The History of Reigate and Redhill in Surrey
The aim of the Redhill and Reigate History Society is to maintain these pages as a historical record of the places, people, notable events and businesses – pictures and memories from archives and reminicences. Most of these pages are based on Alan Moore's research, writings and the old website
Please note the Old Redhill website for further historical information
Reigate and Redhill – Streets and places
Reigate – streets and buildings from over the last two centuries and beyond
- Bell Street
- Chart Lane
- High Street
- Market Place & Old Town Hall
- The Priory
- Public Houses of Reigate – Past and Present
- Reigate Grammar School – Staff and pupils 1946
- Reigate School of Art and Design in Blackborough Road – by Philip Lasky
- South of the Town
People and Historical Events of Reigate and Redhill
Events and groups from the past
- Mayors of the Reigate and Banstead Borough
- Lady Somerset, Frances Willard and Duxhurst – A Reigate Dynasty and the Temperance Movement
- Eliza Cook and Mill Street – A Victorian poetess
- People of 1887 – Pictures & profiles from Queen Victoria's Jubilee year
- Maltsters, Blacksmiths,Whitesmiths of Redhill and Reigate
- Cartes de visite and Cabernet Cards by local photographers – Victorian photos of people of Redhill and Reigate
- The King George V Jubilee 1935 – Events in Redhill and Reigate
- The Home Guard – The World War 2 local units
- The crash of a Flying Fortress on Reigate Hill in 1945 and the 2002 memorial to its crew
- The Jack Streeter Band – A local dance band playing from the 1920s - 1950s
- The Redhill Town Band
- John Linnell – A Redhill Artist
- Joseph Dakin – A Redhill Artist
- The Borough Police Force – History and archive photos
- The History of the Telephone Service – Redhill, Reigate and surrounding area
- The Photos of Victor Izard – Pictures from the 1950s by a local photographer.
- The Olympic Torch Relay – July 2012 – Redhill and Reigate
- Sir Malcolm and Donald Campbell
Families of Reigate and Redhill
- The Jupp Family of Redhill – A local family from Linkfield Street
- The Pook Family
- The Hull Family – Of The Mount, Pendleton Road, Redhill
- The Jinks Family of Redhill – Connection with St John's School
- The Thorndale Family – Information from Steve Thorndale
- The Shaw Family – Gave its name to Shaws Corner, Redhill
- – Phyllis & Sydney Matthewman & Elinor Brent-Dyer
- The Henderson and Chattington family Also Dawes, James, Cooling, Ronald, Skingley, Wells and Woods
- The Wright Family of Redhill – From Redhill to Jersey
- The Fueggle Family – Of Reigate and Redhill
- The Burtenshaw Family – Coach builders of Reigate
- The King Family – An early connection with Reigate police force
- The Mordan Family at The Stonehouse – A well known Victorian family in Reigate
- The Tanner Family – Jewellers, watch and clockmakers of Station Road, Redhill
- Oakwood House, Redstone Hill – A History by Don Burgess
- The Laker Family of Redhill – The Railway Hotel, Redstone Hill
- The Hill Family
- The Palmer Family of Reigate – Bessie Palmer's postcards
- The Burrage Family of Redhill – A family of writers
- The Trower Family – Farmers, Corn Merchants, Brickmakers and Gentlemen of Wiggie
- The Linter Family – And its business in London Road, Redhill
Redhill – A journey through Redhill's past in words and pictures
- London Road
- The High Street
- Station Road
- Acts appearing at The Market Hall
- Redhill Common
- Foxboro-Yoxall
- Public Houses of Redhill
- The Philanthropic Society – A Redhill Institution
- St John's Church – History and pictures
- St John's School – History and pictures
- St Anne's Story The Royal Asylum of St Anne's, Redhill
- People at St Anne's 1913-18 – St Anne's pupils and staff during World War 1 (Photos from the Perry family album).
- Faraway – Stories of Redhiil objects far from home.
- Hillsbrow School ‐ From the 1920s to the 1990s
- Ivy Burton's Redhill School of Dancing – It's principal and pupils
- A Certain Grave at Redhill Cemetery – a mystery unsolved
- The Origins of Redhill Railway Station – by Peter Manning
- The Roundabout on Earlswood Common
- Oakwood House, Redstone Hill – A History by Don Burgess
- Bowls Clubs of Redhill and Merstham by John Davison
- Croydon, Mersthm & Godstone Iron Railway walk a pdf file from the Walks page
- The Sad Story of Charlie Fuller – A shortlived Reigate trader
- Wartime Schooldays by Raymond Fry – 1938-1945. An account of the war through a boy's eyes
- A Meadvale Boyhood by Jack Moore – 1906-1914 Life as seen before World War 1
- My Life so far – by Charlie Holloway Memories of a good life 1927-
- Twenty-Two Years in the Fire brigade 1939-1961 by Jack Moore – London, Reigate, Redhill, Oxted, Banstead
- Redhill in the Inter-war years by Kathleen Knight – High Street, shops and people 1918-1939
- Redhill Tannery 1934-62 - From Cow Hide to Leather – As told by Mr Sidney Harvey
- Boyhood in Redhill – David Young, Pennsylvania, USA, Living at the White Lion, Linkfield Streeet, 1941-50
- Redhill in the mid-1850s The Recollections of Mr T.R.Hooper – Life more than 150 years ago
- The Reminiscences of Mr and Mrs McMillen – 1855-1908
- Redhill Police Station in the 1960s – by Dave Vigar
- Jimmy Bridger – Redhill and Reigate shopkeeper for more than 50 years
- John Roberts – Redhill shopkeeper for more than 50 years
- The Police Orphanage in London Road – History, pictures, reminiscences
Reminiscences of Local People
Personal Statement
Between the years 2001 and 2014 this website was the product of my interest in the history of the two neighbouring towns of Redhill and Reigate. From the outset it grew steadily to include far more topics than were originally envisaged. While much of the content was from my own collection a considerable quantity of pictures and information was supplied by others and was gratefully received.
The website suffered a problem in 2014 which led to it being taken down. Its reinstatement in 2024 ends a ten-year absence, bringing its pages and the information they contain back to life. Whatever your reason for visiting this site, I hope there is something of interest here – AJM.