Mayors of the Borough of Reigate
Mayors of the Borough of
Reigate This web page lists all the Mayors there have been and gives as much information as is known about them. Redhill is a part of the Borough and therefore its Mayors have always been Mayors of Redhill too, even though the town's name has never featured in the Borough's title. The Borough of Reigate was reformed from the old Manor of Reigate in 1863 and there have been 80 Mayors since then. Although Mayors now serve only one year at a time many of those of the past served terms of varying length. A number of Mayors served for three separate 2-year terms and some served for 4 consecutive years. Alderman Barnes served 5 consecutive years 1897-1902 and returned for another year later. From time to time there were those who disagreed with the multiple-year terms. A councillor said, when opposing the first of Alderman Barnes four re-elections, "If it were the absolute rule for a member of the corporation to be Mayor for two years, and the office went round, any gentleman who might be elected to the council at the present time would be a very old man before he became Mayor of the Borough." The last person to hold office for than a single consecutive term left office in 1970, since when a Mayor has held office for one year at a time, although it is still possible to hold office more than once. For many years the Mayoralty was male dominated and it was not until 1949 when a lady became Mayor for the first time. Although the list below is
complete as far as names are concerned much biographical
and pictorial information is still to be added, and some
of the information included is scant and some of the
pictures low quality. The list of Mayors follows. - AJM |
.... 1st Mayor - Thomas Dann, December 1863 - November 1864 |
Reigate Quaker and local lime and coal merchant who had the first coal wharf at Redhill Station, Dann was one of the prime movers of a campaign to change the old Manor of Reigate, with its rapidly growing new town of Redhill, into a unified scheme of local government suited to the times. His outspoken ways aroused hard feelings, as did his social standing in a class-conscious era. The following information kindly provided by Sean Hawkins. Thomas Dann, the son of Richard Dann (1770-1810) and Rebecca Theobald (1766-1847), was born at Reigate on 4th March, 1804 and died there on 7th May 1882, and was interred in the burial ground attached to the Friends' Meeting House. He married Charlotte Graveley (1822-1907) at Brighton in 1866, but without issue. . . . Richard Dann had a grocery business in the town which was continued after his death by his wife Rebecca, and then by his son. Although the Dann family had been strong and faithful members of the Society of Friends (the Quakers) at Reigate since the 1680's, both Richard and his son were to be censured by the Meeting at various times. Richard was "disowned" for marrying an outsider, Rebecca, not a Quaker - though she later joined, and Thomas, who improvidently sold the family grocery business and invested his capital unwisely, suffered a severe reprimand when he became insolvent in 1840. He imprudently invested money in a saltworks in Cheshire, and a Cornish smelting company, and both failed. By the end of 1840, or early 1841, he was able to pay a dividend to his debtors and start afresh. His later activity as a coal and lime merchant seems to have been successful, and his widow, Charlotte, continued to run the business for some years after after his death, eventually selling out to Hall & Co. They had an office and site close to the station yard, and their home was just a short distance away at "Springfield Cottage": this detached house still stands in London Road, immediately to the north of Watson-Towers offices. . . . Thomas Dann was one of a number of Quaker signatories who signed the petition for the Incorporation of the Borough; these included Francis May (of Bryant & May matches), Charles Marriage, Thomas Nickalls, and James and his son William Hack Deane. He was elected as a Councillor in the new Borough, along with fellow Quaker, Charles Charman Elgar. His election as first Mayor was a near run thing, and his time in office was dogged with difficulty - one wonders if his insolvency twenty three years earlier remained as something of a stigma.(Sean Hawkins) Comprehensive cover of Dann's four-year fight for incorporation, plus his term in office, is dealt with in 'A History of Redhill' vol. 1. |
.... 2nd Mayor - James Searle, 1864 - 1866 |
James Searle lived at 'Eastnor', Ringley, Reigate and then at 'Eversfield' , Ringley Oak, Reigate. Additional information supplied by Mr Sean Hawkins - He was the Returning Officer at the 1865 election of MP for the Borough of Reigate (in the days when Reigate had its own MP) when three candidates, all Liberals, Mr Leveson Gower, the Hon. Edmund Monson and Mr George Richardson contested the seat on 12th July that year. He was the first witness called at the subsequent enquiry held by the Bribery Commission at the Old Town Hall, Reigate, which commenced on 22nd August, 1866 to enquire into malpractices immediately preceeding the election and which were to eventually lead to the withdrawal of Reigate's right to elect its own MP. James Searle died on 1st December 1874, aged 59, closely followed by his wife, Jesse Searle, on 28th September, 1875. (A picture of their son, also James Searle, appears in 'People of 1887' on this website). |
Additional information on James Searle received from Trevor Hobden - Eve's 1860 survey (a detailed mapping of the Borough of Reigate showing fields, houses, common land etc. as numbered plots accompanied by an index that listed ownership of each) has James Searle occupying a house and garden owned by Rev. Thomas Rees a few houses down from the junction of Upper West Street and West Street (don't know its name, the survey doesn't list it). He built Eversfield on Reigate Road next door to Fonthill (both in field 881) adjacent to the Doods Footpath. Ringley Oak, according to Eve, is on the opposite side of the Reigate Road (field 1254). The Town Council apparently bought a part of Ringley Oak from the Waterlows and had it fenced off in 1866. purpose unknown. It was James Searle's purchase of the Eversfield land from AJ Waterlow that instigated the Doods Footpath case of the 1880s. In marking out his new plot for the build of Eversfield, James Searle erected a fence along the line of the footpath. It was this fence that was spotted and brought to the attention of the town council. AJW was forced to buy back the portion of disputed land (and the fence) from Searle and then decided to take issue with the council. The Doods Footpath case was flawed in that the judgement brought by arbitration was unenforceable - the fault of the Town Council legal representatives for allowing the jury to be discharged without delivering a verdict. AJW could not be tried again (double jeopardy?) and was neither obliged to do the work, nor pay the Town Council's costs in bringing the case. Nevertheless, AJW still agreed to carry out the work but refused to pay all the Council costs. He paid just £200 out of a total of £448. The council appeared to be embarrassed by its gaffe but the Surrey Mirror had no problem in giving AJW, and to a lesser degree the council, a very rough ride over the affair and the disputed sum. James Searle, in an open letter to the council published in the Surrey Mirror listed his address as Eastnor Lodge. This house was in Wray Park Road near its junction with Alma Road. In the letter he offered to buy off the council action against AJW, divert the footpath between Fonthill and Eversfield (down Ringley Park Road) then widen and make a path alongside Eversfield on the Reigate Road. His offer was flatly rejected. |
.... 3rd Mayor - Charles Joseph Smith, 1866 -1870 |
The son of the Rev. C.T.Smith he was born in Crawley. He was admitted as a solicitor in 1847 and set up practice in Reigate. He became agent for several Liberal MPs. As Mayor he presented a loyal address to the Prince of Wales who came with Princess Alexandria to lay the memorial stone to an addition to the Earlswood Asylum. Perhaps he felt that his dignity in front of royalty should have been graced by more appropriate dress, for on the agenda at the meeting at which he made his report of the ceremony to Council was a proposal that 'a golden chain be provided for the Mayor as his insignia of office at a cost not to exceed 150 guineas'. This was passed and the chain was provided by Redhill jeweller Henry Fowle, who claimed in later years that he provided it at cost. It was first worn at the meeting of October 1869 and subsequently at Buckingham Palace that same year when with other dignitaries he presented an address to King Leopold of the Belgiums, and later at the Lord Mayor of London's banquet. In 1870 he wore it when presenting a casket to King Leopold in Brussels. It is the same chain that has been worn by successive Mayors and is still worn today. Additional
information supplied by Mr Sean Hawkins - A solicitor with offices in
Reigate High Street, Mr Smith acted as agent for various
candidates in parliamentary elections of 1857, 1858, 1863
and 1865. Following the last election he and his fellow
agents, and others acting for candidates in the
elections, were found guilty, after lengthy enquiry by a
Parliamentary Commission, of wide-scale bribery. Over 500
voters were found to have received bribes. Reigate was
disenfranchised as a result, losing its right to elect a
Member of Parliament, the seat being absorbed into one
representing a larger area of Surrey. Additional information supplied by Mr Arthur Hawkes - Arthur was contacted from the USA by a Professor Clive Gay of Washington State University who was in possession of a silver jug that was presented to Mr C.J.Smith by a grateful candidate in 1863. It stands 12" tall and weighs about 24ozs. He acquired it from his mother who possibly got it at an auction when living at Merstham and Coulsdon between 1949 and 1952. He supplied a picture of the jug, reproduced here, and later sent the jug itself. It is now kept at the Town Hall, Reigate. |
.... 4th Mayor - Walter Blanford Waterlow JP, 1870 - 1872 |
Walter Blanford Waterlow was born 17th April 1819, the third of five sons of James Waterlow, who brought them up to become founders of a world famous printing business, and one of three who made their homes at Reigate. Walter Waterlow bought High Trees farm and built the mansion that is now Dunottar School. He has many mentions in Borough affairs both in and out of Mayoral office. He married Rebecca Stones on 27th September 1842. She died 14th February 1869 aged 46. Her tomb stands in Reigate churchyard and originally had lights burning on it that, it is said, could be seen from High Trees. They had no issue. He had a rapid rise and an equally rapid decline in public affairs, and eventually was to die of his own hand on 28th August 1891. (A brief obituary of Walter Blanford Waterlow plus reports on the inquest and funeral appear on P5 of the 5 Sept 1891 issue of the Surrey Mirror) ......His name is given to Waterlow and Blanford Roads and Crakell Road (pronounced Craykell) is also derived from a Waterlow family name. His brother, Alfred James Waterlow (1815 - 1886) was another great local landowner and lived at Great Doods. He is also buried in Reigate Cemetery. ......Walter was remarried to his younger brother's widow, Maria Waterlow (nee Corss) in 1874. Maria had married Albert Crakell Waterlow in 1846 (Times supplement July 25th 1846) and was mother, to amongst others, Sir Ernest Waterlow, the watercolour artist, and Alice Makowski mother of Albert Makowski. Albert Crakell Waterlow (the Crakell name being the Waterlow's mother's maiden name) & family lived at Fairlawn in St Johns, where the Makowskis later lived, renting the house from Maurice Marcus, the new owner of High Trees after WBW's estate was sold on. Albert Waterlow had died in 1856 at the age of just 31. After WBW's death, Maria lived in a newly built house, Fair View (still standing) in Beech Road until her death in 1916 aged 92. Her gravestone can be found in the churchyard at St John's where she is buried with her mother. A fourth Waterlow brother, Charles, also lived in Reigate for a while - at Rookwood on the Great Doods estate. Another brother, Sir Sydney Hedley Waterlow 1st Bt., was Mayor of London. (The above includes information supplied by Sean Hawkins and Trevor Hobden) |
.... 5th Mayor - Frederick John Besley, 1872 - 1875 |
Gave an address to Prince Leopold, Duke of Albany, youngest of the eight sons of Queen Victoria, when that royal gentleman was on his way to lay a memorial stone to yet another extension of the Earlswood Asylum. Later moved away from Reigate and was living in Kenley in 1882 |
.... 6th Mayor - William Carruthers, 1875 - 1877 |
The Councillor who received the most votes of any at the very first elections of 1863 and who was therefore the first to sign his name in the Declaration Book. A builder and contractor of West Street, Reigate, he has left a legacy in some of the churches and other local public buildings, including St Matthew's Church, Redhill. Additional information supplied by Mr Sean Hawkins - He was also questioned at the Bribery Commission of 1866 (see information on Mayor James Searle) and informed it that he employed 100-200 men, was currently building a church at Hackney and working on other buildings in various parts of the country. The minutes of the Commission give the impression that he was deeply implicated in the corrupt practices of the Monson cause in three elections held in 1859, 1861 and 1865. After the 1865 election he sacked several workmen for voting for Gower, the candidate in opposition to Monson. He died 18th April 1893, aged 82. His wife was Anne Elizabeth and she died 5th August 1892. Carruthers, amongst other things, operated the Colley Hill complex of heartstone mines, which fits in with his being a building stone contractor. His name is on the foundation stone of St Mark's Church, Reigate. |
.... 7th Mayor - Edward Lambert, 1877 - 1879 |
The son of a miller who managed the Blackborough Mill, his social standing was not good enough for those Additional information supplied by Mr Sean Hawkins - He became the owner of Blackborough Mill, operated as a corn dealer and baker, and in 1888 his baker's shop was at 37 Hight Street, Redhill. He was also sworn and examined as a witness by the Bribery Commission in 1866; he canvassed on behalf of leveson Gower and was subject to questioning by the commission on the grounds that he had put pressure on a man named Stevens, who owed him £6 or £7, to vote for Gower - which he denied. He lived at Buckland House, Station Road, Redhill, and died 7th January 1891. His wife predeceased him on 9th September 1883 aged 54. |
.... 8th Mayor - George Edwin Pym, 1879 - 1881 |
Born at Colley Manor Farm in 1829 he was the son of Jesse Pym who was visited at Reigate by William Cobbett on his 'Rural Rides'. Jesse Pym had come to Reigate from Suffolk in 1815. He worked Colley Manor Farm, Reigate Priory Farm and Doods Farm. When the SE Railway Co. built the Reading Line it bisected Doods farm. Mr A.J.Waterlow took over the southern part and Jesse and his son continued to farm the northern part, Jesse buying the freehold in 1863. Georg Edwin Pym subsequently developed the farm as a housing estate but continued to live at 'Doods', the original house. George Edwin's son, David, was a tea broker and was well known in Calcutta from 1891-1912. David returned to Reigate and took up residence in Doods in 1915, married Victoria Benton in 1930 and died in 1949 aged 85. Additional information supplied by Mr Sean Hawkins - George Edwin Pym was born 12th April 1829. At one time he lived at Little Doods Farm, Doods Road, Reigate. He died 23rd December 190%. In 1910 his widow, Elizabeth, whose maiden name was Moore, was living at 'The Firle' The Way, Reigate. She died 21st December 1911, aged 80. |
.... 9th Mayor - Robert Field, 1881 - 1884 |
Robert Field was born in Brighton in 1815 and was married to Emma Parkin (1811-1886) at St Peter's Church, Walworth in 1837. He was by trade a hat manufacturer, and he lived with his family in Brixton until, in the early 1860's, they moved to "Brooklands", Oxford Road, Redhill, at which address he remained until his death, aged 86, in 1902. He is buried in Reigate Cemetery. For quite a number of years he conducted his business as hat and cap maker from premises in Blackfriars Road, Southwark. Two of his sons, Joseph Louis & George Horace Field, continued the family tradition as hatters. He was secretary of St Anne's Schools for many years. When it became clear that a new school was needed he was one of three local men (the others were William Waterlow and Francis Costar) who campaigned to raise funds for the existing school at Streatham to move to a new school 'in the salubrious air of Redhill'. He turned the 'first sod' of the land that was procured at Redhill and performed his mayoral duties when the Prince of Wales came to lay the foundation stone. He was also a director of the Redhill Gas Company and a founder member of the Reigate Harmonic Society. His eldest daughter, Emma Laura Dawson, lived for many years in a large house called "Elmshade", in Church Street, on the corner of Castlefield Road, which was later pulled down and the Redland building erected on the site, and which in turn has been demolished and replaced by the E-sure premises. (The above information kindly supplied by Mr Sean Hawkins) |
.... 10th Mayor - Frederick Budgen, 1884 - 1886 |
Photo shows Mayor Budgen while in office wearing the mayoral chains during his first term of office 1884-86 (photo courtesy Sean Hawkins) |
Grateful thanks for the information. Photo shows Mr F.Budgen in 1913. Frederick Budgen was made an Honorary Freeman of the Borough on 26th January 1914 |
.... 11th Mayor, Henry Summers, 1886 - 1888 |
A Draper of Station Road, Redhill. |
.. 12th Mayor, John Seex, 1888 - 1890 ...... Information from Mr Sean Hawkins |
John Seex 18441913 b. Kennington in the first quarter of 1844, d.Woburn, Bucks, 23rd February, 1913, aged 69. Son of John Gates Seex, upholsterer, who was b. Mddx. 1819c. d. Reigate, 26th September, 1881 and Cecilia Binns, b. Stepney 1823, m. St. Dunstans Stepney 1843, d. Bermondsey, 1848 (father Nimrod Binns, cabinet maker). John Gates Seex married again in 1852, Sarah Bargman at Billericay in Essex. .....
John Seex married Maria Bertha Anna in 1869c. She
was born in Stettin, 3rd December 1844, and
died at Ventnor, Isle of Wight, 6th July,
1891, and bore him four boys. He married again in
1893, Emma Jane Claridge, but this marriage was without
issue. |
... 13th Mayor, Samuel Brooks, 1890 - 1892 |
Born in 1838 Mr Brooks spent 7 years abroad before coming to Park Road, Redhill in 1882. He was widowed in 1876 and his three children were all musically talented. As well as being a Reigate councillor he was 19 years a Surrey County Councillor, retiring after ill health in 1911. The date of his death is unknown but it was before his youngest son, Lieutenant S.Brooks of the Royal Navy, was killed in WW1 July 1918. Additional information supplied by Mr Sean Hawkins - Samuel Brooks died 12th October 1915 aged 77. His second wife, Eliza Jane, died 26th October 1927, aged 78. |
.... 14th Mayor, Frederick Budgen, 1892 - 1893 (2nd term) |
.... 15th Mayor, William Brown, 1893 - 1895. |
.....William Brown, a native of the Borough of Reigate, was born in 1838. He married Miss Rebecca Cooke, daughter of Mr Joliffe Cooke of Meadvale and they had four sons and three daughters. He was the son and namesake of William Brown 1805-1861, probably taking over the running of the firm of W.Brown, brickmakers, from his father and continuing in business at Meadvale and Cockshot Hill. They lived at Mackrells, off Union Road (which became Pendleton Road). .....He was first elected to the Council 1879 and promoted to the Aldermanic bench in 1893, the same year that the Mayoralty was conferred upon him. He retired from the Council in 1902 when Mr Viall was elected as Alderman in his place. The reason for this deposition was William Brown's uncompromising attitude regarding the erection of the Municipal buildings, about which he is quoted as saying that they 'should be built east of Reffells Bridge or nowhere'. (the story of the Municipal Buildings is told in 'A History of Redhill volume 2'). He was often pressed to re-stand for Council but steadfastly refused. .....He also served on the Reigate Board of Guardians for many years, becoming its Chairman in 1903. He resigned in 1905, however, giving his reason as the delivery of goods by his son to the extension of the workhouse, and therefore wanting to avoid a conflict of interest. He was also one of the original governors of the Victoria Almshouses. In addition to these duties he was also a member of the Technical Instruction Committee for many years, a member of the Commons Conservators (more information about this on page 131 of 'A History of Redhill Vol. 1) a Governor of the Grammar School and closely associated with the Reigate Congregational Church almost all his life. He became a JP in 1906, having been Chief Magistrate during his Mayoralty. He died in 1908 aged 60. (Photo of Mayor Brown kindly provided bySean Hawkins) |
.... 16th Mayor, Henry Ongley, 1895 - 1897 |
A vendor of poultry game and fish by trade, he was Mayor during Queen Victoria's jubilee. He had a shop in Bell Street, Reigate, next property south from Knights. Lived at 56 Deerings Road, Reigate. (Shop location and addresss supplied by Mr Sean Hawkins) The picture far right was the
only one on this site before Mr Tony Abrahams sent me
this additional marvellous picture of Mayor Ongley from a
family album belonging to his mother, whose maiden name
was Brenda Peat. Her grandfather was James Peat, a
Reigate business man, resident of Bell Street and a
neighbour of Mr Ongley's premises there, so he would have
known him well. Henry Ongley was made an Honorary Freeman of the Borough on 29th May 1922 |
.... 17th Mayor, Francis Edward Barnes, 1897 - 1902 (1st term) |
Son of the first importer of Danish bacon to this country he inherited the business and lived in style at Reigate Heath and had been a Councillor only six years when he became Mayor. One of his first tasks as Chairman of the Watch Committee in July 1897 was to be present and to report upon the trial of a steam fire engine at Market Field, Redhill, an appliance deemed not necessary considering the imminent provision of piped water in Redhill. He presented the mace that is still in use today to the Corporation in November 190% just after being elected for a fourth consecutive year. He was Mayor during the South African war and raised funds for comforts for the fighting men. He was also Mayor during the years of the controversial siting of the Municipal Buildings and revealed some controversial anti-Redhill feelings of his own (details in 'A History of Redhill' vol. 2 when published in 2002/3) The photo shows theMayor and Mrs Barnes Additional information supplied by Mr Sean Hawkins - Francis Edward Barnes lived at Normanton, Reigate Heath. He died 29th February 1920. His wife, Elizabeth Ellen, died 29th July 1905. On their tombstone in Reigate Cemetery she is described as a former Mayoress of Reigate, which surely repflects her husband's pride in having received such a high public distinction that it should be reflected in the inscription on her memorial. |
.... 18th Mayor, William Conolly, 1902 - 1904 |
Campaigned to erect a working Man's Club and Baths in Redhill and achieved this aim through the generosity of Jeremiah Colman in the shape of the Colman Institute in London Road , although without the baths. 'The History of St John's School' (to be published September 2006) contains more details of the opening of the Colman Institute. Additional information supplied by Mr Sean Hawkins - Mayor Conolly lived at 'Buckhurst', Linkfield Lane, Redhill. He was born 27th May 1839 and died 6th September 1914. |
.... 19th Mayor, William Hannam Bagaley, 1904 - 1906 |
Born at London on March 15th 1856, William Bagaley came to Reigate with his parents in about 1864 and received his early education at St John's School. He followed his father into the building trade and had a successful business based in Hardwick Road, Meadvale. He was elected a Borough Councillor in 1897. With Mr Ongley he was made an Alderman the following year after it had become known that his sympathies for the new Municipal Buildings were in favour of the Reigate site. This caused two Alderman who favoured the new Municipal Buildings being at Redhill to lose their seats and a narrow majority was gained for the site at Reigate. He became Mayor in 1905. He resigned his seat as Alderman in February 1910. On the Board of Commons Conservators for many years he was made a JP in 1908. He died at the end of October 1934. Lived at 'The Larches', Furzefield Road, Reigate. (Address kindly supplied by Mr Sean Hawkins) |
.... 20th Mayor, Thomas Malcomson, 1906 - 1910 (1st of 3 terms) |
Came to Reigate in 1895 and was elected to Council in 1902. Became an Alderman in 1907. (See also his second term in 1918 and third term 1926-28 for additional picture). He was made a freeman of the Borough in 1929. Lived at 'Powerscourt', Cavendish Road, Redhill. He died in April 1937. Holds the record for the most terms (7 years) served as Mayor. (Address kindly supplied by Mr Sean Hawkins) Email from Kathy Lowe, June 2013: In looking at the 1891, 1901 and 1911 English censuses, it would appear that Thomas Malcomson, the printer and publisher who became mayor of Reigate, identified himself as being Irish on those three censuses. On the 1911 census, he reported his place of birth as Belfast. His mother was still alive at age 92 and living with his family on the 1911 census and her place of birth was identified as County Down in Ireland. These censuses do indicate that Thomas and his family had lived in Scotland for a time before they moved to Reigate, as Thomass two oldest sons were recorded as having been born in Scotland around 1888-1890. The family was living at 38 Avondale Square in Camberwell by the 1891 census. |
.... 21st Mayor, Thomas Gregory, 1908 - 1910 |
Born in 1841 he was a councillor for 10 years and died in 1915. Lived at 'Eldersley Tower', Linkfield Lane, Redhill. (Address kindly supplied by Mr Sean Hawkins) Francis Edward Barnes was made an Honorary Freeman of the Borough on 30th December 1918 In the picture on the right Mayor Gregory,
wearing his chains of office, walks behind the mace
bearer in a procession to St Mary's Church, Reigate, in
1909 |
.... 22nd Mayor, Francis Edward Barnes, 1910 - 1911 (2nd term) |
.... 23rd Mayor, Frank Edward Lemon, 1911-1913 |
Alderman Frank F. Lemon succeeded Alderman FE Barnes as Mayor in 1911, serving for 2 years. During his mayoralty the Jubilee of the Incorporation of the Borough was celebrated, and the dedication of 60 acres of Colley Hill to the public was marked by the 1913 Pilgrims Pageant. Born at Blackheath, Kent, in 1858, the son of Mr W.G. Lemon JP, a well known London barrister practising at the Chancery Bar, and serving on the LCC, Alderman Lemon was educated at St Paul's School and Trinity College Cambridge where he took Law and Arts degrees in 1883 and 84. He was called to the bar in 1883 at Lincoln's Inn. Joining the Volunteer Force in 1879 he obtained a commission as Captain in the Cambridge University Rifle Volunteers in 1882. He passed from this regiment into the Inns of Court Rifle Volunteers. Serving for 22 years he was he was awarded the long service medal in 1889, and was later a Captain in the National Reserve. As a freemason he was one of the earliest to be given London rank, and in 1934 was invested as Senior Grand Warden of Grand Lodge. For a long period he was the Hon. Sec. of the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds. Also associated in this work was his wife, Mrs Lemon, JP, a fellow member of the Reigate bench. He was the oldest (in the continuous sense) season ticket holder between Redhill and London and still travelled there three times a week up to a few weeks before his death. He was Chairman of the Conservators of Redhill Common from 1907-35 and responsible for the 1935 conversion of the old railway sighting pillar on Redhill Common to a memorial to the 25th jubilee of King George V.he was also a governor of Mayor
Lemon and members |
Tim Lemon of Osaka, Japan, kindly
supplied the following information: It had been at the age of 18 when she was inspired to devote thought and energy to the better treatment of birds. With others she discussed the slaughter of birds for their decorative plumage. Birds with such ornamental feathers were often killed when they had young, so their yound starved to death. Mrs Lemon would go to church and take note of all those women wearing plumed hats and after write tio them explaining the cruel methods by which their plumes were obtained. So began a life's work and the creation of the RSPB of which she was elected Hon. Sec. in 1892, a post she held until her husband was elected to it in 1904 when she continued to help him in the role. In 1938 she visited all the bird watching stations north of the Tweed, getting to klnow the people there in the process. Another project Mrs Lemon was closely connected with - one of many - was in December 1939 the making of wollen items of clothing for the men of HMS Caledonian. On the anniversary in 1916 when the ship was put into commission there was an oppportunity at Jones and Sons shop in Redhill High Street to view such items as balaclava helmets, nuniers, mittens and wrislets. The was a demand for such items as wel as sea boot stockings and Mrs Lemon made it known that she was willing to receive donations towards the knitting of these things for the men who so bravely went to sea with such dauntless courage. |
A part of Reigate Hill was given to the
Borough of Reigate in 1913. Here Mayor Lemon (centre
back) receives the trust deeds. Those pictures are from
l-r BACK ROW - Sir Robert Hunter, Lord Curzon, Mayor Lemon, Sir William Vincent, Mr J. St.Leo St Rachey. FRONT ROW - Miss Hull, Cllr E.S.Gedge, Cllr Mark Dean, Cllr W.Figg. |
.... 24th Mayor, George Alfred Reynolds Ince, 1913 -1916 |
........Mr Ince came to the Borough in July 1882 from a small town in Worcester to work with Clair Grece, in whose office he stayed for fifteen asnd a half years. He remembered Dr Grece as one of the most generous minded men he had ever met. The Irish question was high in the news at a time when Dr Grece spoke against the Irish in a meeting in a Church Street office and Mr Ince, still then a young man, nervously spoke up for the first time in defence of the Irish. Thinking he had gone too far in seeming to oppose his employer he was surprised but pleased when when Dr Grece afterwards congratulated him on saying what he thought. ........A councillor from 1905 Mr Ince was at the forefront of many of the campaigns to initiate relief for the relatives of men fighting at the WW1 front he also made an appeal for people to spend less and not hoard gold, this latter sounding strange to our ears today. To assist in the former he announced that shops would close at 7pm three days a week, an earlier closing time than usual. He also appealed for employers to keep open the jobs of those gone to active service. A phrase he used in one fund-raising speech was that 'Britain will never call upon its sons in vain', a speech followed by a motion to start a committee to appeal for funds to alleviate distress in the Borough, a motion seconded by Alderman Barnes who, as previously mentioned, had done similar work during the South African wars at the turn of the century. At this time (190%) solicitor Mr Ince had represented the Feathers Hotel, Merstham, and the Reigate Providential and Industrial Co-operative Society in opposing the granting of a licence to the Griffin public house at Merstham. Lived at 61 Deerings Road, Reigate. (Address kindly supplied by Mr Sean Hawkins) |
.... 25th Mayor, Thomas Malcomson, 1916 - 1919 (2nd term) |
The picture shows the Mayor with the Borough's special police in 1918 |
.... 26th Mayor, Herbert Crosfield, 1919 - 1921 |
Crosfield JP, for 63 years an underwriter at Lloyds,
lived at Woodcote, Wray Park Road, Reigate and married in
September 1921 during his term as Mayor. A Quaker and
keen temperance advocate he first took seat on the
Borough Council in 1901 and became an Alderman in 1921.
He was a half brother to James Backhouse Crosfield who
donated Reigate Baths. He died on July 12th, 1938, aged
81, while on holiday at Falmouth. The first of the
pictures dates from 1913, the second was taken later in
life. Herbert Crosfield was made an Honorary Freeman of the Borough on 26th February 1937 |
.... 27th Mayor, William Legg, 1921 -1923 |
William Legg was the first Labour Mayor of the Borough. He was born in Horley, the son of a builder from Linkfield Street, Redhill. He first became a Councillor in January 1915 and was elected Alderman in November 1923. He was for over 40 years a member of the Management Committee of the Reigate Co-operative Society, and was more than once its Chairman. He became a member of the Prince of Wales Lodge of the Oddfellows in 1891 and held every post in his own Lodge, and was Secretary of it for many years. his activities in this field spread to the Mitcham district, of which he was successively Deputy Grand Master and Grand Master. He died at his home at 6,Knighton Road, Redhill, aged 51, in the summer of 1924. William was the eldest of ten children, 5 boys and 5 girls, his father was a local brick layer, and several of his male siblings emigrated to Canada.He married Ada Coomber on the 25th of February 1897; she died in 1946 in Croydon near her daughters family. William and Ada had two children; Ada and Arthur William. 'Photo and additional information (in blue above) courtesy Janet Legg, William's great grand-daughter, who is descended from William's son Arthur.] |
.... 28th Mayor, Charles Ernest Woodroffe, 1923 - 1926 |
Charles Ernest Woodroffe was born at Dalston in 1874 and came to Reigate in 1893 to take a position with Mellersh and Neale. He was elected councillor in 1907 and alderman in 1923. In his first year as Mayor he presented an address to the Prince of Wales when His Royal Highness opened the new chapel and victory memorial school at the police orphanage. He retired from the Council in 1926 and died at Ramsgate aged 76 in 1946 This picture was taken outside the Market Hall on the occassion of the visit of Princess Helena Victoria, President of the YMCA, to Redhill in November, 1926. The Mayor is on the right; the Princess on the left. |
.... 29th Mayor, Thomas Malcomson, 1926 - 1928 (3rd term) |
Sir Jeremiah and Lady Colman with Mayor Malcomson during his 3rd term. The ceremony in progress may well have been the making of Sir Jeremiah Colman an Honorary Freeman of the Borough on 29th October 1928. Thomas Malcomson was made an Honorary Freeman of the Borough on 1st July 1929 |
.... 30th Mayor, Temple Newell, 1928 - 31. |
The picture top right was taken in July 1930 at the Surrey British Legion rally at Shaws Corner. Alderman Temple Newell is on the left. Centre is the Duke of Connaught. One of the other three gentlemen is Lord Ashcombe. Additional information from Sean Hawkins - Temple Newell died 26th February 1945; his wife, Hilda, died 30th January 1949. In the bottom right picture Mayor Temple Newell prepares to send down the first ball on the opening of Redhill Bowling Club's new Green in 1931 |
.... 31st Mayor, Alderman Lieutenant-Colonel Francis Jefferies Spranger, 1931- 35 |
Francis Jefferies Spranger was made an Honorary Freeman of the Borough on 25th February 1936 |
.... 32nd Mayor, Dudley Lewis, 1935 - 1937 |
Served on the Western Front during WW1 and married Florence Pitt-Fox during this time. On 14th December 1936 read the proclamation of King George Vl ascension to the throne. In December 1936, after the abdication of Edward VIII, he proclaimed the new King George at Redhill and Reigate - possibly the only Mayor to read the proclamation of two kings. Picture taken 1936 while in office |
.... 33rd Mayor, Harold James Hamblen, 1937 - 1941 |
Left - Mr H.J.Hamblen in 1936 Right - Mr Hamblen stands at the centre of the staff line at the opening of the British Restaurant in the old Co-op premises in Cromwell Road in 1941 |
.... 34th Mayor, Francis Jefferies Spranger, 1941 - 1942 (2nd term) |
Col Spranger had already served 4 consecutive years as mayor from 1931-35 but this 1941-42 term was affected by feeling that the eastern end of the Borough was getting 'a raw deal'. This was due to the suspension of elections during the war and the internal selection of replacements for Council vacancies that resulted in 17 of the 28 Council places going to Reigate people. The result was the election of an 'easterner' as Mayor in November 1942. Col. Spranger was elected the eleventh Freeman of the Borough. |
.... 35th Mayor, Arthur Windsor Spice, 1942 -1946 |
Alderman Windsor Spice was elected as a member of Uckfield Urban District Council in 1912 and saw service in the Royal Navy Air Service and later the Royal Air Force as a Pilot Officer during WW1. He came to Reigate soon after the Armistice to occupy Reigate Lodge as Sub-area Stores and Accounts Officer in the Works Department of the Air Ministry, from which he retired in 1927. He was elected a member of Reigate Council in North Central ward in January 1936 and as an Alderman in October 1942, becoming Mayor that November. He became a member of Surrey County Council in 1944. A Redhill photographer with premises near the Railway Station. Alderman Windsor Spice was elected as the twelfth Freeman of the Borough on 3rd March 1947. |
Mayor Windsor Spice at dinner with the Duchess of Kent during her visit to local St John's ambulance units on the 10th July 1943. |
The Mayor and Mayoress of Reigate Alderman and Mrs Windsor-Spice | ||
information supplied by Sean Hawkins Arthur Windsor Spice 1884-1969 was born in Dorset but lived for most of his early life in St Leonards, near Hastings.The 1901 census reveals that his father was a cab proprietor and swimming instructor, and Arthur is already described as a photographer. He married Rose Jane Cruttenden in Hastings in 1909 and they afterwards settled in Uckfield where Arthur established a photographers studio and shop in the High Street. He also acquired a taste for local affairs becoming a member of Uckfield Council. By the late 1920s he had moved to Redhill and set up his business at 1 Station Road, Redhill, and by the early 1940s he had premises at 8, The Broadway, Reigate, a shopping parade in London Road, where Watson Tower the actuaries now are. |
The Mayor's term during the years
of WW2 put in his mind the idea for a permanent memorial
to those fallen of the Borough. His idea was for a
Victory or Memorial Hall or an Assembly Rooms to be built
on the site of Caberfeigh, a property the council owned
in Hatchlands Road close to Shaws Corner. This was at a
time when the Abercrombie report had been published
outlining the development of satellite towns in the area.
Reigate and Redhill had been marked as an area which
would not be allowed to grow under the scheme and the
Mayor envisaged these new towns having good community
facilities that Redhill and Reigate lacked, so his idea
would fulfil this purpose as well as that of a permanent
memorial. In the sketch of the proposed layout the
existing memorial then still standing at Shaws Corner is
shown at its centre, but it was stressed Right - The house 'Caberfeigh' before it was demolished |
.... 36th Mayor, Walter Leonard Lorkin J.P., A.M.I.E.E., 1946 - 1949 |
The two pictures of Mayor Lorkin are accompanied below by a picture of him and Mrs Lorkin at the Merstham Peace Commemoration Committee's dinner for the older people of Merstham at Merstham Village Hall |
The Mayor and Mayoress of Reigate Alderman and Mrs W.L.Lorkin | ||
.... 37th Mayor, Marjorie Constance Donkin, 1949 - 1951 |
Marjorie Donkin became a Councillor in 1925 and was the first Woman Mayor, being installed on May 23rd 1949. She had been Chair of the Housing Committe for seven years and also chair of the Commons Conservators for some yeas, being chairman when the Council took over its functions in 1945. Born at Shortlands, Kent, she came to Reigate with her parents in 1894. During WW1 she had been in the Land Army and had attended a course at an agricultural college. Her hobbies included music and gardening. An accomplished violinist she was the founder of the Reigate Chamber Music Club and a founder member of the Reigate and Redhill Music Festival. In her own speech, and another by Mr West on the occasion of her relinquishing the post in favour of Alderman Salisbury, there was the humorous mention of 'a dangerous experiment', a reference to the election of a woman to the Mayoralty. Laughter was heard in the council chamber at this but it is not inconceivable that there were those in the patriarchal and male dominated Council who might have felt that way at the time of her election, and perhaps in 1925 too, for there could not have been that many women councillors then, and certainly very few before her. Mayor Donkin is pictured top left in 1936 and above right during her mayoralty She was raised to the Aldermanic bench in February 1940, becoming only the second woman Alderman, Mrs Powell having been the first in 1935. The Honorary Freedom of the Borough of Reigate was conferred upon Miss Donkin at a ceremony at the Town Hall on Saturday 11th July 1964 |
The programme for the Presentation of the freedom of the borough to Alderman Donkin | |
Mayor Donkin pictured during a road race
for the National Playing Fields Appeal in April 1950. |
It was at the last Council meeting of 1949 when the meeting was opened with prayers. This innovation was at the suggestion of the Reigate Clergy Chapter. Mayor Donkin's Chaplain, Canon W.P.Godwin, officiated and the procedure has been followed ever since. |
.... 38th Mayor, Arthur Henry Cornish Salisbury, 1951 - 1952 |
A native of Somerset, Arthur Salisbury moved to London and then, in 1912, to Redhill . A one time Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce he later became a founder member, President and Secretary of the Rotary Club. He became a councillor through being a wartime co-opted member and at the time of his mayoralty was the sole remaining wartime co-optee. In his acceptance speech he referred with regret to the fact that past councillors had been unable to site the municipal buildings in a central position. He also mentioned the Festival of Britain and told councillors that the programme the Borough had arranged would ensure that it would put Reigate on the map. The Merstham LCC estate was another programme the Borough was involved in at the time although Reigate Council had originally objected to the scheme. Cost to the LCC was £2.5m and the cost of sewerage to the Borough was £78,000. Another project in hand was the provision of car parks at Marketfield and Gloucester Road, Redhill. King George VI was to die on 6th In the photo on the right Mayor Salisbury and others from Reigate Council are on a fire boat in the Thames. The occasion is not known. The only other person identified is Cllr Willingdon who, with hat, is standing two behind the fire officer on the far right. (photo courtesy Mr G. Aldrich) |
.... 39th Mayor, Harold Daniels 1952 -1954 |
see 1963 for 2nd term and information |
.... 40th Mayor, Geoffrey S. Goodman, 1954 -1956 |
Mr Geoffrey Goodman was born in Blandford Road, Reigate, in 1905. He lived most of his life in the town, latterly in Duncroft Close. He was educated at Leys School, Cambridge, and joined his family's firm of chartered surveyors, Matthews and Goodman in the City in 1927. He remained the senior partner until his retirement in 1970. A keen sportsman Mr Goodman was treasurer, honourary secretary and then captain of the Reigate Heath Golf Club. He also played for the Southern Counties Hockey Club. Before WW2 he was known for his interest in social work and ran summer camps for London slum children. During WW2 Mr Goodman served in France, Holland and Iceland holding staff appointments and rising to the rank of Lieut. Colonel. He was also mentioned in despatches. Mr Goodman was elected to Reigate Borough Council in 1945 as an Independent candidate for the North Central ward. He became Chairman of the General Purposes Committee and in this capacity oversaw a number of boundary changes in 1953 and 1954. He was instrumental in obtaining a new coat of arms for the Borough and established the special relationship between the Borough and the French town of Beauvais. In 1956 he was elected an Alderman and retired from the council after 20 years service. Mr Goodman died in a London Hospital in 1972 aged 68. He left a wife, Anne, two married daughters and a son by his firat wife who died in 1969. The funeral service was held at St Mark's Church, Reigate. |
The bottom right picture shows the November 1956 ceremony of the conferring of the honorary freedom of the borough upon Mr G.J.Searle and Mr W.Lees Stenning. From l-r are: - The Mayor's Chaplain, the Rev B.M.Pratt: The Mayoress, Mrs Goodman: Mr Searle; Mr Lees Stenning: Mayor Goodman: Town Clerk Mr Heber Davies: the Deputy Mayor and Mayoress Alderman and Mrs Daniels: Deputy Town Clerk Mr C.W.Brightwell: and Sir Gordon Touche, MP (an honorary freeman since 1942). |
.... 41st Mayor, Margaret Alison Hicks, M.A. 1956 - 1957 |
Second Lady Mayor Margaret Hicks was made an Honorary Freeman of the Borough on 11th July 1961 Right - The brochure for the freedom ceremony |
.... 42nd Mayor, George Searle, 1957 - 1959 |
The Mayor of Reigate, Aldernan George
Searle, |
.... 43rd Mayor, Herbert Best, 1959 - 1961 |
At the time of his election as Mayor Mr Best had lived and worked in the Borough as a nusery proprietor at Reigate for about fifty years. During WW2 he was active in the fire-fighting branch of the Civil Defence. He represented the South Ward of Reigate Borough Council from 1947 - 1951 and after an absence returned at a by-election in the Central Ward in 1953. He was an active member of the Borough Chamber of Commerce, under whose sponsordhip he first entered the Council, and was Chairman of the committee responsible for the Reigate Pageants of 1951 and 1953. He helped found the 'Friends of the County Hospital' and as Chairman of the Borough Old People's Welfare Committee he was largely instrumental in the purchase of the property which is now the Eversfield Home, Reigate Road. | ||
The lace at the neck of Mr Best as Mayor was made by a Mrs Goad, who taught the old method of Bedfordshire pillow lace, at the Art College |
Mr Best
set up Sunnyside Nurseries after serving in the first
World War, before this he had worked on Sir Jeremiah
Coleman's estate at Gatton. |
The picture above was taken when the Queen Mother paid a visit to Fonthill on Reigate Road in the 1960s. Mr Best was a founding member of Eversfield Residential Home on Reigate Road. His funeral was at St Mary's church in Reigate, and on the way to the crematorium a very moving moment was going past Eversfield with many of the residents standing in the garden to watch the funeral procession. |
From then on, until he died in 1972, Mr Best lived at the second cottage on the right in The Close off Chart Lane. The picture of him standing at the gate was taken before it was extended |
.... 44th Mayor, Edward Stoneham, 1961 - 1963 |
.... 45th Mayor, Harold Daniels, 1963 - 64 (2nd term) |
during his second term |
Mayor Daniels signing the roll upon acceptance of office at the Mayor-making ceremony of May 20th 1963. Note the old black and white portraits of previous mayors adorning the walls of the council chamber. |
Mr Daniels represented the old North Central Ward from November 1938. On war duties 1939-45 he attended council meetings when military duties permitted. He rturned from the army with the rank of Lieut-Colonel and is pictures here in uniform. He re-sought election in 1946. His profession was a chartered accountant and he had lived in the ward for fiften years. |
.... 46th Mayor, Mary Oakley M.A., 1964 - 1966 |
.... 47th Mayor, Justin Henry Alleyn, B Arch, FRIBA, 1966 - 1968 |
.... 48th Mayor, Peter Phillips, 1968 - 1970 |
.... 49th Mayor, Ernest Crowe, 1970 - 1971 |
.... 50th Mayor, Robin Kemp, 1971-1972 |
Robin Kemp was born in Hampton Wick, Middlesex in 1920 and moved to Reigate at age six. He entered the Royal Ordnance Corps in 1939 and later served in the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers during WW II, reaching the rank of Warrant Officer 1 and serving in Egypt and Italy. On leaving the army after the war he entered his father's retail business, Wray Park Corn Stores in London Road, Reigate. He later went on to run the family firm, before becoming Office Manager for an Animal Foodstuffs wholesalers in Sevenoaks. Robin was first elected councillor for Central Ward in 1960 and continued to represent his electors until 1991. He continued living in Reigate until 2001 and has taken an interest in local affairs up to the present. Robin Kemp sadly died on 21st October 2004. (Information provided by Robin and Neville Kemp) |
.... 51st Mayor, Elliot Arthur Charles Pearce, 1972-1973 |
As a boy at St John's School in the 1920s and 30s Mr Pearce would have attended annual gatherings on the common for Empire Day and be addressed by the Mayor of the time. Whether he then ever aspired to the office is unknown, although probably unlikely. He was well known for having his own band for many years and playing at many local venues. Lived in Maple Road, Redhill. Alderman Pearce is pictured
left cutting the first turf to launch a two-year project
of the council's £700,000 waste incinerator. The plant
combined sludge disposal with refuse incineration and was
the first of its kind in the country. I his speech Ald.
Pearce said, 'The present waste disposal facilities are
being stretched to the limit. We shall be in urgent need
of the new plant when it is finished. It will be costly
but if it gives the high performance expected of it I am
sure it will be worth it'. Unfortunately the incinerator
did not perform to its costed expectations and was shut
down after being in use for a few |
.... 52nd Mayor, Thomas Curtis, 1973 - 1974 |
Mayor Curtis at an event with local cub scouts |
In 1974 The Borough of Reigate became the Borough of Reigate and Banstead |
.... 53rd Mayor, Ernest Crowe, 1974 - 1975 (2nd term) |
Served as Mayor in Borough in both its forms |
.... 54th Mayor, Roy Stephenson, 1975 - 76 |
.... 55th Mayor, George Searle, 1976 - 1977 |
If the same George Searle from 1957 - 59 then he also served as Mayor of Borough in both its forms. Photo left - Mayor Searle sits at the keyboard of letter sorting equipment during a visit to the Redhill Sorting Office in December 1976 George
Searle left school at 14 to work at Bryant and May Ltd.,
the match makers, just after WW1. He moved on to
eventually become director of food transport for the
Ministry of Food. Having experienced the 1930s depression
at first hand he had a concern for all sections of the
community and was just over 40 when he became a local
Councillor. He was well past retirement when he retired
in 1979, at which time he was appointed an honorary
alderman of the Borough. Like Mayor Alleyn before him, he
was also a Merstham resident with an interest in amateur
dramatics, and an ex-officio magistrate. Mayor and Mrs Searle on a visit to Borough almshouses. |
.... 56th Mayor, Thomas Gover, 1977 - 78 |
.... 57th Mayor, Peter Lynch B.Sc. C.Eng. MIEE, 1978 - 79 |
Peter Lynch trained as a monk in Dumfries, Scotland, joining an order but leaving aged 25 to join the RAF. He met his wife in Glasgow and they moved to Horley where he became a researcher for Phillips and a part-time lecturer in physics and electrics at Lewisham Technical College. In the 1960s he became a councillor for Horley West. He also became chairman of Horley and Dorking Rural District Photo above - Mayor Lynch showing children the ceremonial mace |
.... 58th Mayor, Hugh Macalman, 1979 - 1980 |
Mr Macalman met his wife, Peggy, in 1941 when he was stationed at Reigate with the Royal Corps of Signals. She was a local girl who had attended the County School for Girls. The couple were married at St Mary's Church in Reigate. After many years on the council they were elected Mayor and Mayoress of Reigate and Banstead for 1979-80. In 1988 Mr Macalman was conferred as Honarary Alderman. Pictures:
- |
.... 59th Mayor, Thomas Curtis MA, LLb, 1980 -1981 |
.... 60th Mayor, Maurice Adams, 1981 - 1982 |
Lt Commander Maurice Sydney Adams FRMS, RN (retd) was a Councillor for the former Banstead Urban Council 1968-74 and of the Borough of Reigate and Banstead 1974-95. He served mostly on Housing and Recreation Committees. He was Mayor of the Borough of Reigate and Banstead 1981-82 and Deputy Mayor 1986-87. He was conferred as Honorary Alderman in 2002. He died on April 10th 2002. |
.... 61st Mayor, Walter Jupp, 1982 - 1983 |
Mr Jupp served on the borough council for 16 years. He was chairman of both its planning and housing committees and became mayor of the borough in 1982. The Borough Council conferred the title of Honorary Alderman on 13th December 2001 in appreciation and acknowledgement of his eminent services to the Borough and its predecessor, and as an expression of the high esteem in which he was held. |
first mayor dies
.... 62nd Mayor, John Lyndon Morgan, MA, 1983 - 1984 |
1st term - for information see second term 2000-2001 |
.... 63rd Mayor, Anand Gulati LLb, 1984 - 1985 |
Mayor Gulati addressing guests
att the opening of Donyngs in 1985 (picture courtesy Surrey Mirror) Mayor Anand Gulati was known as Ken |
.... 64th Mayor, Kathleen Waters, 1985 - 1986 |
.... 65th Mayor, Robin John Kemp, 1986 - 1987 (2nd term) |
.... 66th Mayor, John McFarlane C.Eng. FI Strct.E., 1987 - 1988 |
In 2002 Mr McFaralane was given a Horley Town Council award as follows: - Mr John McFarlane; in recognition of his selfless service and commitment to the community in countless ways including service on the Management Committee of the Horley Citizens Advice Bureau, President of the Horley Residents '92 Association and Chairman of the Welfare Committee of the Horley Lions. He has also made immense contributions to the success of the Horley Local History Society. |
2012 - Sad News
from the Horley Local History Society It
is with regret that we report the death (7th February
2012). of John McFarlane, for many years a leading member
of our Horley Local History Society. His house became the
"storeroom" of our Society's records. It was
not until he had to move to a Care Home, and the members
of our Society had to take over the custody of our
archives, that we fully realised how much we owed to his
meticulous care - and of the extent of our information! |
.... 67th Mayor, Angela Fraser, 1988 - 89 |
.... 68th Mayor, Erica Dunsmore FCIS, 1989 - 1990 |
6 | |
A Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators, Erica was Chairman of the London Branch in the 1970s and served two years on the Council of the Institute. Throughout her working life she held jobs connected with Company Registration. As an enthusiastic Young Conservative in the 1950s she was the Divisional Y.C. Chairman for over 3 years in the Mitcham and Wallington constituency. She moved to Banstead in 1959 when she married David S.Dunsmore. Elected as a ward councillor in Banstead village in 1961 she held the seat until 1995. She was chairman of Banstead Urban District Council 1972-73 and Mayor of Reigate and Banstead 1989-90. During her 34 years as a Reigate and Banstead Councillor she held all the various Chairmanships in turn. She was honoured in 1996 by being made an honorary Alderman of the Borough of Reigate and Banstead. She and her husband have retired in West Dorset. |
.... 69th Mayor, Norman Smith, 1990 - 1991 |
Norman Smith became a Labour Councillor on the old Reigate Borough Council in 1952, representing Reigate South, and an Alderman before representing Reigate South West on the newly formed Reigate and Banstead Council in 1974. He was elected Mayor in 1990 and made the YMCA his chosen charity, raising £17,000 for its new HQ. In 1995 was awarded a long service merit Norman Smith, Reigate Council's first Labour Mayor, taking the oath of office in May 1990 |
.... 70th Mayor, Allen Kay MIMI, 1991 - 1992 |
Born and educated in the West Riding of Yorkshire, Allen James Kay, here shown with his wife Susanna, moved into the Borough in 1968. His father worked for BUA at Gatwick and his wife also worked there as an air traffic controller. Allen works within the car rental industry and is a member of the Institute of Motor Industry. He has also spent time in the TAVR. He was first elected to the Borough Council in 1979 for Reigate North Central ward. He was proud to be associated with the birth of the Donyngs Recreation Centre, Redhill, during his term as Chair of the Recreation Committee. During his Mayoralty Allen and Susanna were sometimes accompanied by their 4 and 6 year-old daughters Jessica and Rebecca, which was somewhat different for some of the organisations they were invited to visit and for the Mayoral drivers. The best memories Allen has of his Mayoral year are those of the number of people they met who were dedicated to helping others. |
.... 71st Mayor, Edgar Waller, 1992 - 1993 |
Eddie Waller was educated at St Joseph's RC School in Chapel Road, Redhill, from where he won a scholarship to Reigate Grammar School in 1925. He left school in 1931 and was employed in the Custom's Dept. of Zeiss Ikon Ltd in London. In October 1939 he enlisted in the armed services and was in France, the Western Desert and Iraq. Demobilised in 1945 he went to Teacher Training College where he met Mary, his wife, who was also a student there. They were married at Cleethorpes in 1947 and have a son and daughter, both married, and four grandchildren. Eddie taught in Surrey for 29 years. In 1970 he became a Councillor and served on the Council continuously until 1998. Among many of his activities in this role he served on several committees and was Chairman of the Reigate Constituency Labour Party and the Secretary of the Labour Group of Councillors. He was a governor at Pine End GLC School in Reigate and later Chairman of Governors of St John's School, Redhill. He was also a member of Redhill's first Town Centre Committee. In 1984 - 1985 he was Deputy Mayor. In 1992 his wife, Mary, became Mayor, making them the only husband and wife to serve in this capacity in the Borough. With her, Eddie was involved in the early stages of the twinning of the Borough with Brunoy in France and Eschweiler in Germany. Both Eddie and Mary were conferred with the title of Honorary Alderman of the Borough of Reigate and Banstead in 2001. |
.... 72nd Mayor, Norman Spiers, 1993 - 1994 |
.... 73rd Mayor, Diana Bowes, 1994 - 1995 |
Mrs Diana Bowes served as an elected member of the Borough Council from 1983 - 1999, representing the Chipstead-Hooley and Woodmansterne ward. Her charities were The Children's Trust Tadworth and the British Heart Foundation. She also supported voluntary organisations involved with youth work, such as Girl Guiding, Scouting and St John Ambulance. Mrs Bowes had previously been involved in Girl Guiding as a Brownie Guide Leader and as District Commissioner. During her mayoral term her husband, Richard, was her escort. They have three grown-up children and two grandchildren. They have both been very involved with the Borough's Twinning Association and have visited Eschweiler in Germany and Brunoy in France on many occasions. In 1997 Mrs Bowes was elected as Surrey County Councillor for the Banstead South division. At present (June 2004) she is Chairman of the SCC Local Committee for Reigate and Banstead and Chairman of the Health Scrutiny Committee. Picture copyright Iain Howell LMPA, LSWP |
![]() |
A Liberal Democrat, Penelope Horsfall was first elected to the Borough of Reigate and Banstead Council in 1973. Her total years of service were 18 representing both Reigate Central and Reigate South Central wards. She was appointed a magistrate in 1975, a position she still holds in 2004. She was chairman the Planning and Development Committee 1991-94 and Chairman of Contract Services Board 1997-98. Had been a Councillor for 13 years when elected as the Council's first Liberal Democrat Mayor 1995-96. She was proposed by Councillor Graham Norman and seconded by Councillor Muriel Moore. She was a Surrey County Councillor for Reigate Central from 1997-2001. She was conferred as an Honorary Alderman in 2002. In the photo Mayor Horsfall is shown with children of Furzefield School, Merstham. |
.... 75th Mayor, John Chiles, 1996 - 1997 |
76th Mayor, Mrs Mary Waller, 1997 - 1998 |
The daughter of a schoolmaster, Mary Cockerill was born and educated at Cleethorpes. During the war she was employed by the National Assistance Bord and was involved a repertory company in Grimsby. Stage work was something she continued after the war at teacher training college and it was here that she was seen reading Bernard Shaw's 'St Joan' by Eddie Waller who went to the stage door to congratulate her. Three weeks later he asked her to marry him. She came south with Eddie and became a teacher locally. Active in the Labour movement she became a Councillor in 1973 and has a history of successful campaigns for local causes. She became Deputy Mayor in 1991 and Mayoress when Eddie became Mayor in 1992. She became Mayor herself in 1997. |
Mary and Edgar Waller are the only husband and wife to each serve as Mayor. Here they are pictured together in October 1997 at the launch of a new Council funded mediation service for squabbling neighbours. They were both made Honorary Aldermen in 2001 (Picture courtesy Surrey Mirror) |
The death of Mary Waller occurred on 14th September 2009. He funeral was at St Joseph's Church on Friday 25th September 2009. Below are some of the tributes to her. |
.... 77th Mayor, John Henry Prevett, 1998 -1999 |
Mayor and Mrs Prevett's 40th wedding anniversary occurred in April, 1999, during his Mayoralty and they are shown cutting their cake at a celebration with family and friends. (Picture courtesy Surrey Mirror) |
Honorary Alderman and humanitarian John Prevett OBE dies. (From The Redhill and Reigate Life)
.... 78th Mayor, Brian Cowle, 1999 - 2000 |
Elected to the Borough Council in 1983 Cllr Brian Cowell and represented the Nork ward for 8 years. For the next 7 years he represented Banstead Village. A member of most Council committees his special interest was Planning, where he sought to protect Banstead's Green Belt and ensure that new buildings fitted into the village character. A food scientist, Councillor Cowle's wife, Rosemary accompanied him whenever time away from her own Market Research Company permitted her to do so. In the right hand picture the Mayor is at the controls of a machines working at the extension to the Reigate Municipal buildings in September 1999. Picture of Mayor Cowle and his wife, Rosemary, courtesy of the Borough Times. |
.... 79th Mayor, John Lyndon Morgan, 2000 - 2001 (2nd term - 1st term 1983-84) |
A Barrister, he served on Reigate and Banstead Council for some 20 years chairing Council Committees. He is a past President of the Reigate Society and of the the Surrey Mayors Association. At various times he held office as Chair of School Governing Bodies and of a local Choir Trust. 2000-2001 was his second term as Mayor of the Borough. He was made an Honourary Alderman in 2006. The family of his wife, Anne, have lived in the Borough for many years. Picture copyright Lisa Bowerman |
.... 80th Mayor, Councillor Stanley Gates, 2001 - 2002 |
Councillor Stanley Gates was elected to the Council in 1982 representing the Kingswood with Burgh Heath Ward. In his time as a councillor he had always served on the Planning and Development and Highways Committees and was a chairman of both. During WW2 he served with the 14th Army in Burma. His working life as a high voltage transmission engineer took him all over the world. After this he worked for British Rail, maintaining their electrical transmission work. he is married to Maureen and they have lived at Kingswood for thirty years. (Picture Courtesy Reigate and Banstead Council) |
.... 81st Mayor, Councillor Michael Buttery, 2002 - 2003 |
Councillor Buttery graduated from Trinity College, Cambridge, and went into the packaging industry first as an engineer and then as a technical director. He subsequently went into management consultancy, an occupation he returned to after a spell as technical director of a subsidiary of Thorn EMI. He settled at Walton-on-the-Hill in 1975 and became a councillor for Tadworth and Walton in 1998. Many Mayors have adopted a theme for their term of office and in his inaugural speech the new Mayor announced that his theme for the year will be 'personal responsibility'. (Picture courtesy Surrey Mirror) |
.... 82nd Mayor, Councillor Philip Circus 2003 - 2004 |
Barrister and legal consultant Councillor Circus became Mayor in May 2003 after being a councillor in the northern part of the Borough for three years. For the last two of these years he had been a portfolio holder in the Council Executive and for the last year Deputy leader of the Council. Mayor Philip Circus and wife Gaenor |
.... 83rd Mayor, Councillor Marion Brewster 2004 - 2005 |
Reigate and Banstead Borough Councils 83rd Mayor, Councillor Mrs Marion Brewster, used her year in office to promote Prosperity for all. Councillor Mrs Brewster announced her theme for the municipal year when she was elected Mayor at the Annual Council meeting on Thursday 24 June 2004. Her husband Trevor was declared Mayors Escort. In her inaugural speech as Mayor, Cllr Mrs Brewster explained Prosperity for All as: prosperity for the Borough, prosperity for our residents and prosperity for our local businesses. To prosper is to thrive, to flourish and to be successful; this is what we all wish, for all our residents, our schools, our hospitals and all those working so hard, to make the borough a better place, and for our Council. Cllr Mrs Brewster also nominated Macmillan Cancer Relief as her main charity for the year. Macmillan is a national charity which gives help to cancer sufferers and their carers. Cllr Mrs Brewster will also be supporting environmental charity The Woodland Trust, which is dedicated to the protection of native woodland heritage. At the time of her election as Mayor Mrs Brewster has been a Borough Councillor for six years having been elected for Chipstead, Hooley and Woodmansterne Ward in 1998. She had been Chairman of the Finance Committee and then under the new system, Executive Member for Finance for two years. She represented Chipstead Ward on the Planning Committee for six years. Cllr Mrs Brewster is Vice Chairman of the Downlands Project Management Committee, which does much remedial work in the local countryside. She was instrumental in the creation of the footpath through Embershaw. Cllr Mrs Brewster vigorously defends the Green Belt and was a leading light in organising the purchase of Neale's Field for Chipstead 27 years ago. Cllr Mrs Brewster had lived in Chipstead for 35 years, being active in many activities in the village including Playgroup, Resident Association, Village Preservation Society, Women's Institute and supporting her family in the Cricket Club. Cllr Mrs Brewster was born in Dundee and was brought up and educated in Perth. Her Father was a Seed Potato Merchant and Mother a teacher. She attended Perth Academy from 1942 to 1954, when she passed her Scottish Leaving Certificate exams (known to Scots as Highers). An Accountant by profession, Cllr Mrs Brewster trained in Scotland where she was brought up. She served a five year indentured apprenticeship where she spent three years working in Perth with a local firm and the final two years working in Edinburgh. She remained in the accountancy profession all her working life and in 2004 was still practicing within the profession. Cllr Mrs Brewster is married to Trevor, a timber agent by profession, whom she met whilst on holiday. They spent the first seven years in his home county of Essex and moved to Chipstead, in 1969, where they have lived ever since. They have one son, Richard. |
.... 84th Mayor Councillor Frances Dixon 2005 - 2006 |
Reigate and Banstead Borough Councils new Mayor for 2005, Councillor Mrs Frances Dixon, was elected at the Annual Council meeting of Thursday 19 May 2005. Her brother, Frank Boreham, was declared Mayors Escort. Councillor Mrs Natalie Bramhall was elected Deputy Mayor. In her inaugural speech as Mayor, Cllr Mrs Dixon told councillors and members of the public: It is a very great honour, to have the opportunity to serve as Mayor and I shall endeavour to represent Reigate and Banstead Borough Council, and all of the Borough, to the very best of my ability. I am taking as my theme this year the family. I am a great believer in family life with four children and five grandchildren. I believe a good family life brings stability and happiness." At the time of her election Councillor Mrs. Frances Dixon had been a Borough Councillor for 13 years, having been elected for the Preston Ward in 1992. She served on various committees as well as the Planning and the Community Safety and Transport panels. Councillor Mrs. Dixon believes a Councillors best work is at the ward level. She is Chair of the Preston Advisory Group which is overseeing the regeneration of Preston Ward and offers help to the Preston Action Group. Before the management system was changed she was Chair of the Phoenix Youth Club. She enjoyed this work very much, meeting the residents and helping where possible. She also chaired the Banstead Association for Community Support, which helps families in need. She is a founder member of the local Home-Start, which helps families under stress and is a board member of Sure Start which helps and advises young families. Councillor Mrs. Dixon was brought up in Romford, Essex and attended Romford Infant and Junior Mixed School and Brentwood County High School for Girls. From there she went on to work in a barristers chambers and in the Law Courts. She met and married John and had four children. In 1973 John was elected Mayor of Wandsworth and Frances was his Mayoress. When her youngest child was of hand, she trained to be a nursery infant teacher, teaching in Brixton, Mitcham and Croydon. When her husband died in 1990 she began an Open University degree and gained a BSc Honours. Her hobbies, when she has the time, are reading, walking her dog Bonnie and visiting the Harlequin Theatre. The Mayors chosen charity is Breakthrough Breast Cancer. The Mayor has chosen Breakthrough Breast Cancer as her charity because both her daughters in law suffered drom breast cancer. By the end of her term Councillor Dixon raised more than £21,000 for her charity. |
.... 85th Mayor Councillor David Pay 2006 - 2007 |
Councillor David Pay took over the chain of office of Mayor of the Borough of Reigate on May 18th 2006. His wife, Barbara, pictured here with him, will be Mayoress. Councillor Pay was elected to represent Redhill West Ward in 2000. He has been on several committees and has been leader of the Conservative group. His theme for his Mayoral term will be young people and as many as possible will be welcomed to the Town Hall. His chosen charities are The Childrens' Trust and St Catherine's Hospice. (see also 89th Mayor for more information on Councillor David Pay) |
.... 86th Mayor Councillor Mrs Dorothy Ross-Tomlin 2007 - 2008 |
Born in Caithness and educated in Glasgow Councillor Mrs Dorothy Ross-Tomlin took up an administrative post in Local Government working for the Chief Superintendent of the Councillor Mrs Ross-Tomlin ceased trading to devote her time exclusively to politics and community matters and has represented the ward of Salfords and Sidlow since 1991. She has served on most Council committees and was a member of the Borough's Executive from its inception in 1999. She had cabinet responsibility for Leisure Services and latterly for Organisational Development of the Council but stood down to serve as Deputy Mayor 2006-2007, a role she relished. The Mayor enjoys reading and relaxing in the sun at the family's holiday base in southwest France. Theatre and music have also been life-long interests. The Mayor's charities during her term will be The Variety Club Children's Charity, which supports sick, disabled and disadvantaged children across the UK, and Orbit Shed, which has an objective to raise
.... 87th Mayor Councillor Roger Newstead 2008 - 2009 |
Councillor Newstead was born and bred in the Cabridgeshire Fens at Ely. After University and National Service he joined the oil industry in 1961 and worked for four of the world's largest companies. Councillor Roger Newstead and his wife, Mary, have lived in the Borough for 40 years and have been involved in local grass roots politics for most of that time. Councillor Newstead represented the ward of Reigate Hill from 2001 following early retirement. He served on the Planning Committee since joining Reigate and Banstead Council and was a member of the Borough's Executive from 2002 - 2007. Initially he held the Projects and Performances portfolio and then held the Local Economy portfolio from May 2003 - May 2007. |
.... 88th Mayor Councillor Richard Mantle 2009 - 2010 |
Councillor Richard Mantle lives at Woodmansterne and representd the Ward of Chipstead, Hooley and Woodmansterne. He has served on the Planning and Licensing Committees. Apart from his Council duties Richard serves as a Banstead Commons Conservator and is the Deputy Chairman of the Dowlands Project. Richard was born and raised in Herefordshire but moved to this aea about twenty-five years ago. He worked in an accountancy practice in the City until starting his own business locally. He has lived with his family in Wodmansterne for ten years. Richard's interests are history and the countryside. He is a founder member of the Banstead Local history Society. His interest in the countryside has involved him in the planting of a vineyard locally. |
.... 89th Mayor Councillor David Pay 2010 - 2011 (2nd term - 1st term 2006-2007) |
Councillor David Pay has been a councillor for ten years. Since his election he has served each year as a member of the Planning Committee, holding the posituion of vice-chairman for two terms, and more recently as chairman for two terms. he has also been vice-chairman on the Overview and Scrutiny Committee. His interest remains with the natural and built environment and he has served fior ten years with the Surrey Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Partnership, chairing it for two years. Councillor Pay served an apprenticeship with his uncle as a clockmaker with a two year itrruption for national service with the RAF. His work is concentrated on the restoration of 17th-19th century clocks. He is a member of the British Horological Institute and the British Antique Dealers Association. As in his 1st term in 2006 - 7 the Mayor's wife, Barbara, will accompany him. The Mayor's charities this time are Reigate Priory Museum, which has no regular funding, ORBIT shed, whose object is to advance education in the performing arts locally, St Catherine's Hospice and The YMCA Reigate and Redhill. |
.... 90th Mayor Councillor Brian Stead 2011 - 2012 |
Councillor Stead was born in South London. he gained a BSc(ENG) in aeronautical engineering and completed a graduate apprenticeship with Hawker Aircraft at Kingston before joining the Royal Air Force as a pilot on permanent commission. He served all over the world, completing his sixteen year service as a Wing Commander in charge of the first Phantom Reconnaissance Squadron in Germany. During his service he married and had a family. Thirteen moves during his service career were followed by a period of settlement during a second career with the Ministry of Defence where his duties included intelligence gathering, counter espionage and counter terrorism. Councillor Stead has been a Borough Councillor for sixteen years, having first been elected for the Nork ward in 1995. He has been involved on several committees and has been the chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee for the past two years. He has been a school governor for seventeen years and a member of the Nork Residents Association committee for eighteen years. He is also deeply involved in other community activities. He is also a member of Epsom Golf Club, enjoys gardening and his main hobby of genealogy. Recently widowed the new Mayor will be accompanied during his year by one of his two married daughters, sister or sister-in-law. He will use his time to assist the Council, whenever possible, to communicate with the public. He is mindful that that with the Govermnets Localisation Bill it will be difficult for people to exercise their new powers without a clear understanding of the Councils plans, policies and services. |
91st Mayor Councillor Roger Newstead 2012-13 (2nd term) - 1st 2008-2009) |
Reigate Hill Conservative Councillor Roger Newstead, 73, was elected unopposed in May 2012 for a second term. He will be accompanied by his wife and lady mayoress, Mary, who was awarded the MBE for her services to young disabled people. Concillor Newstead said that he believes that history gives guidance to the future and that we should keep traditions alive. We should be proud of our acheivements. The new Mayor's charities will be Combat Stress, whichs helps service veterans withs mental health problems, and The Srrey Care Trust, which helps people improve their future prospects. |
92nd Mayor Councillor Dr Lynne Hack 2013-2014 |
Councillor Dr. Lynne Hack was elected Mayor of the Borough of Reigate and Banstead for the 2013-14 municipal year at the Annual Council Meeting on 23 May 2013. Born in Chipstead she moved to Banstead when she was eleven. Her husband is also local, having been brought up in Tadworth, and is a partner in a firm of chartered surveyors in London. The have one son. With a degree in genetics from Sheffield University Dr Hack was well placed to become involved in the science of micro-biology. At the Imperial Cancer Research she began the cancer related studies. After moving to St Bartholomew's Hospital she carried out four years resulted in a PhD. She was recruited to set up a Diagnostic Molecular Biology unit at the Roayl Marsden Hospital. She has published over sixty papers in the field of cancer genetics and has lectured widely. Councillor Dr Hack was first elected as a borough councillor for Bansted Village ward in 1999. She has served on every council committee and held cabinet portfolios for Personnel, Organisational Development, Housing and Planning. In 2007 she was elected Leader of the Council. Lynne won two awards for the restoration of the first floor of the town hall. The new mayor's nominated charities are Surrey Crimestoppers and the Royal Marsden Cancer Charity. |
Many thanks to those who have
taken the trouble to contribute valuable information. AJM Page created 21st September 2000. Latest updates made September 17th 2010 |
This is one of the pages on Alan Moore's website (retired 2014) To see other pages about Redhill and Reigate local history go to index page. |
last updated 3 July 2013 |