jan Dixon and Roger Clarke) 
St Anne's from a postcard kindly sent in by Patricia from Pahiatua in New Zealand. The main buildingis is very similar to the engraving above but the design of the chapel is different. The postcard image also includes the engineer's lodge. The card is postmarked Redhill 9.45pm.14 Aug 1905 and was sent to Mrs Balchin, Charlton House, Bitterne, Nr Southampton. Somehow it found its way to New Zealand.
In this picture of Redhill from the common St Anne's is the large redbrick building top centre. It stood on slightly rising ground a little north of the railway station. This view is looking NNE.
And here it can be that, sat on slightly rising ground, the building was a prominent feature of the town
This photo was taken in the 1960/70s from outside the old Co-op in London Road, Redhill, and with Linters and Cowleys shops demolished shows how much more visible St Anne's became. (Photo courtesy Brian Burrows)
St Anne's as it was seen by generations of commuters travelling from the south of England to London on a daily basis. many of whom might have wondered what the imposing building was. Many thanks to Jeremy Greenwood who took this photo in the 1960s..
Before St Anne's came to Redhill
The Royal Asylum of St Anne's was founded in the Parish of St. Anne's and St Agnes in Aldersgate, London, in 1702. As this was also the year that Queen Anne took the throne it is not certain whether the Parish or the Monarch gave it its name. The reader will notice that the name is given variously as St Anne's and St Ann's throughout this chapter, although the Society did not become called St Ann's Society (without an e) until 1709. Its work, that of maintaining and educating the children of those who had once seen better times, began with twelve boys in the City. Nearly ninety years later a girls' school was added, with twelve girls received, clothed and educated. By 1820 there were 30 boys and 32 girls. A limit had to be put on the numbers for want of accommodation but soon after this a new school was built at Streatham, South London, to accommodate 100 boys and 50 girls. This was occupied by 1830 but by the middle of the second half of the 19th century it had become overcrowded with 200 boys and 137 girls on role and a site for a larger building had to be found. As is detailed below it eventually came to Redhill but could have gone to Banstead, as a cutting from the Surrey Local News from June 1875 reports on a meeting of its governors held at the London Tavern ' for the purpose of considering upon the problem of removing from Streatham into the country'. The accommodation at Streatham, originally designed for 150 children and subsequently enlarged, was no longer suitable. A formal resolution was put to the meeting to which 'there was not an opposing voice'. Two other resolutions were adopted giving the Governing Council the powers to purchase a new site and erect suitable buildings thereon; also to dispose of the then present site and buildings at Streatham. During the meeting it was stated that 'a suitable site could be procured on Banstead Downs on favourable terms'. It would seem that the Banstead site was not so easily procured, or was perhaps not so suitable, or its terms not as favourable, as first thought, and it would be a few years a site at Redhill was decided upon.
Author's note: - A great deal of work on the history of St Anne's and the three institutions that occupied it was done by Mrs Beryl Watson. Some of her papers are now in my possession and a number of items have been used in this history. One of these was the Surrey Local News cutting referred to above. Where other items from her papers are used they will be acknowledged. Material has also come from other sources, and is also acknowledged. AJM

St Anne's Redhill History
Three Redhill men were on the board of governors at Streatham. They were Robert Field, of Oxford Road, who was Mayor of the Borough of Reigate 1881-4, Walter B. Waterlow of High Trees, who had been Mayor 1870-72, and Francis Wright Costar, of Woodlands, St John's, Redhill. They obtained land close to Red Hill (as Redhill was then written) Junction railway station from Mr Webb of Redstone Manor and Messrs. Trower at a cost of £3,500, and a tender was accepted in the sum of £335,743 for a school for about 400 children to be built complete with chapel. Mr Field performed a ceremonial turning of the first sod on the site in 1881. The Prince and Princess of Wales were due to lay the foundation stone of the main building when building began in 1883 but due to illness were unable to do so. Instead they laid the foundation stone of the chapel in July 1884. A special platform was built alongside the railway line and their Royal Highnesses were met by Mr Field in his capacity as Mayor of the Borough. Also present was the Town Clerk, Mr Clair Grece and, among many other dignitaries, the Archbishop of Canterbury. In the address to Their Royal Highnesses reference was made to their visit fifteen years before to lay the stone at the Royal Earlswood Asylum.

Left: - A page from the yearbook of 1893 stating the objective of the Asylum of St Ann's Society (Courtesy Jan Dixon and Roger Clarke)

Following the ceremony there was a procession through the streets of Redhill where crowds flocked to see the Prince and Princess of Wales. The destination of the procession was the house of Mr Waterlow at High Trees, where a reception was held. The new St Ann's Society building was officially opened in August of 1885 by the Lord Mayor of London, Mr R.N.Fowler, who was also treasurer of the St. Ann's Society. The children from Streatham moved there in the same month.
Author's note: - During research a few references to St Ann's children at Redhill were noted from 1881-1884, i.e. seemingly before the building was erected. This was puzzling but the history of the school seemed to be as stated above. In 1936, however, St Anne's was sold to the Surrey County Council by the governors of the Foundling Hospital after that institution, the successor of the St Anne's Society, had vacated the building following the opening of a new school at Berkhamstead. The Surrey Mirror report of the sale ended a brief history of both schools with the sentence, 'The building was erected in 1881'. This single sentence would seem to throw into doubt previous evidence of the 1884 building completion date but answer the problem of St Anne's children's presence in Redhill from 1881. It is, however, not evidence of a deviation from the history as stated above. The opening picture (engraving) comes from the yearbook of 1893 suggesting that the building was already in existence then but could have been a projection of how the building would look when completed.
The building, designed by Messrs Hickmay and Sons of Parliament Street, Westminster, was a large, four storied red brick edifice in the shape of a letter H, with a central clock tower 125 feet high, about twice the height of the rest of the structure. The building was always an imposing feature that faced Redhill and, being on higher ground, tended to be the town's dominant feature. Its central part contained offices, servant's quarters, the main dining hall, kitchens, stewards and master's rooms. The south wing contained the school rooms for 240 boys and the north wing for school rooms for 160 girls. School rooms were on the ground floor, dormitories on the first and second floors and servants' quarters on the top floor. The boys' accommodation was divided between juniors and seniors. Arches under the wings led to covered playgrounds beneath. Detached at the rear of the main building were the laundry, wash house, gymnasium and 30-foot by 40-foot swimming baths. There was also a cricket pitch and water was supplied from a well on the premises. The chapel was about 60 feet from the main building and seated 600. Two infirmaries, both also detached provided general and isolation facilities. A porter's lodge was built in the grounds. In all the area occupied amounted to about 20 acres.

The interior of the chapel at St Anne's
(Photo courtesy Joanna Parkinson)

At the time of compiling this brief history in 2003 the name of the headmaster at this time was unknown by this author until Allan Mormement emailed me in February 2005 to say, 'I have a book which contains a book plate in the front with a picture of St Anne's and inscribed: "Royal Asylum of St Anne's Society   Boys School   1st Prize for general Proficiency Form 1.   Awarded to G. Ninnis Presented by the Society  B Hawkins  Headmaster  July 1896"  George Ninnis was my grandfather's younger brother, and would have been 10 years old' - B Hawkins, therefore was the headmaster at this time, was possibly the first Redhill headmaster and may have come from Streatham with the boys. Grateful thanks to Allan Mornement his contributions -.AJM.
This photo of the whole school would seem to date from between 1889 and 189/6. The reason is that if the man with the beard in the section from the photo below is the headmaster, as would seem to be the case by his central position and the fact that subsequent head Dr Perry is not present, this gives the upper year, as that's when Dr Perry took over. The lower date comes from the presence of Mr Cockett, 3rd from right, who started at St Anne's in 1889. The headmaster shown above is therefore assumed to be Mr B. Hawkins who may have come from Streatham with the school. Mr Stimpson is probably the teacher 2nd from right and it is likely the first one in which he appeared. So it would have been taken perhaps at the start of the Autumn term in 1895 or at the end of the summer term in July 1896. In which case it would have been  the last school picture featuring Mr Hawkins. (Photo courtesy Mr and Mrs Newman)
In 1896, in addition to the headmaster there were six assistant teachers, French master, drill sergeant, a head governess with seven assistants, French, German and music governesses, a chaplain, a matron and two seamstresses.

Up to this same year of 1896 the boys at St Ann's were distributed among the dormitories according to age. A new Head, Dr Perry, who in his early years had been an assistant master at Halifax Grammar School, changed this. On his appointment in that year he re-arranged the boys into a competitive 'House' system. Competition took the form of sports activities such as football, cricket, swimming and athletics. The house names were Albert and Victoria, a reflection of the royal patronage enjoyed by the institution; Nelson and Wellington, after two great figures of the navy and army, Field, in respect of Robert Field, the institution's greatest benefactor, and Canterbury, chosen when the Bishop of Canterbury was the President of the Society.

The Rev. Dr Perry, Boys' School Head 1896-1919 (Photo Courtesy Mr M.Ingram)

(See also 'More about Dr Perry' further below)

By the turn of the century St Ann's required at least £11,000 each year to continue its work, deriving income from Royal patronage, subscribers, donations and investments. When unexpected expenditure drained the reserves, as it did when extensive drain repair work was required in 1902, the finances groaned under the strain. An Old Boy's Association was formed in 190% and by 1904 had 88 members. Considering the age of the institution this does not seem a large number and the authorities, in school magazine articles, were frequently asking for more to join. This termly magazine was often full of pride for those of its pupils who had gone to jobs in the colonies - Canada and South Africa seem to have claimed the largest share - and perhaps this wide scattering of ex-pupils accounts for the low number of Old Boys Association members. Incidentally, the 1904 spring term was one not to be relished, as a boy named Ransdale and two girls died, probably in an outbreak of diphtheria or scarlet fever.
STAFF LIST 1891 1901 1906
Headmaster Baines Hawkins William James Perry (also chaplain) (pictured below and elsewhere on this page)  
Headmistress Annie Randall (Lady Superintendant and Head Governess) Minnie Eliza Freeman Mis J.M.Young (1906-1919) A seat dedicated to her by old girls in 1964 stands outside Holy Trinity Church
Chaplain William Beale White    
Schoolmaster Francis John Buckham Cockett (pictured below) Francis John Buckham Cockett (pictured below)  
Mother's help and sister-in-law to the headmaster   Annie Teresa Bate  
General servant   Jane Tyrril  
Nurse   Florence Williams  
Schoolmaster Louis Herbert Burvenich (French) James Mein Hannah (see note 1)  
Schoolmaster James Charles Lowe Horace Francis Walter Blackall (pictured below  
Schoolmaster William Warren James Hancock  
Organist & music teacher   Charles Michael Aldridge Mabbott  
Schoolmaster John Eyre K Brynor (spell?) Joseph Bell  
Schoolmaster Joseph Stanbridge (pictured below) Joseph Stanbridge (pictured below)  
Schoolmaster   Alfred Herbert Stimpson (pictured below)  
Schoolmaster   William Shelby Bassett (pictured below)  
Schoolmistress Nina Rowlanson (English and Calisthense?) Liy Milgate  
Schoolmistress Fanny Rosa Placeth? (English and Mathamatics) Helene Taylor  
Schoolmistress Ethel Blackall (music) Ella King  
Schoolmistress Florence Hutchinson (English) Marie Davies  
Schoolmistress Alice nash (English) Ada Colthorne Freeman  
Schoolmistress Edith Hemsted (English) Etheldreda Neame  
Schoolmistress Winifred Worthington (English) Florence Coleman  
School mistress Sarah Pegg (50) (music) Sarah Pegg (60) (music)  
School mistress Francis May Barham(s) (music) Mabel Rutland (music)  
Schoolmistress Eleanor S. Somerby (French) Edith Bright (see note 2)  
Schoolmistress   Nora Nickallls  
Schoolmistress   Maud Springall  
Under mistress   Gertrude Miles  
Matron   Jessie Hill  
Assistant matron   Leila Branding  
Cook Ellen Dalton Mary Taylor  
Nurse Ellen Cooper (hospital nurse) Charlotte Eliza Farr (Infirmary nurse)  
Laundry Matron Sarah Howe (head laundry maid) Elizabeth Fraser  
Nurse Esther Sommersby (Girls' nurse) Ellen Hamblett  
Nurse Rosa Annie James Frances Charlotte Green  
Wardrobe keeper   Annie Dance  
Linen room keeper   Augusta Godley  
Wardrobe keeper   Lydia Ellen Hards  
Wardrobe keeper   Mary Brooker  
Wardrobe keeper   Mary Cryan (spell?)  
Wardrobe keeper   Lillian Clara Rogers  
Cook   MaryTaylor  
Laundry maid   Phoebe Annie Ayres  
Laundry maid   Winifred Mary Gladwell  
Laundry maid   Ada Alice Clay  
Housemaid   Emily Gilbert  
Laundry maid   Alice Eliza Hinchcliff  
Laundry maid   Mary Ann Penfold - (from Meadvale)  
Laundry maid   Marion Waterman  
Laundry maid   Emily Jane Jones  
Parlourmaid   Minnie Knight  
Parlourmaid   Annie Dunn  
Housemaid   Ethel Maud Horykton (spell?)  
Parlourmaid   Alison Reid  
Housemaid Edith Gaston (from Redhill) Kate Emma Thompson  
Housemaid   Rachel Mary Russell  
Housemaid   Annie Dewar McLaren  
Housemaid   Clara Matilda Taylor  
Housemaid   Kate Derry  
Housemaid   Ellen Mary Horrell  
Housemaid   Annie Rowlands  
Housemaid   Rebecca Kate Attwater  
Housemaid   Emily Brooks  
Kitchen main   Louisa Cooper - (from Meadvale)  
Kitchen maid   Rose Maud Glanville  
Housemaid   Ellen Nunn  
Hall maid   Ella Bagley  
Gardener John Bowyer    
Lodge Keeper (gate) Sarah Bowyer (gardener's wife)    
  A staff of 27 looking after 386 pupils aged 8-15 (184 girls and 190 boys) A staff of 64 looking after 386 pupils aged 8-15 (177 girls and 209 boys)  

NOTE 1* James Mein Hannah came from Stapleton in Lancashire and in 1901, when aged aged 26, was a schoolmaster at St Anne's. He appears to have come from a humble background - father was a domestic groom in Gloucestershire in 1881 - but earned an Oxford MA and was ordained deacon in  1902, priest in1903, then served in parishes in the Liverpool Diocese until retirement in 1955. He was a former vicar of St Anne's church, Aigburth, in Liverpool, and the photo (left), which is in the vestry at the Aigburgh St Ann'es Church, shows him in later life.
........................................................ (Information and photo kindly provided by Richard Daglish)
NOTE 2 Email from Nicole Duhamel - I am a great-great-granddaughter of Dr Perry, the headmaster. I thought I would share some additional information about the Perry family.   The staff list (above) includes an Edith Bright, who was a schoolmistress in 1901. I believe she was also Dr Perry’s niece (by marriage) – her mother being Sarah Perry’s sister Caroline. Many thanks to Nicole for this information. AJM

This picture of St Anne's staff in 1905 was sent in by Rose Taylor, author of a book about Crossley Heath School, an establishment that started life as The Crossley Orphan Home, a school not dissimilar to St Anne's. One of the teachers in the picture, Mr Cockett, taught there for a number of years, and had been a colleague there of Mr Perry above, before moving to Redhill in 1889.

The link to the Crossley Heath School book is: http://www.tempus-publishing.com

These two pictures of Mr Cockett show him aged 21 and in his mid-40s. He died aged about 48 in Carlisle after an illness during the Christmas holidays of 1905/1906. Those who had said goodbye to him when he left Redhill did so not realising that they would not see him again.

(Both pictures courtesy Rose Taylor)

This wonderful photo of the St Anne's Masters' dining room shows from l-r) Mr Stanbridge, Mr Gebhard(t), Mr Stimpson, Mr Jones, Mr Blackhall, Mr Stanford, Mr Bassett?

Judging by the census records above and below the photo seemed to date from some time before WW1. Further information from Mr and Mrs Newman (Mrs Newman is the grandduaghter of Mr Stimpson) shows that Mr Stimpson, who is in the photo, was at St Anne's 1895-1905, which dates the photo to between these years.

Photo courtesy of the Parkinson family.

More about Mr Stimpson.
........Born at Cottesmore, Rutlandshire in 1869, Alfred Herbert Stimpson was to follow a career in teaching. How many schools he worked at before coming to St Anne's in 1895 is unknown but immediately before St Anne's he was at St Stephen's School at Tonbridge. He stayed at St Anne's for eleven years before becoming a private tutor to French and Belgian students who lodged with him. he a was also a visiting master at several local schools. He taught shorthand taught phonography at evening continuation classes.and at St John's and Cromwell Road Schools. He was a keen footballer and in the early days of Redhill FC played as a forward for the reserves.
.........His illness seems not to have been a long one and he died aged 48 leaving a widow and two children. Tthe time of his death he was living at Ladbroke Road and the cortege started from there and went to St Anne's Chapel where Dr Perry took the service. The principle mourners were Mrs Stimpson, Miss Archer of Grove School, Horley and a Mr Peberdy. Among those present were a number of people representing local schools as well as the Rev. H.T.Lewis, vicar of Horley and Mr Alick Hoare, shop owner from Redhill. The Rev. Dr. Perry also officiated at the cemetery, although which cemetery this refers to is not known. (Photo and information from the newspaper obituary kindly supplied by Mr and Mrs Newman)
STAFF LIST (Masters only) 1906 1909 1911
Headmaster William James Perry William James Perry William James Perry
Second Master Mr H.W.F.Blackall Mr H.W.F.Blackall Mr H.W.F.Blackall
V Form Shorthand Mr G.Carpenter    
IV Form Mr E. Murray-Bagshawe    
III Form Mr J.E.L.Jones    
II and I Forms Mr J.Stanbridge    
German and French Mr E.R.Morgan   Mr.P.Selver (German only)
Music Mr J.E.Grigson   Mr F.W.Harris
Sergeant and Drill Instructor Mr T.A.Pearson Mr W.S.Ayres Mr W.S.Ayres
Assistant Master   Mr G.Carpenter Mr G.Carpenter
Assistant Master   Mr Melville Hastings Mr P.D.Elliott
Assistant Master   Mr J.E.L.Jones Mr J.E.L.Jones
Assistant Master   Mr F.B.Sanford Mr F.B.Sanford
Assistant Master   Mr J.Stanbridge Mr J.Stanbridge
German Master   Mr H. Gebhardt Mr.P.Selver
Music   Mr F.W.Harris Mr F.W.Harris
Much of the space in the termly magazines was devoted to sport, such as inter-house competitions and inter-school matches. Shooting swimming, football and cricket dominate, with athletics featuring at the time of the school sports. The giving of prizes for event winners and some placed competitors marked the school sports of 1904. Bearing in mind that the boys were aged between 10 and 15 most of the prizes seem suitable only as presents for someone older. Examples include opera glasses, oak butter dish, toast rack, butter knife, walking stick, barometer, hand bag, umbrella, butter cooler, breakfast cruet, rose bowl - the list goes on. Perhaps these were ultimately intended for proud parents. Some prizes, such as pocket knives, cakes, cricket bats, silver pencils, time pieces and field glasses were more appropriate for the boys themselves. Other prizes included a view of St Ann's, views of Redhill, a post card album, coronation medals and Maundy money. In 1906 a 'sub-target' rifle range was provided in the gym. This was a facility described as 'a range that can be provided in a room only twelve and a half yards long yet give all the satisfaction of an 800 yard range'. Precisely how this was achieved is not explained buta photo of a boy using the facility in 1908 appears lower down this page. This was a time when that notable soldier, Lord Roberts, was advocating that shooting be taken up and that his fellow countrymen should be able to bear arms in order to defend these shores, showing us something of the uncertain atmosphere of the times. Those advocating military training identified it as contributing to the Surrey Mirror included in its report of the opening of the shooting range 'spirit of the nation'. And the these words: - there is only one clear issue before the country - either compulsory 'To all sensible and sober people enlistment or voluntary training. If the latter is to be adopted then certainly the most important thing is to train the boys and youths.' spirit of patriotism was obtained when a lad learned that he had to live The article went on to point out that a for his country as well as himself, and that it was always the strongest countries that were the most peaceful. It compared the provision and use of the range with the old bowmen on the village greens, and said that what was wanted most of all was, fire as they did the good old cloth yard shaft.' It added that where St 'for aliens to dread the accuracy of our rifle Ann's had led the way in providing such training so the Grammar School should follow, and that it would be a reflection upon the County Council if it did not see that it did so. Cricket, not surprisingly, occupied more space in the magazines than any of the other sports, with tables of batting and bowling averages and tales of individual prowess featuring strongly. 'King Willow' was certainly a favourite at St Ann's in spite of the football eleven pictures featured on this page.
Staff in 1918
Magazine no.34 of March 1918 lists the teaching staff of the boys' school as -

..............Headmaster and Chaplain.......The Rev. Dr Perry
..............Second Master.......................Mr F.W.Jones
..............Assistant Masters................... Mr G.Carpenter, Mr G.W.C.Green and Mr J.L.E.Jones
..............Organist and Music Master .....Mr R.M.Price (shown as absent on military service)
..............Temporary Music Master ........Mr C.Small
..............Student Teachers .................. Mr T.E.O.Cole and Miss Frances Gamon
..............Sergeant ...............................Sergt. Major Gilchrist
A St Anne's postcard that was used in 1909. It was sent by someone employed there as the message on the back reads, , 'The infirmary where I am is not shown. This is a huge place - 400 boarders. Boys and girls are children of gentry in reduced circumstances. The infirmary where I am nursing is not shown - consists of 40 beds with a siter-in-charge. I have ten girls, all with very slight diptheria; very nice girls but rather a handful. . . . . . . . Have other children. It seems to be an awfully pretty district. Shall be able to tell you more next time.'
Very slight diphtheria? Diphtheria in its worst form restricts breathing but a milder form is restricted to the skin with lesions forming. Either way it was a nasty bacterial infection that has thankfully been eradicated through vaccination. As it is spread by breating in the bacteria it is wondered if the ten patients should have been isolated instead of being in a 40-bed ward. It would be nice to be able to read any subsequent postcards sent. It would also be nice to know the identity of the sender who signs herseld simply EA.
  Further down this page photos of some of the pupils at St Anne's appear but very little is known about individuals.  
St Anne's 1st XI 1906

The master is Mr Blackall

St Ann's trophies awarded 1897-1907
(Courtesy M.Ingram)
In1912 recommendations were made to change the name to 'St Anne's Schools' in order to attract a better class (probably in educational terms) of children. This is when the 'e' was added to 'Ann' in accordance with the custom of spelling the name at the time.

Right: - The football 2nd XI of 1906

Ex-pupil Edward Pulling
No doubt many St Anne's boys went on to become notable people in their fields. Most originated from places other than Redhill but one, Edward Laston Pulling, although born in Sidcup in 1890, a pupil at St Anne's from 1902-1905 following the death of his father, stayed locally after leaving school to live and work. With addresses in Blackborough Road and Albion Road, Reigate, and Fengates Road, Redhill, it would seem that he was mainly in lodgings. He worked at Reigate Post Office for some time as a sorter and telegraphist but his interest in wireless telegraphy eventually led to him joining the Government wireless service and being stationed on the East Coast. Because of his value to the service he was unable to get released to join the armed forces on the outbreak of war in 1914 but the following year he obtained a commission in the Royal Naval Air Service. His fame arose from his part in a 1916 night-time attack that destroyed a zeppelin that was returning to Germany over the North Sea after dropping bombs in the area around Barnsley for which he was awarded the Distinguished Service Order. A Flight Sub-Lieutenant at the time he was later promoted Flight Lieutenant but died in the wreckage of his aeroplane in March 1917. An in-depth article about Edward Pulling by David and Amelia Holdstock is included in the local book 'A Celebration of Fengates Road', by Andrew and Sarah Lewis and also appears in chapter five of the Fengates Road website

The 1907-1908 Victoria and Albert house football team
This post card featuring the school was postally used in 1907 and shows the chapel on the right and the cottage in the grounds The railway line ran along St Anne's western border (the station is bottom left). The fastline is just off this map to right (east) side.
A picture (sadly damaged) of the St Anne's boys in June 1908
More pictures from 1908
Top left - The Boys and Girls at Tea Top Right - The Boys' Swimming Lesson.
Centre - Learning to Shoot
Bottom left - A Girls' Classroom Bottom right - The Sanatorium.
The text with the above photos extolls the benefits of the school. The caption (not shown) said what a worthwhile charity the St Anne's Society was. The text also says that £1,500 is needed to pay off a debt and another £1,500 was required for urgent repairs.
Closure of the School
The history of the St Anne's Society spanned 210 years, whereas the school lasted at Redhill for only 35 years of that time. It finally closed just after the Great War due to loss of income sufficient to keep it going. A factor in this state of affairs may have been the loss of the royal patronage it had previously enjoyed, as after King Edward Vll died King George V would not continue as he felt that other post war matters were more urgent. A page from the St Ann's boys' Easter term magazine of 1910 commemorated the death of King Edward VII; little would the School authorities have realised the effect upon St Ann's his passing was to have. During the war the subscriptions to the school had dropped while costs had increased. The number of children also dropped with 124 boys and 106 girls there in 1918 and there was a budget deficit of £6,500. The school did not go without great efforts to save it, and the failure to raise £50,000 in 1919 resulted the situation becoming a lost cause. A decision sell the property was made and the school closed in the same year.
More about Dr Perry
Dr Perry had remained as Head and Chaplain since his 1896 appointment and for seven years after the closure lived at 'Cleveden', 41 London Road, Redhill, doing private tuition. In 1924 Hillsbrow School at Redhill was advertising 'the Rev. W.J.Perry' as one of its staff members. In 1926 he became Rector of Farleigh, near Warlingham and also rector to Croydon Mental Hospital until his retirement in 1936. His wife died in 1933 and he died at Ramsgate in 1949 aged 90, seven weeks after the death of his son. Five daughters survived him.
  Two portraits of Dr Perry in his days as head of St Anne's
(Photos courtesy Joanna Parkinson, Dr Perry's Great granddaughter))
Dr Perry, Author
Mr Anthony Miller brought to the attention of this page that he has a book ‘THE INTERMEDIATE HISTORY OF ENGLAND (Political, Social and Constitutional) (2 Vols.), by W. J. Perry. [J. M. Dent & Sons, Limited]. A note on the title page that it is by WJ Perry of St Anne’s School Redhill published 1909. A 1909 date coupled with the ‘St Anne’s’ reference would make it seem that W.J.Perry senior was the author. His son, also W.J.Perry, was 21 in 1909 which seems a little young to be publishing such a work, something that would have taken several years to research and complete so would have had to have been started in his teens.  
Many thanks to Mr Miller for this information.
Dr Perry with his wife Sarah (far left) and another couple Dr Perry in later life
(Photos courtesy Joanna Parkinson, Dr Perry's Great granddaughter))
Information emailed from Nicole Duhamel, a great-great-granddaughter of Dr Perry. 'The photograph above showing Dr Perry and his wife shows an “unknown couple”. Based on the resemblance between Mrs Perry and the unnamed woman, I would suggest that the unknown woman is one of her sisters – probably Louisa or Caroline, the only two who married. This would make the unknown man either William Roberts (Louisa’s husband) or George Bright (Caroline’s husband).'   Thank you for this information. AJM
The 1891 census shows William and Sarah Perry both aged 31 and living at Hackney. William is a Clerk in Holy Orders and a schoolmaster. They have three children - Alice aged 6, Sarah aged 5 and William aged 3.
The 1901 census shows William and Sarah both aged 41 and living at St Anne's, Redhill. William's occupation is the same. Four children are shown - William aged 13, Dorothy aged 7, Kathleen aged 6, Evelyn aged 4 and Norah aged 2.
Some time after 1901 a seventh daughter, Helen, was born
The Intermediate History of England, by W.J.Perry

Mr Anthoney Miller wrote in to say thay he had a book by WJ Perry of St Anne’s School Redhill published in 1909. This date coupled with the ‘St Anne’s’ reference would make it seem certain that W.J.Perry senior was the author. His son, also W.J.Perry, was 21 in 1909 which a little young to be publishing such a work, something that would have taken several years to research and complete.Looking the title up on the internet a Canadian reference to it was found that said it was 'Long and rather over-crowded with material'. The introduction to Mr Miller's copy shows that his is a single volume but that there was also a three volume edition; which of the two the reference pertained to is not known. Nevertheless Mr Miller agrees with the quote saying, 'This is true but if you quickly want to look up who murdered who and why In the middle ages its very concise'. Mr Miller kindly took photos of the book so that it could be reproduced here.

Front cover Title page
Preface Dealing with the Romans
The American colonies English possesions in France
The book represents the considerable knowledge of the author and his considerable work in compiling it. Many thanks to Mr Anthoney Miller in providing exanples of its contents.
W.J.Perry Junior
In the St Anne's school magazine for 1908/9 there is a picture of St Anne’s Headmaster W.J.Perry's son, also W.J.Perry. He is one of four boys supporting themselves at Cambridge on scholarships they won after leaving St Anne’s.  In his letter (apparently an address given in each magazine) Headmaster W.J.Perry writes: ‘We have all been pleased to think that four of our old boys were up for honours exams at Cambridge University this year. I believe that this event has never happened in the history of St. Anne’s. These four boys have made a good beginning. I should like to add to what your editor has stated that W.J.Perry also gained the English prize essay two years in succession at Selwyn College, a record I believe for a mathematical student.’ (He then goes on to talk about the other boys).  

The editor, in his notes referred to above, says: St Anne’s should be proud, for in this year no less than four boys who, not long ago, have been wearing forms etc. out in the VI.a Classroom, have been taking part in the various ‘Tripos’ Examinations at Cambridge. (He then mentions how the other three boys have done so far). ‘To W.J.Perry – “Sticks” – was allotted the severest task, and although he did not achieve the success we all wished him to achieve, he nevertheless achieved a very fine performance  in coming out 35th in the Mathematical Tripos. There was very keen competition this year because it was the last opportunity given to men of becoming Senior Wranglers’.  

NOTE 1 - According to Wikipedia at the University of Cambridge a Wrangler is a student who has completed the third year (called Part II) of the Mathematical Tripos with 1st class honours. Until 1909, when the class list ceased to be published in rank order, the highest-scoring student was named the Senior Wrangler, the second highest-scoring student the Second Wrangler and so on. At the other end of the scale, the person who achieved the lowest exam marks, but still earned a third-class degree, was known as the wooden spoon. The term 'Senior Wrangler' is said to have become synonymous with academic supremacy. Obtaining the position of a highly ranked Wrangler created many opportunities for the individual's subsequent profession.

The other three boys supporting themselves at Cambridge on scholarships they won after leaving St Anne’s. 
Another St Anne's pupik.

Elizabeth Smith sent this good conduct certificate made out to her grandfather Cecil Reade Quartley, which is signed by the then headmaster, Mr Hawkins, in 1894. Elizabeth also sent the photos of her grandfather below.

Cecil Reade Quartly is shown here as a boy, as a young man not many years after leaving St Anne's and in his later years. He lived at 1 High Street, Waddesdon, Buckingham. His father died when Cecil was 3 years old and he was sent to St Anne's at some point after that. Cecil worked at George Spencer Moulton & Co (India Rubber Works) as the works manager in Bradford -on-Avon, Wiltshire. (His granddaughter has an Army Reserve, Scheduled Occupation Certificate dated 9 May 1917 to say he was at the rubber works at that time). He died at Saltford, Nr Bath, Somerset on 17/1/1951 aged 70 years. Grateful thanks to Elizabeth Smith for the good conduct certificate and photos.
An aerial picture of St Anne's with the London to Brighton railway slow line at the bottom of the picture. The field behind was the School's playing fields but was later the Technical College playing field. The Warwick School has now been built here. The London to Brighton fast (or quarry) line was built just beyond and between the two was boggy ground that has been drained and had houses built upon it. Boys can be seen on the playing field behind the building. The picture was sent by Graham Bartlett whose grandfather, Bert Bartlett, worked at St Annes as a boilerman / handyman and met his second wife, Mary Fletcher there, who was a cook. The picture, which was on a postcard was discovered among his possessions after he died in 1989. Thanks for the picture and information, Graham.
Photos of pupils and staff dating from 1913-18 from albums handed down through generations of the Perry family are shown on a separate page. Many of the subjects are named. Previously no pictures of girls or female staff at St Anne's had been seen. Grateful thanks to Joanna Parkinson and her husband Stephen for making them available.
View the photographs on the next page
The lady in a field is Miss J.M.Young, headmistress of St Annes 1906-1919. - (Photo courtesy Joanna Parkinson) An unusual angle on St Annes, date unknown.
(Photo courtesy Joanna Parkinson)
1919 - 1935 St Anne's Becomes the Foundling Hospital
Following the closure of St Anne's as the St Anne's Society the building was offered for sale by auction in 1920 but remained unsold. In 1921 another auction disposed of the furniture and fittings, amongst which were 400 iron bedsteads, 1,500 blankets and 21 pianos. The building remained empty and for sale at £30,000 for seven years until, in 1926, it was purchased by the Foundling Hospital, although the lower sum of 25,500 was paid. The Foundling Hospital was an organisation almost as old as the St Anne's Schools that was started in 1739 by Captain Thomas Coram, who had been shocked to see abandoned babies lying either dead or dying on London rubbish heaps. He obtained a royal charter to start a hospital to take in these infants, the success of his venture owing much to the support of the painter, Hogarth and the composer Handel. The Foundling Hospital continued into the 19th century when it found the smoke and soot in London's air too much to contend with and moved out to Redhill. St Anne's, the building, had a new occupier. In many respects the organisation was on a par with that other famous guardian of orphans, St Barnardo's, but the main difference as far as the Redhill children were proud to point out was that they had uniforms and St Barnardo's children did not. The children made a colourful sight when they were out together in the town, 'crocodiles' of them weaving their way along the pavements.
A Foundling Boy   A Foundling Girl
Pictures from a pair of postcards depicting paintings by Harold Copping contained in papers of Beryl Watson

The move to Redhill had always been intended as a temporary one for the Foundling School as it was having permanent premises purpose built at Berkhamstead. These were ready by 1935 when the school was transferred away from St Anne's, which once again became empty. The Foundling School was not to remain in its new home for much longer, however, as modern thinking was to move away from children's institutions towards foster homes. This was achieved and in 1950 the Berkhamstead site was sold to Hertfordshire County Council. Five years later the Foundling Hospital changed its name to the Thomas Coram Foundation for Children, and continues to work for children with special needs.

Pictures below: - King George V had remained a patron of the Foundling School and in 1929 his daughter, the Princess Royal, Princess Mary, Countess of Harewood, became a governor of the institution. On July 12th 1930 she combined a visit to the East Surrey Hospital on Whitepost Hill with a visit to the Foundling School at St Anne's. Photos of this visit are understood to exist in the Thomas Coram Museum in London; four photocopies from Beryl Watson's papers appear below. The children are wearing their traditional costumes which may have been used only on formal occasions by this time. Beryl Watson remarks in her notes that the girls' dresses in the pictures are considerably shorter than she remembered seeing them in 1927, no doubt following the current fashion.
1930 visit to the by the Princess Royal, Princess Mary, Countess of Harewood. Here she is arriving.   The boys lined up for inspection
HRH inspects the girls and is waved off as she departs. No doubt there was much more to her visit than is shown above.
A view of St Anne's showing the chapel on the right   The chapel interior (Jan Dixon and Roger Clarke)
A St Anne's Engineer
Christopher Francis Gough's occupation was given on his 1882 marriage certificate as 'Engine Driver' but it seems that an interpretation of this that would have him on the footplate of a locomotive, although a natural assumption, would be incorrect. This is because for some time he was an 'Engine Driver' at the printing works in the Brighton Road, before he went to work at St Anne's and to live there in the Engineer's Cottage. It seems, then, that 'Engineer' would be a better description for this man who would be in charge of the machinery and other equipment for which either a printing works or a large institution would require a skilled technical man. Engineer Gough's time at St Anne's started around 1893 and continued until at least 1923. The fact that this latter date is four years after the St Anne's Society left the premises is perhaps explained either by the need for the engineer to remain on site to maintain the fabric and general workings of the building or that he had some kind of secure tenancy in the Engineer's cottage. It would be wonderful if we had some detailed insight into the kind of work he did in the huge building but that is denied us. What we do have is an insight into some work he did during WW1 and which is revealed in a letter to a daughter. 'I have been keeping vigil on the railway bridge until we got the all clear for the school. We could see the barrage and hear the bursting of the shells, and they have been in our neighbourhood but did not drop any shells. Two of our airmen were chasing Gothers (sic) across cricket field. Our machines had strong headlights (electric). It was weird; we could hear the Germans but could not see them. There were the two Mr Greens, Mr Jones , myself and two or three town special constables on the bridge, quite enough of us don't you think. Keeping watch in case of anything, but I really don't know what any one of us could have done. St Anne's children were mustered in the basement corridors, three concrete floors above them, but some nights they were allowed to remain in bed, but were to hold themselves in readiness to turn out sharp. Wasn't I glad when I see the weather, mist vapour and cloud, come streaming across the sky from the south-west and cover up the big glaring face of the moon last night'.
(The word 'Gothers' no doubt refers to Gothas, large biplanes specially built by the Germans to bomb London and other British towns in daylight after the failures of the zeppelins. They came in numbers and the first attack by them was in May 1917. Losses, some due to bad weather, caused the Germans to revert to night raids, especially when there was a bright moon). This part of the history of St Anne's serves to show us how the welfare of the children was being observed as best it could be in such circumstances. The letter also contained words of encouragement to his daughter in London, the main target for the raids of the aeroplanes that Engineer Christopher Gough had heard but not seen.

The picture above shows Christopher Gough (far right) outside St Anne's Engineer's Lodge with four of his own children in about 1907 (Picture, letter and details of Christopher Gough and other information courtesy Jan Dixon and Roger Clarke)
An image of St Anne's Walk from an old postcard
(kindly supplied by Diane Johansen)
  The cottage on the entrance drive to St Anne's, presumably the one occupied by Engineer Gough above.
St Anne's 1935 - 1975
St Anne's was sold to Surrey County Council by the governors of the Foundling Hospital in 1936 following the closing of captain Coram's Old Holborn institution and the opening of a new school at Berkhamstead. The 1912 name, 'The St Anne's Schools', had been changed to 'The Foundling School' during the years of that institution's occupation of the building but now it was proposed that the original name be re-adopted, although it was stated at the time that the name was not 'St Anne's Schools' but 'St Anne's Institution'. The point was of little or no significance however, especially as an alternative and simpler 'St Anne's' was more favourable to most and was how that building was renamed and known for the rest of its life, and how it has been referred to ever since. The building was to have one more use, however. There had long been a consensus of opinion against the workhouse system where many old people spent their last days. Redhill's workhouse was on Earlswood Common, along what was then Union Road but is now Pendleton Road. Surrey County Council turned St Anne's into a home for the elderly and closed the Earlswood workhouse in 1938. The lot of the redbrick building's new residents was said to be improved by their transference to a place where they received care from dedicated staff. Later on the building was also used to house the homeless. This was a state of affairs which, it was said, could not last because the word 'institution' could still be applied to the large Victorian edifice and the purpose it served (despite the word not having been officially adopted as part of its name). Gradually the elderly were moved into smaller units, this process being completed by about 1973. In 1975 there was a serious fire at St Anne's. There were still some homeless families living there but Surrey County Council, which was already considering the building's future, now had £40,000 worth of damage to influence their decision. That decision was to close the building completely. The responsibility for housing the homeless was being transferred to the Borough Council anyway and they were eventually found other accommodation. In fact the whole structure and funding of this aspect of social service was altered.

The staff of St Annes, Redhill. By the look of the background it must be Coronation Year, 1953. This picture courtesy Brian Burrows whose wife's father, George Clark, worked there from 1945-53. He is standing first on left at back (head near flag)

A fire that occurred at St Anne's in April 1974 caused £40,000 worth of damage, it was claimed. The building was being phased out as a centre for the elderly at this time and the fire threw up serious doubts about its future, doubts which were later to become a firm decision for closure and redevelopment. The picture shows fireman attending the fire in progress.

Author's note: - St Anne's had for some time been used by the Redhill fire Brigade as a practice point for escape ladder drills, so local fireman were versed in some aspects of fighting fire here. My own father was OIC at Redhill Fire Station in the 1950/60s when a visiting inspecting officer arrived unannounced and ordered a fire escape drill on the spot. The firemen were turned out and the escape was driven to St Anne's and efficiently run up the front of the building, the repetition of an exercise carried out many times before. The inspecting officer went away satisfied. AJM

Picture courtesy Surrey Mirror
The Final Ignominy
The St Anne's building then became the centre of controversy as there were those who wanted it preserved. It had been purpose-designed by our Victorian Civic Fathers and was a focal point of the town, some argued. It was a landmark of distinction and dignity and should be recognised as such by being made a listed building. Beryl Watson was reported in the local paper as saying it would make a very good block of flats, although the same article also reported opinions that Surrey County Council had allowed the building to deteriorate too far during the time it had stood empty. Even if most of it was demolished the central tower with its clock turret could remain as the centrepiece for a new development, it was suggested. But this was not the only controversial aspect of the building. The stained glass windows from the chapel had been sold to a dealer and had disappeared. Why had these not been preserved, people asked. But the building was owned by the County, not by the Borough, and in December 1987 it was demolished, anything of interest or value being auctioned. There were two exceptions; the first being the foundation stones of the main building and of the chapel, which were left behind by the demolition men and now lay behind one of the buildings in Noake Drive. The other exception was the clock, which has been refurbished and is now be incorporated in the Belfry shopping mall in Redhill..
The foundation stone of the chapel, laid by royal hand 1884, abandoned by demolition men 1987.
(Photo taken by author)
  St Anne's demolition - the turret of St Anne's tower was rescued by the Sussex Architectural Salvage Group. The clock can be seen in its original position.
(picture courtesy Beryl Watson, from a Surrey Mirror article)
The Clock    
'Time Runs out for St Anne's' was the local paper's apt headline for a 1975 article about the stopping of the clock after it had faced the town of Redhill for over 90 years. The picture shows assistant engineer Mr Maurice Berkeley stopping the clock. Mr Berkeley had looked after the clock for eight and a half years; perhaps it was one of the tasks also carried out by Engineer Gough, mentioned above, during his time there (Photo courtesy the Surrey Mirror)
Manufacturer's description of their clocks available for purchase
The original order for the clock made by Robert Field in 1885. (Courtesy James Bloomfield)
The clock was restored and adapted for a new life in the Belfry shopping mall in Redhill High Street. The story of how this came about is told in the Surrey Mirror article from 1988 (right) and the photos below.  
The clock in situ. Pictured from l-r are Adam Godfrey, Divisional Director of Stiles Harold and Williams, Maureen Cradock, Centre Administrator at the Belfry, and Conor Kinnerk, Centre Manager at the Belfry.
(Photo from Surrey Mirror of August 1991 provided by James Bloomfield)
Final touches to the installation of one of the clockfaces.(Photo from Surrey Mirror of August 1991 provided by James Bloomfield)  
The bells and strikers (Photo from Surrey Mirror of August 1991 provided by James Bloomfield)   (Surrey Mirror article of August 1991 provided by James Bloomfield))
  As stated in the above article the clock was discovered at Sotherbys and collected from there by Gillett & Johnson, the original makers. These photos taken by James Bloomfield show the clock in store and the van that carried it back to Croydon before refurbishment and installation at the Belfry, Redhill.
Contrasting opinions about the new Belfry clock in letters to the Surrey Mirror (Cutting courtesy James Bloomfield)
The above information about the St Anne's clock was supplied above by Mr James Bloomfield and much more from him appears below. Here in his own words is how he became interested in St Anne's.
I recently discovered your Redhill history website, and was particularly interested in the section on St Anne's. As a fifteen year old schoolboy at the nearby Warwick School in 1987, I became interested in the building as it was being demolished. I started to make a photographic record of the demolition and research the building's history. Somehow, I think via a teacher, I made contact with Beryl Watson, who lived in Nutfield Road, Merstham. I remember going there for the first time, she wearily opened the front door. "Hello Mrs Watson, I've come to talk to you about St Anne's". With that, the door flew open and I was more or less dragged in. We waded through piles of cuttings and papers and for about 3 hours, with hardly pause for breath she told me virtually everything there was to know. I remember the whereabouts of the Chapel stained glass windows were of considerable concern to her.  In later weeks though, I was able to provide her with some interesting information.   Sussex Architectural Salvage did indeed remove the main turret from the clock tower, (I provided Mrs Watson with that Surrey Mirror photo on your site!!) along with 2 smaller turrets from the wings, terracotta date stones and various decorative stone work. It was all sold at an auction at Sotherby's in Billingshurst, on 31st May 1988, which I attended. I still have the catalogue and made a note of the sale price of each item as it sold. The main turret was withdrawn from sale, restored, and sold at a later date.  The 2 clock faces, three bells and cock mechanism were salvaged by Gillet and Johnson Ltd of Croydon who made the clock originally. I went to their office and was provided with a copy of the original order for the clock made on 2nd May 1885 by Robert Field Esq. JP, including fitting, for the sum of £218. Gillet and Johnson restored the faces and made a replica face and they are indeed fitted along with the be
  James Bloomfield - December 2010

James is shown above. The photo and text appeared in a Surrey Mirror article from August 4th 1988

The Demolition of St Anne's as recorded by James Bloomfield
Early December 1987. The first thing to happen was the roof slates were removed for salvage, you can see them piled up on the roof. Demolition began at the rear, namely the school hall, followed by the northerly wing. Many of the bricks were also salvaged for re-use. (Photos courtesy James Bloomfield)
Early December 1987 (Photos courtesy James Bloomfield)
17th December 1987 Taken from the Post Office vehicle park 17th January 1988
(Photos courtesy James Bloomfield)
The lowering of the turret, early December 1987.
30th January 1988. James Bloomfild recollects that at lunchtime the glass was being smashed out of the clock faces as he took the first picture, and by the end of school that day the turrets had been lowered to the ground by rope. He arrived to see the mechanism had been loaded in the Gillett and Johnston van and the faces strapped to the top (picture appears further up this page). He spoke to the driver, and disputes the comments in the Surrey mirror article (also appearing above) about the clock going missing and being tracked down later. He wonders if it was the bells that went missing for a while rather than the clock or faces. He says he never did see the bells even when he went to the Gillett and Johnston workshop. If they were still in the bell turret when it was taken to Sotherby's then that would tie in.(Photos courtesy James Bloomfield)
Main entrance 30th January 1988 13th February 1988
(Photos courtesy James Bloomfield)
25th February 1988 9th March 1988
(Photos courtesy James Bloomfield)
23rd April 1988. The Headmaster's house. This was still lived in until a few weeks before demolition
(Photos courtesy James Bloomfield)
5th May 1988. One of the date plaques had just been removed. The workers were cleaning up and stacking bricks ready for collection. 18th May 1988. Headmaster's house reduced to rubble. Note the doorway at first floor level giving direct access into the wing.
(Photos courtesy James Bloomfield)
17th and 18th May 1988. Six months after work started it's almost over (Photos courtesy James Bloomfield)
The sale of items from the St Anne's building at Sotherbys on 1st June 1988
Many parts of the building were sold at auction. A pair of terracotta wall plaques, of which the item pictured was one, went for £400. (photo Beryl Watson)   This wood and lead flashed dome was sold for £2,000 (Photo Beryl Watson)
The mail bell turret under restoration, see all the new woodwork at the base. This item was withdrawn from sale. (Photo James Bloomfield)   Terrcotta date plaques. These were located on the gable ends of the wings. Three were for sale. Workers at the site said that the council kept one set. No more is known about this.  (Photo James Bloomfield)
Another view of the terracotta date plaques.  (Photo James Bloomfield)     The domes from the roof of each wing.. (Photo James Bloomfield)
Terracotta finials. These were located on each corner of the wings  (Photo James Bloomfield)   Sandstone pediments from above the clocks. Coat of arms for the front clock.  (Photo James Bloomfield)
Plain pediment from the rear of the clock. Not in good condition  (Photo James Bloomfield)   The restored bell turret some months after the sale. Sale price unknown.  (Photo James Bloomfield)
Page from the sale catalogue annotated with sale prices
(Courtesy James Bloomfield)
  Another page showing the sandstone pediments from the front of the clock. (Courtesy James Bloomfield)
Another picture of demolition material on sale. The pony trap on the right was a part of the sale but was nothing to do with St Anne's. (Photo courtesy Beryl Watson)   (Photo James Bloomfield)
    The St Anne's communion set ( Beryl Watson)
This stained glass panel from St Anne's chapel is one of two base panels from lancet windows that are in store at the Stained Glass Museum at Ely Cathedral. It measures 62cm x 63cm and depicts an angel with a scroll inscribed 'St Matthew'.   Another of the stained glass windows from St Anne's
(These two photoss supplied to Beryl Watson by the curator of the Stained Glass Museum at Ely
A picture (actually two joined together) taken in the 1990s when walking through the St Anne's site. Dwellings were in the course of erection where the old Victorian institution that is the subject of this page once stood.
References: -
Surrey Mirror Aug. 26th 1882-  Long article about proposed St Anne's building
Surrey Mirror Sept. 16th 1882
- General St Anne's article
Surrey Mirror May 19th 1883 - St Anne's, laying of foundation stone
Times 4th February 1936
Article about St Anne's
Surrey Mirror 1st October 1937 Obituary of the Rev W.J.Perry.
Surrey Mirror 24th June 1949
Article about St Anne's headmaster, the Rev W.J.Perry
Various School magazines
A Celebration of Fengates Road
by Andrew and Sarah Lewis (see also www.fengatesroad.com)

Acknowledgements Many thanks are due to : -

Mrs Beryl Watson, a resident of Merstham, who did much work on the history of St Anne's. A collection of her material was given to me a number of years ago after her death. I understand that Mrs Watson saw the Foundling Children crocodiling through Redhill in the 1930s and the sight aroused her interest in their school and the history of the St Anne's building. I hope that she would approve of what I have since laid out here. AJM 24.1.2005

Mike Ingram, some time resident of Reigate, who kindly lent a number of St Anne's magazines (Boys' side) dating from No.1 in 1902 to No.27 in 1912, from which some of the pictures in this chapter came.

Jan Dixon and her father, Roger Clarke, who provided information about their forebear Christopher Gough, Engineer at St Anne's, and gave me access to items from their rich family chest.

The Surrey Mirror and the Times Newspaper.

Joanna and Stephen Parkinson for making available in 12010 and 2011 a number of Perry family albums containing many pictures of St Anne's staff, boys and girls (the first seen of St Anne's girls)

James Bloomfield, who made a significant collection of information and photos at the time of the demolition of St Anne's, as well as the subsequent sale of its architectral treasures, and then shared that material in December 2010, allowing it to be shown above.

Revd Charles
Denis Simons.
June 2009
I am researching my family tree and have come across Charles Ivan Simons as a member of the school in 1901 in the Census RG13/628 on Page 14. He was 14 years old from Northamptonshire. He was in fact from a farming family at Yelvertoft and his father John Simons died at age 37 in 1890. This perhaps the reason he came to the school?  Charles Ivan Simons is my Great Grand Uncle and was with the Royal Engineers and fought in France in World War l where he attained the rank of Captain. He was decorated with the Military Cross. Here's an abstract from the London Gazette of 13 May, 1918. 5703 "T.LT Charles Ivan Simons, R. E. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty when in charge of gas operations. He reconnoitered the position under heavy fire, and organised the installation and firing of his projectiles with great success under most difficult conditions. He showed great coolness and skill."   I have been unable to find any other information on him and am trying to find if he married and had any children; indeed if he survived WWl.  
Kevin P Strelley
October 2007
For the past 15 years I have been researching my family tree, and after looking at the 1861 census, came across a John Henry Strelley who was listed in the census of that year at the school, Royal Asylum of the ST Anne Society. I would like to know is there any way of tracing who his father was ? etc etc. would you know of any groups who would know ?. any help you can give would be great.     
Laura Martin
June 2007
I am a history graduate currently involved in researching my family.  The information that my grandfather provided me with was that his mother; Florence Mabel Campe, attended St. Anne's boarding school for girls at around 1905.  On the webpage the details seemed mainly to refer to the boys school and I wanted to confirm that there was a girls school at this site. If you could provide me with any further information or know of any records available I would be most grateful.  
Gaynor Howard
(nee Thomas)
September 2007
I have read your site with great interest, as my father was a pupil at St Ann(e)'s between 1891, (following the untimely death of his father), and 1897. He is boy 171, THOMAS;CHARLES S. bn. August 1st 1882. I believe his uncle or aunts purchased his place, and all his siblings who were old enough, were sent to other schools, one to Manchester Merchant Taylor School, another to Dean Close in Gloucester   Some five years ago, I contacted Jan Dixon, who sent me a great deal of information, but I have been delighted to read so much extra information on your site. Sadly, my father spoke little about his time there. I still have his prize,(a copy of David Copperfield, for "Band"), and also the flute which was obviously the instrument he played. While the regime was pretty tough it certainly honed my father's strong faith and deep sense of morality. Of all his siblings he was the one who looked after his mother in her final years, putting his own life 'on hold', and I really think  he understood his mother's privations in widowhood better than his brothers and sisters because of the atmosphere in which he had spent his formative years at St Ann's. My father volunteered for WW1,and arrived back to find his wife seriously ill. She died and he remarried  in 1930. I am his only child and he was the best of fathers.
Graham Bartlett.
May 2006
Although I once lived in Redhill my main interest is that my fathers family, the Bartletts and Earles lived there and I am putting my family tree info on the computer and have made a DVD about them, one section of which covers Redhill. My father, John Bartlett worked for Foxboro soon after it opened until the nineties. I remember playing tennis on their courts, and attending the Christmas parties there as a child - someone must have had connections with the record industry because they always gave away lots of '45s' to all the children. I have sent my father a link to your Foxboro page which I am sure he will be interested in, and my wife a link to the Linnell family page as she became interested in them after buying one of his paintings.
The St Annes picture I include was from my grandfather, Bert Bartlett, who worked at St. Annes as a boilerman / handyman and he met his second wife, Mary Fletcher there who was a cook. The picture which was on a postcard was discovered among his possessions after he died in 1989.
My grandfather also worked for the East Surrey Water Company in Redhill, I remember their site on the corner of Frenches Road and London Road.
Photos of pupils and staff dating from 1913-18 from albums handed down through generations of the Perry family are shown on a separate page. Many of the subjects are named. Previously no pictures of girls or female staff at St Anne's had been seen. Grateful thanks to Joanna Parkinson and her husband Stephen for making them available.
View the photographs

This page has been created by the Redhill and Reigate History Society and is hosted courtesy of the Reigate and Redhill Society

© Reigate and Redhill Society 1952 - 2024